Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Inequality From A Sociological Perspective - 1507 Words

Inequality from a Sociological Perspective Social inequality is an important area of study for sociologists. It concerns the privileges of certain sections of communities, and aims to determine how and why societies experience inequality. This is important in addressing issues of inequality and striving towards a society where people do not face discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, class or social groups that they belong to. The study of inequality in sociology originally started with theorists like Karl Marx, who looked at the unequal distribution of wealth in their society. They focused on the way that this inequality affected social status and social change [van Krieken, et al., 2006]. In the current era, studies on†¦show more content†¦Sometimes these unequal statuses lead to serious problems in one’s life in society and in the navigation of the present legal system. This is a particular issue among Indigenous and migrant populations when it comes to crime and deviance from the social ‘norms’ of the country, leading to unfair and unequal rates of imprisonment. According to the Australian Bureau Of Statistics Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners accounted for 27% of the total Australian prisoner population, while the total population of Indigenous Australians over the age of 18 years in 2016 was approximately 2% [ABS, 2017 and 2011]. Here we can see a clear inequality in imprisonment rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples as opposed to the non-Indigenous population of Australia. And here a problem is encountered. Why is it that so many Indigenous peoples are imprisoned? There are several possible answers to this question. One is that Indigenous people are being discriminated against due to systematic racism, and thus being imprisoned for crimes they didn’t commit, or being imprisoned more for crimes that non-indigenous people aren’t. Another is that Indigenous people are simply committing more crimes than non-indigenous peoples. If this is indeed the case, one must ask why this is. Why is such a comparatively small part of our population committing more crimes than the rest? Van Krieken,Show MoreRelatedEssay on what is the sociological perspective (imagination)691 Words   |  3 PagesQuestion 1: What is the sociological perspective? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is the nature of the social sciences? This is the question that began the study of society, first performed by C. Wright Mills in his development of the idea of the sociological imagination. There are many different aspects to the sociological perspective. 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