Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Black Robe Essay Research Paper My free essay sample

The Black Robe Essay, Research Paper My male parent, the head of our small town, made a trade with the Frenchman, Samuel de Champlain, the head of his people. My male parent accepted pots and axes and nutrient in exchange for taking two Frenchmans to the Huron Indians. One adult male, named Father La Forge, was a priest, we called him Blackrobe because he wore a black robe. The other Frenchman was a immature adult male who wanted to be a priest. He knew our linguistic communication about every bit good as we did. His name was Daniel. This missive is brooding of all that has happened to our people and all people like us. My name is Annuka. My male parent is the Chief of our folk. We are one folk of many in the Algonquin peoples. I hope this missive will assist people to understand the demand for our differences and the credence of all those differences in each and every one of us. It is my hope and desire that we should all happen peace within ourselves and understand our dreams as gifts from our Supreme beings so that we may be openly guided down life # 8217 ; s tracts and obstructions. I will get down my narrative as our journey began to assist the Blackrobe and his friend reach the Huron Indians and the other Blackrobes. We got up early this forenoon to get down our long journey to the Hurons. The trip was really peaceable and long this twenty-four hours. Blackrobe surprised and impressed our people as they worked every bit difficult as we did. Blackrobe and Daniel paddled strongly along side our work forces. But Blackrobe has a batch to larn about the wood. He does non understand that it is our place and we have but to listen and it will talk to us and steer us. It is where we find our nutrient and idolize our Supreme beings. It is where we play and eat. The forest protects us from danger, allowing us know when it is nigh. He has much to larn. The work f orces in our folk do non swear Blackrobe. They feel he is a devil who does non cognize adult females. He is merely half a individual because of that. And why does he pray out loud and round himself? During our trip my male parent keeps holding this dream. He talks to the work forces and so seeks the reading of Mestigoit, the Shaman from the Montagnais Tribe who so travels with us. In his dream a Corvus corax comes and eats out his eyes. He sees the Blackrobe but he is cold and entirely. My male parent sees this beautiful topographic point where he feels as though he will decease. Mestigoit does non like the Blackrobe. He thinks he is the ground my male parent will decease. The Blackrobe is lost and helpless without us. He is vulnerable, yet he is demanding. Daniel and I fall in love but we can non state anyone. We conceal our clip together because we don # 8217 ; t want to disgrace our male parents. But one dark Blackrobe does see us. Then he prays and beats himself. Daniel and he talk. Blackrobe, # 8220 ; Come pray forgiveness to God for our wickednesss! # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I have no wickedness to confess. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I thought you wanted to go a priest? # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I did one time, but non any longer. These people are the true Christians. They live for each other, they forgive each other for things that the Gallic can non. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I am afraid of this country. # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8221 ; They believe that the psyches of work forces hunt the psyche of animate beings. Is it harder to believe that we sit on clouds and expression at God? # 8221 ; My people believe that Balckrobe is of the Satan. He is evil harmonizing to Mestigoit. He wants to kill him before he kills or causes the decease of my male parent. Mestigoit tries to demo my male parent and the others by watching Blackrobe in the wood. Blackrobe took our dead babe and chanted and performed some type of ritual on his brow. The Shaman bel ieves that Blackrobe stole the babe # 8217 ; s psyche. My male parent knew that he was caring for the babe, but it was difficult to cognize for certain. We decided to go forth them behind, even though my male parent was non happy about it. My male parent awards his word and he told Champlain that he would present them to the Hurons. He took axes and nutrient and pots in trade to make that. Daniel would non remain behind. He loved me and wanted to be with me. He was really angry with Blackrobe, you could see it in his face. Daniel followed us to the trail of the high land. We were traveling to our winter place to run elk for nutrient and vesture and shelter. Another ground no 1 trusts Blackrobe is because he took our words and set them on this paper. No 1 could understand what it was. But so once more, nil he did do any sense to my male parent. I think what made him mad was when Blackrobe demanded canoeists for the remainder of his trip. We traveled 1500 stat mis, paddling 12 hours a twenty-four hours. This was adequate. But my male parent made a promise so back we went. We had to pick up Blackrobe before the Indians killed him. Little did we know we were headed into danger and decease ourselves. We left the high land with my brother, myself, my female parent and male parent along with a few of our work forces to acquire Blackrobe. The winter runing land will hold to wait. We were ambushed by a folk of Hurons. There was no flight. I was frozen in clip when I saw my female parent killed where she stood. The arrow went directly through her cervix. All I could make was catch my brother and prevarication over him to protect him. My male parent took an pointer in his side as he put himself over both of us. I watched Blackrobe take my female parent # 8217 ; s spirit. I besides saw Daniel shoot the gun and kill 2 Huron Indians, but we were still captured. They tied us up and made us walk to their small town where we were thrown down a gantlet and beaten. All I could believe about was my male parent now and my brother. I held him shut to me as I watched my male parent, Blackrobe and Daniel be stripped of their apparels as they stand at that place in forepart of all the people. Then Blackrobe was taken and a Huron cut off portion of his finger with a seashell. # 8220 ; Please wear # 8217 ; t ache my male parent or Daniel # 8221 ; , I prayed to my Supreme be ings. Then my male parent began to intone and Blackrobe and Daniel began to sing. Just as I thought it was over they grabbed my brother from my weaponries and in forepart of us all grabbed his hair and cut his caput off. It all happened so fast. I will neer bury his face. It is everlastingly etched into my bosom. We were tied up and taken to a topographic point to kip. A guard watched over us. I knew as my male parent did that we were traveling to decease if we didn # 8217 ; t acquire out of there. I didn # 8217 ; T want my male parent to decease in this topographic point. They would make something horrible to him. They said they would skin off his tegument while he was alive and do him shout. I could non watch this. It was certain that we would all decease so as they slept I took the opportunity and crawled to the guard. He took my progresss and unfastened me. I had to give myself to him to salvage us all. It was difficult thing for me, but nil compares to decease. I saw a big st ick and hit him every bit hard as I could. He passed out and we were able to get away. I did non desire to take Blackrobe. I wanted him to remain behind because he is the cause of all of this. But my male parent said no. My male parent was deceasing and the pointer was still piercing his side. If we took it out it would hold killed him. We traveled along the border of the river for 2 yearss when we put ourselves to set down. Then there it was. My male parent # 8217 ; s vision His dream He knew that he had reached the topographic point that he would decease. We walked with him. As I lay him down he was saddened. He felt he had non been brave in his life. He felt that if he had merely known that this was the twenty-four hours of his decease, he would hold been much braver. He felt he had been every bit greedy as the white adult male, but he was non. He was really courageous and he made us all proud. # 8220 ; I do non wish to woolgather, father. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Without dreams # 8211 ; how do you see the manner in front? You must woolgather, my girl! This universe is a barbarous topographic point but it is the sunshine! # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Go, my girl. The She-Manitou is waiting for you! Before you go # 8211 ; in my dream # 8211 ; the Blackrobe walks alone. # 8221 ; We left my male parent to decease in peace. Blackrobe walked toward my male parent but I did non swear him! # 8220 ; Leave my male parent to decease in peace! Don # 8217 ; t touch him, Don # 8217 ; Ts take his spirit! We must travel now. # 8221 ; We canoed for yearss back to land in the way of the Huron Village. I told Blackrobe what way it was to the Hurons. Daniel didn # 8217 ; t want to go forth him. I told him, # 8220 ; A dream is existent, it must be obeyed. He must travel alone. # 8221 ; Blackrobe told him we had lost everything because of them and Daniel must travel with me. Blackrobe made a funny remark as we walked off. He said, # 8220 ; If dreams are the existent universe # 8211 ; this one is an semblance. No names # 8211 ; be soundless. The dead talk at dark. God bless you both # 8221 ; , and he left. We neer saw him once more. I heard Tell that when he did get at the Huron Village that the Indians had killed one of the blackrobes and the other died shortly after Blackrobe arrived. The decease that was brought by the blackrobes was feared to be a mark from their Gods as if their Gods were the most powerful and were killing our peoples if they did non go baptised and convert. I heard that Blackrobe buried and burned the dead and baptized the remainder of the Hurons. Daniel and I found our topographic point and we were accepted by my people. I don # 8217 ; t understand why people # 8220 ; can # 8217 ; t merely acquire along # 8221 ; ! I don # 8217 ; t understand why people can # 8217 ; t accept each other for their differences. I believe that sometime in the hereafter at that place will come a twenty-four hours when all people will be united as one. I don # 8217 ; t want our kids to turn up in a clip of bias and misinterpretation, but I fear they will. All we can make is do a alteration one individual and one twenty-four hours at a clip. 323

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