Thursday, May 28, 2020

Information System Project Design for Georges Company - 1100 Words

Information System Project Design for Georges Company (Term Paper Sample) Content: Information System Project Design for Georges CompanyStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Institution:General Project OverviewInterests in cloud-based analytics among small- sized and mid-sized businesses are on the rise. More data, both unstructured and structured are becoming available to medium-sized Companies from the new vendors. A well-designed business cloud-based solution can assist Companies predict their customer needs, and also to catch up with the rapidly changing market conditions, create strategies, or mitigate financial risks, or create pricing strategies.A cloud-based solution normally consists of three components: expertise, business analytics, a credible cloud hosting provider, and a tool designed purposely for small to medium-sized business enterprises. The business analytics is the core component of a cloud-based solution. Analytics enables the business firms to comprehensively understand the factors affecting the performance of their businesses. This will help them make sound business decisions. Cloud Hosting is normally provided through the service provider. The main objective of this project design is to establish a cloud-based analytics system for Georges Company. This project is going to look at the strategies and procedures on how to fully achieve a complete cloud-based analytic system. This will enable the Company to fully realize its potential. The diagram shown in the appendix shows a layout of the system.Georges Company deals with data collection, recording, processing and analysis for future reporting. The firm has been operational for five years. Additionally, the Company has been in pursuit of creating more advanced methods for data processing and analysis. This design project goes through various scopes, where it tackles a number of fields and expansively explains how the steps and strategies can improve the company and later become a successful Company.BackgroundBusiness is one of the most rapidly changing fields in terms of technology. Although cloud-based analytic technology has been in use for several years, the service has not been understood by many small business firms. The businesses have always viewed the implementation maintenance, development, and use of cloud-based analytic as cumbersome. The level of application software complexities, the required system hardware, and the cost per user means that the only some large-market medium-sized businesses could benefit from the available product. The following are the reasons for this: * Buying prices for the cloud computing tools. * Till now, the buying prices for analytic tools are still expensive and unreachable. * Buying prices for the required product infrastructure. * The need for experienced IT personnel in-house:In order to remain in phase with the rapid technological changes, most business enterprises have to adopt the use of the latest cloud- based analytic technologies. Any business enterprise has an aggressive development ambitio n and for them to achieve these ambitions, the business top management entrust the marketing teams with the responsibility of demonstrating a tangible and fast Return On Investment (ROI). Despite the procedure followed by the marketing personnel, the data management will still remain key concern. The transformation of a business environment is as a result of ever-changing internet application, the latest being the cloud-based analytics In view of this, the rationale for this project mainly about data processing and analysis.The combination of Business Analytics tools and Cloud services focused on small-sized and medium-sized businesses is a rapidly changing trend that will help the businesses to gauge their development. The Products such as IBM's Cognos Express makes the installation of Cloud-based analytics easier and achievable. The advent of the cloud technology as a feasible solution for Business Enterprise Analytics has resulted into the following: * Timeliness: Reports and d ashboards can be formed within a very short time. * There is no need for infrastructure build-out: No new system hardware to buy and install. There are no additional costs for the existing infrastructure. * No need for new resources: Business Analytics in the cloud is a complex process. Therefore, the service providers do the system installation, configurations, and implementation, as well as training the end users. Advanced reporter developer and power user are also available. * Financial Advantages: In cloud-based analytics, there is usually a very short contract or commitments. Long term commitments may result in the business incurring extra costs. Therefore, Cloud-based Analytic solution comes with significant savings. Most of the installation costs can be transferred to operational costs. Cloud-based Analytics solution is normally cost-effective.Georges Company is a relatively small Company with thirty employees. Six of the employees are assigned to work in the Companyà ¢Ã¢â€ š ¬s IT department. The firm normally provides electronic- commerce operators with the processed and analyzed data. The Department of e-commerce then uses this information to better understand the needs of their online clients, such as what they require, the search engine optimization they like most, their most preferred social media platform and how frequent they visit the social media.This provides an insight about the clientsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ prospects, and what exactly the customers want. With a clear data analysis, The Company can improve its performance. Georges Company provides solutions for the following internet- based services: recent visitorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ maps, usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ profiles, trend analysis and web stats, traffic trend analysis and the Google page rank tracking.Project ScopeThe scope of this design project covers several areas, which will help with the strategies resulting in future Companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s success. Cloud-based analytics consists of two main areas: to ols and expertise. Cloud-based business Analytics is a complex and an expensive undertaking. As a result, small-scale businesses may not afford the technology. In order to solve this problem, the small scale firms are advised to outsource so as to reduce on the maintenance costs. With outsourcing, businesses realize profit by implementing Web-based Analytic in a cost effective wayThe Georges Company has identified Japan as a country where it will be outsourcing its services in its expansion plan. This is because Japan is kno...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay about The Social Security Program - 1401 Words

Introduction Social Security provides for the needs of a country’s citizens when they are no longer able to provide for themselves through gainful employment, is an issue that evokes multiple viewpoints. Before laying the framework of the argument for meaningful change to social security program, the program itself must be defined. The Social Security Program is based on the premise during your productive working years you pay a percentage of your income as a tax into the social security system, at some point in the future either by retirement or disability you or your beneficiaries (dependents, children, or survivors) receive monthly benefits; based on your reported earnings (United States Government, 2014). As actuaries, policy makers,†¦show more content†¦The OASI Trustees’ 2012 report estimates that an additional 1.75% of payroll tax would fund the current and future generations’ benefits at the current level (The Board of Trustees, 2012). The report further stat es that a reduction in benefits for future generations, not past or current generations must also come into effect (The Board of Trustees, 2012). The report however highlights that an optional additional level of pay in should be created, allowing persons of future generations who would like to maintain the current benefit level to do so (The Board of Trustees, 2012). The final step to making social security structurally viable is the restructuring of its debt; to past generations by allocating 2% of current payments towards it exclusively (Gokhale, 2013). With these changes past, current, and future generations can continue to benefit from social security, while the program stay’s true to its core values of providing persons with the minimum level of income, when they are no longer capable of working due to their age. The final structural change that will improve the viability of social security is raising the age requirement to receive the full benefits of social security. The obvious effects of lifting the age requirements is the number of payments to individuals is reduced, the number of personsShow MoreRelatedThe Social Security Program of USA1175 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is the specific policy or program? When was it established? How does it serve older adults? (You can answer this last question in a few sentences.) For example, the program could fund long-term care, social services, or provide income support.) This does not have to be the longest section. Social security program is a retirement program for Americans aged 65 years and over. This consists of 92% of the entire American populace. Other beneficiaries of the program include the disabled, unemployedRead MoreThe Future Of The Social Security Program1681 Words   |  7 Pageswill discuss the presently debated topic of the future of the Social Security program. I will do this by providing information on the history of the program, exploring the current standing of the program and its related uncertainty, and discussing the future of the program. The purpose of this report is to fulfill the business report assignment requirements by exploring the future of Social Security and what events have brought the program to where it is now. The problem with this issue is that dueRead MoreSocial Security Benefit Program Implementation1276 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Security Benefit Program Implementation Introduction A social security benefit is a program that aims at helping the workers save money for the future and enjoy medical attention both while working and when they will have retired and are unable to work. The employees of any company or the government have the role in investing their future today so as not to suffer in the future when they will not be working (Smith Couch, 2014). This write-up will develop a proposal for the implementationRead MoreSocial Security : A Federal Insurance Program1507 Words   |  7 Pages Social Security Argumentation Essay Social security is a federal insurance program that provides benefits to retired people and those who are unemployed or disabled. Social security is, in other words, earned benefit with dedicated funding from payroll contributions paid by workers and their employers, known as the FICA tax. Generally, to be covered a worker must have worked for long enough; recently enough, and earned enough to have sufficient FICA credits, typically about 10 years. Benefits areRead MoreSocial Security And Health Insurance Program882 Words   |  4 Pagesmedical insurance program for which enrollees pay a monthly premium. Part B can be used to pay for physician, outpatient hospital, home health, and other services for the aged and disabled. Although it was considered during the 1930’s as a part of president Roosevelt new deal. It was believed that the inclusion of the plan could jeopardize the success of social security and hence was not added at that time. President Truman officially initiat ed the talks on national health insurance program, but LBJ finallyRead MoreProgram Analysis : Social Security Funding977 Words   |  4 PagesProgram Analysis: Social Security Funding The United States of America is one of the most diverse places in the world. We all share different cultures, beliefs, and problems; nevertheless, economic security is a universal, human problem that each society has had to encounter in some way. The term â€Å"social security† was introduced to the United States in 1935, during the Great Depression, when the Social Security Act was passed. Social security has created about 16 social welfare programs over theRead MoreSocial Security Is The Most Popular Government Program987 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Is Social Security? Social Security is the most popular government program and touches the life of every worker in America, but most people know little or nothing about how it operates. The following discussion explains what Social Security is and how it operates. Social Security s Major Programs. While most discussions focus only on Social Security s retirement program, Social Security actually consists of three major programs, all of which are administered by the Social Security AdministrationRead MoreRetirement Benefits And Benefits Of The Social Security Program1469 Words   |  6 PagesPensions are company-sponsored funds aimed to provide a firm’s employees income after retirement but are not offered by all employers. With the uncertainty of the future of the Social Security program in the United States and its inadequate benefits for many, a lot of people find themselves having to rely on their own savings to prepare for income beyond retirement through savings and retirement accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs. In order to lessen the burden of finding their own source of post-retirementRead MoreThe Great Depression Was The Catalyst For The Social Security Program Essay1633 Words   |  7 Pagesin Austin, Texas, President Franklin D. Roosevelt inked his signature on the Social Security Act. It was originally implemented to resolve problems with unemployment, old age insurance, and public health and welfare. The Great Depression was the catalyst for the creation of the Social Security program, and the basic structure was very similar to Germany’s social insurance programs from the 1880s. Today, social security is mostly used for retired senior citizens starting at the age of 62. At 62, AmericanRead MoreThe Social Security System Is The Most Successful Government Social Insurance Program1346 Words   |  6 PagesThe Social Security system is perhaps the most successful government social insurance program in the nation s history; and began with the Social Security Act in 1935. Social Security is a needed federal system that encourages income stability to millions of people across the United States. This is accomplished by giving a stable flow of income to replenish lost wages that occur as a result of disability, retirement, or death of a family member. There are about 59 million people in the U.S. that

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice Introduction The three versions of the Merchant of Venice which I have watched are: 1. Channel 4 television version for their Schools Broadcasting Programmes 2. Trevor Nunns version 3. National Theatre Company version directed by Jonathan Miller and starring Laurence Olivier as Shylock Act IV scene 1 is an intense scene in the play where we see many of the plays main themes such as justice and mercy, money and status, revenge, loyalty, love and prejudice and tolerance. Shakespeare presents a harsh character in Shylock the Jew, but the fact that he also gives him the chance to speak more than any other European playwright†¦show more content†¦This would suggest that Shakespeare is using Shylock as more than a symbol of Jewishness. In this piece of coursework I will be examining mainly how sympathetic or unsympathetic the various versions seem to be and how each Director has succeeded in making the character of Shylock worthy of Shakespeares realism. Jews were traditionally viewed as outsiders and were not citizens. Christians as far back as the 11th century could not lend money without interest and many Jews earned a living from this profession as they could not join the artisan guilds. As they became their own debt collectors they soon became the target of resentment. A myth was born; with which Shakespeares audience would have been familiar, of ritual murder or blood libel that Jews would kill adult Christians. It is to this myth to which Shakespeare seems to allude in the pound of flesh incident in this scene. Shakespeare is original in showing us the extent to which Shylock is oppressed by Christians surrounding him and it is through this that Shakespeare succeeds in drawing out sympathy from his audience. Analysis of Act IV scene 1 In the text of Act IV scene 1 before we meet Shylock he is described as a stony adversary, an inhuman wretch, incapable of pity, void and empty from any dram of mercy. Antonio describes Shylocks spirit as being full of tyranny and rage. When Shylock entersShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Merchant of Venice2271 Words   |  10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Merchant of Venice In many ways, shylock is a more difficult character for a modern audience than for an Elizabethan audience. With close reference to Act 1 scene 3, Act 3 scene 1 and Act 4 scene 1 show how an actor might reveal the human being behind the stereotype. The merchant of Venice is a play written in Elizabethan times by William Shakespeare. The play is set in Elizabethan Venice. The play starts with Antonio, a rich merchant, who isRead More Responsibilities in William Shakespeares Merchant of Venice1212 Words   |  5 PagesResponsibilities in William Shakespeares Merchant of Venice The small and seemingly insignificant details in a story often hold together an entire theme of the work. This phenomenon is recognizable in the plays of William Shakespeare, as a speech or incident with a minor character can point the audience to a much larger truth about the work as a whole. The Merchant of Venice contains such a minor character, Lancelot, whose story gives a clue to the reader about the roles of the other charactersRead More Homosexuality in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1474 Words   |  6 PagesHomosexuality in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice With every great story line comes a theme. William Shakespeare created an art of intertwining often unrecognizable themes within his plays. In Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice, one hidden theme is the idea of homosexuality. This theme might not have even been noticed until modern Shakespeare fans discovered them. According to Alan Bray’s book, Homosexuality in Renaissance England, â€Å"the modern image of ‘the homosexual’Read MoreShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1694 Words   |  7 PagesShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice Introduction One of the most interesting and dramatic characters in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is the rich, despised money-lending Jew Shylock. It is impossible to judge Shylock’s character by our own modern Standards, simple because Shakespeare wrote this play for play goers in Elizabethan times. This was very different to modern times for two reasons. Firstly, people watching the play would not find itRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice Essay1262 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare features, Shylock a very controversial character due to his religion, profession and personal traits. Professionally Shylock lends money to people in debt, in order to gain interest and profit. Although, this is very much central to our modern way of life, in the Elizabethan period, money lending was not accepted as an acceptable profession. Throughout The Merchant of VeniceRead MoreShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1401 Words   |  6 PagesShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice The play begins in Venice where the wealthy merchant Antonio is talking to his young friends about the reasons for the depression. Antonio claims not to understand himself his sad nature. Bassanio arrives with the news that he wishes to court a wealthy, beautiful heiress named Portia. In order to present himself to Portia he wants to borrow 3000 ducats. Bassanio is in terrible debt and he sees marriage to PortiaRead MoreShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1385 Words   |  6 PagesShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice Through time there have been many successful individuals in literature writers, poets, and play writers. But many would argue that one individuals work and character has stood out from the rest and this special illustrious person being William Shakespeare. In the many dramatic pieces of theatrical production written and the diverse individuality he ahs been able to write about many characters created through greatRead MoreRelationships in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice3131 Words   |  13 PagesRelationships in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeares most popular plays and Act 1 Scene 3 is a key scene. There are three characters involved in the scene and these are: Antonio, Bassanio and Shylock. Shakespeare portrays their characters effectively as well as the contrasting relationships between them. He uses various themes, his language and style and the plot of the bond to achieve this. Before I lookRead MoreShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice I am a Jew a famous saying from Shylock in Merchant of Venice that clarifies the merchant brotherhood of a wealthy city. Merchant of Venice contains rascals and heroes. The audiences will soon realise that Shylock, the Jewish money lender, is shown as a villain within the wealthy city. Is this really what Shakespeare had intended? This testimony given proposes that Shylock is more of a deceitful character Read More Mens Control in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1437 Words   |  6 PagesControl in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, the scene opens to reveal a society controlled by men. Men, who live in the foreground of Venetian society, wield their power in business, government, and family life. In the background, women conduct their lives quietly. They are subservient to their husbands and fathers and are regarded as helpless and in need of male guidance in areas of decision making. Though in Shakespeare’s time such a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Inequality From A Sociological Perspective - 1507 Words

Inequality from a Sociological Perspective Social inequality is an important area of study for sociologists. It concerns the privileges of certain sections of communities, and aims to determine how and why societies experience inequality. This is important in addressing issues of inequality and striving towards a society where people do not face discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, class or social groups that they belong to. The study of inequality in sociology originally started with theorists like Karl Marx, who looked at the unequal distribution of wealth in their society. They focused on the way that this inequality affected social status and social change [van Krieken, et al., 2006]. In the current era, studies on†¦show more content†¦Sometimes these unequal statuses lead to serious problems in one’s life in society and in the navigation of the present legal system. This is a particular issue among Indigenous and migrant populations when it comes to crime and deviance from the social ‘norms’ of the country, leading to unfair and unequal rates of imprisonment. According to the Australian Bureau Of Statistics Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners accounted for 27% of the total Australian prisoner population, while the total population of Indigenous Australians over the age of 18 years in 2016 was approximately 2% [ABS, 2017 and 2011]. Here we can see a clear inequality in imprisonment rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples as opposed to the non-Indigenous population of Australia. And here a problem is encountered. Why is it that so many Indigenous peoples are imprisoned? There are several possible answers to this question. One is that Indigenous people are being discriminated against due to systematic racism, and thus being imprisoned for crimes they didn’t commit, or being imprisoned more for crimes that non-indigenous people aren’t. Another is that Indigenous people are simply committing more crimes than non-indigenous peoples. If this is indeed the case, one must ask why this is. Why is such a comparatively small part of our population committing more crimes than the rest? Van Krieken,Show MoreRelatedEssay on what is the sociological perspective (imagination)691 Words   |  3 PagesQuestion 1: What is the sociological perspective? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is the nature of the social sciences? This is the question that began the study of society, first performed by C. Wright Mills in his development of the idea of the sociological imagination. There are many different aspects to the sociological perspective. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines perspective as â€Å"the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance†Read MoreDorothy Smith s Approach Challenges Sociological Theory949 Words   |  4 Pages Dorothy Smith’s approach challenges Sociological Theory and the way it has been constructed. She offered a framework to close the gap between the objective knowledge and the personal experiences that people encounters in everyday life. Most importantly, Smith challenges one of the most traditional sociological discourses of male dominance through the use of concepts, theologies, and textual concepts that confines human behavior. Her framework known as institutional e thnography constitutes thatRead MoreSociological Perspectives On The Sociological Perspective1178 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sociological Perspective is a behavior that connects one with society. As written in the textbook Society the Basics, sociological perspective is also defined as â€Å"seeing the general in the particular† (Berger, 1963). A major part of being a sociologist is finding patterns in everyday life. As an ordinary person, finding patterns is almost a natural instinct. Every individual falls into a category, whether how unique they claim to be. Individuals can be categorized by race, class, sexual orientationRead MoreThe Sociological Perceptions Of Health And Illness1552 Words   |  7 Pagesthe sociological perceptions of health and illness. This essay also discusses about the various patterns of health inequality within society, and to evaluate the different perspective and views of health within our society. It will also provide a brief analysis of two dif ferent starts to the study of health and illness. This essay will then move on to examine different health pattern which are gender, ethnicity and class. Health has always been the dominant factor of the society. Sociological investigationRead MoreSociological Perspective On Health And The Health Care Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesSociological Perspective on Health and the Health Care Overview The â€Å"Sociological Perspective on Health and the Health Care† introduced perspectives about social structure, and social relations. The readers learn the sociological theory and the main misconceptions related to health care, and their policies. It provides an explanation of the production and the distribution of health care services. Firstly, structural functionalism focuses on individuals and groups in society and how it maintainsRead MoreSociology Is The Systematic Study Of Human Society1157 Words   |  5 Pagesis everywhere and in everything we experience, with certain differences between cultures, norms, and values. It allows us to understand how larger social forces influence us personally. We learn all of this, starting with a sociological perspective. A sociological perspective is â€Å"seeing the general in the particular† and â€Å"seeing the strange in the familiar† (Macionis). Supporting the fact that everyone is their own individual self, and unique at that, there are certain categories in which peopleRead More The Examination of the Residential School System in Canada Essay932 Words   |  4 PagesEducation and schooling differ in all societies, varying based on the methods of teaching of different cultural groups. For instance, Canadian Aboriginal people were taught based on the needs of their individual families and class. This greatly differed from the European system of education, which stressed adequate involvement with all of society. Though the Aboriginal manner of education was efficient and effective, the Europeans wanted to bring a change to their previous practices. As seen in the filmRead MoreThemes Of Immigration Issues937 Words   |  4 Pagestheme, the books says that â€Å"Inequality is wov en into basic social structures and institutions, and this inequality contributes to social problems† When someone in power or and a high social status like our president has a negative view or pushes their own agenda a lot of people will follow. These problems affect me directly as I was born in Mexico, hearing Trump say harsh and untrue things hits directly home. At the same time the fourth theme gives us a new perspective. Although many may see immigrationRead MoreScociological1136 Words   |  5 PagesMajor Sociological Paradigms There are three sociological perspectives that shape the structure of society as a whole. Functionalist perspective, symbolic interactionism and conflict theory. Sociologists develop these theories to explain social phenomena. In this essay I will explain the origins and evolution of the three main sociological perspectives and listing the sociologists that made major contributions to these disciplines. â€Å"The functionalist perspective is a sociological approachRead MoreThe Core Concepts Of Sociology1578 Words   |  7 PagesThe core concepts of sociology are a combination of original theories with improved sociological approaches that build upon them over time. Sociology utilizes three main theories to approach the study of society with different focus points that result in different outcomes. Furthermore, as stated by Robert Faris and William Form from britannica â€Å"The early schools of thought each presented a systematic formulation of sociology that implied possession of exclusive truth and that involved a conviction

The Importance Of Corruption In Iraq - 836 Words

The lack of anti-corruption agencies and a strong legislature thwarted Russian capitalization, and Iraq must avoid both mistakes in order to create a strong, free-market democracy. Russia’s failure to develop institutions against corruption resulted in a crooked electoral system, which weakened the democracy that was being introduced. By centralizing the power in the executive branch, Russia failed to give adequate power and representation to its regional governments, which obstructed democratization and the free market. Iraq’s embryo democracy ought to learn from these two negative lessons to avoid economic collapse, and create adequate regional representation, legislative power, and anti-corruption organizations. Anti-corruption†¦show more content†¦Since capitalism and democracy are literally by the people, the government must work closely with the people. One of Russia’s great mistakes happened when Yeltsin attempted to force capitalism upon the Russ ian people in the January of 1992. Instead of working alongside the people to create capitalism, Yeltsin used Gaidar’s price liberalization policy known as â€Å"shock therapy† (McCauley 1998, 59). Today, executive power recentralizes. Putin has used military power to establish central control in the executive branch which has given him control over defense, internal affairs, and security. (Chubarov 2001, 259). There is no strong government representing the people that has the power to change the current status. If a strong parliamentary branch of government is formed with power over the president, democracies can more fully represent and work with the people, matching their interests. Regional governments support capitalism more than a strong centralized President. Authoritarian regimes and capitalism don’t mix well, and Russia is the prime example for this. If democracy in Iraq is to succeed, institutions must be made to fight corruption and protect the very things that corruption threatens. Russia’s neglect to fight corruption basically cancelled out the whole purpose of elections. Iraq, with its developing democracy must give parties and candidates equal opportunity in elections through strong institutions protectingShow MoreRelatedEssay about Jarhead: An Instrumental Film in American War Culture 1134 Words   |  5 Pagesinto the corruption and lies that are â€Å"war†. This insight ultimately helps the audience analyze the text deeper and enables them to draw the similarities in current events and dissect what they hear and see throughout the film. The mentality is a solider is addressed throughout the movie. â€Å"This is my rifle. There were many like it but this one is mine. Without my rifle, I am nothing. Without me, my rifle is nothing†. 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Many people believe in the teachings of Rousseau, while others believe in the teachings of Locke. The necessity for authority will always be of utmost importance to people. The ‘authority’ in a democracy comes from the will of the people for a purpose of the common good with an established procedure that allows for elections (George). If the normative and utopian logic of democracy was able to be fulfilledRead MoreVisual Arts : The Most Accessible Politically Charged Art Form For United States Citizens1642 Words   |  7 Pagesaudience realizes how politics play a role in orchestrating corruption in the country. This is emphasized through how the career of a young, ho nest and idealistic Jefferson Smith was destroyed politically due to his innocence and integrity. The film portrays corruption in politics when Taylor asked Governor Paine to appoint someone they could easily control and who would not ask questions in case they plan to steal from the public. Corruption is well manifested to viewers when Taylor acquired publicRead MoreOil And Natural Gas : A Source Of Strategic Power956 Words   |  4 Pagesregarded as â€Å"a stupendous source of strategic power† by a State Department memo since 1945 (â€Å"Film Review,† 2009). Currently, five countries in the Middle East own 75% of world’s oil reserves. However, when tracing back the history of oil, geo-strategic importance of oil in the Middle East was not clear until World War I and not developed in a big way until post-WWII. Before depending on importing oil from the Middle East, the U.S. used to be the largest petroleum producer in the world. In order to competingRead MoreThe Importance Of Journalism And Photography955 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation through photogra phs. She is a war photographer, where she traveled to the Middle East during the time of the Arab Spring to photograph and document the war. Through her lenses she captured the innocent lives of bystanders in the streets of Iraq getting killed, to the pictures of the U.S army getting bombed at. The pictures are shared with the public back home to inform and send a message of what is going on in that particular country. Pictures like these are able to spark conversations betweenRead MoreDemocracy in Afghanistan1662 Words   |  7 Pages progress could be lost. This could not be more evident than it was in Iraq. President Bush warned of the consequences of withdrawing troops from Iraq to early. He explained how doing so would surrender Iraq to Al Qaeda, give them a safe haven in the country, result in mass killings, lead to a more dangerous enemy, and give the terrorists the vast oil supplies in the country. President Obama did withdraw the troops from Iraq and everything Bush warned of became a reality. Now president Obama has

The Black Robe Essay Research Paper My free essay sample

The Black Robe Essay, Research Paper My male parent, the head of our small town, made a trade with the Frenchman, Samuel de Champlain, the head of his people. My male parent accepted pots and axes and nutrient in exchange for taking two Frenchmans to the Huron Indians. One adult male, named Father La Forge, was a priest, we called him Blackrobe because he wore a black robe. The other Frenchman was a immature adult male who wanted to be a priest. He knew our linguistic communication about every bit good as we did. His name was Daniel. This missive is brooding of all that has happened to our people and all people like us. My name is Annuka. My male parent is the Chief of our folk. We are one folk of many in the Algonquin peoples. I hope this missive will assist people to understand the demand for our differences and the credence of all those differences in each and every one of us. It is my hope and desire that we should all happen peace within ourselves and understand our dreams as gifts from our Supreme beings so that we may be openly guided down life # 8217 ; s tracts and obstructions. I will get down my narrative as our journey began to assist the Blackrobe and his friend reach the Huron Indians and the other Blackrobes. We got up early this forenoon to get down our long journey to the Hurons. The trip was really peaceable and long this twenty-four hours. Blackrobe surprised and impressed our people as they worked every bit difficult as we did. Blackrobe and Daniel paddled strongly along side our work forces. But Blackrobe has a batch to larn about the wood. He does non understand that it is our place and we have but to listen and it will talk to us and steer us. It is where we find our nutrient and idolize our Supreme beings. It is where we play and eat. The forest protects us from danger, allowing us know when it is nigh. He has much to larn. The work f orces in our folk do non swear Blackrobe. They feel he is a devil who does non cognize adult females. He is merely half a individual because of that. And why does he pray out loud and round himself? During our trip my male parent keeps holding this dream. He talks to the work forces and so seeks the reading of Mestigoit, the Shaman from the Montagnais Tribe who so travels with us. In his dream a Corvus corax comes and eats out his eyes. He sees the Blackrobe but he is cold and entirely. My male parent sees this beautiful topographic point where he feels as though he will decease. Mestigoit does non like the Blackrobe. He thinks he is the ground my male parent will decease. The Blackrobe is lost and helpless without us. He is vulnerable, yet he is demanding. Daniel and I fall in love but we can non state anyone. We conceal our clip together because we don # 8217 ; t want to disgrace our male parents. But one dark Blackrobe does see us. Then he prays and beats himself. Daniel and he talk. Blackrobe, # 8220 ; Come pray forgiveness to God for our wickednesss! # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I have no wickedness to confess. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I thought you wanted to go a priest? # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I did one time, but non any longer. These people are the true Christians. They live for each other, they forgive each other for things that the Gallic can non. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I am afraid of this country. # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8221 ; They believe that the psyches of work forces hunt the psyche of animate beings. Is it harder to believe that we sit on clouds and expression at God? # 8221 ; My people believe that Balckrobe is of the Satan. He is evil harmonizing to Mestigoit. He wants to kill him before he kills or causes the decease of my male parent. Mestigoit tries to demo my male parent and the others by watching Blackrobe in the wood. Blackrobe took our dead babe and chanted and performed some type of ritual on his brow. The Shaman bel ieves that Blackrobe stole the babe # 8217 ; s psyche. My male parent knew that he was caring for the babe, but it was difficult to cognize for certain. We decided to go forth them behind, even though my male parent was non happy about it. My male parent awards his word and he told Champlain that he would present them to the Hurons. He took axes and nutrient and pots in trade to make that. Daniel would non remain behind. He loved me and wanted to be with me. He was really angry with Blackrobe, you could see it in his face. Daniel followed us to the trail of the high land. We were traveling to our winter place to run elk for nutrient and vesture and shelter. Another ground no 1 trusts Blackrobe is because he took our words and set them on this paper. No 1 could understand what it was. But so once more, nil he did do any sense to my male parent. I think what made him mad was when Blackrobe demanded canoeists for the remainder of his trip. We traveled 1500 stat mis, paddling 12 hours a twenty-four hours. This was adequate. But my male parent made a promise so back we went. We had to pick up Blackrobe before the Indians killed him. Little did we know we were headed into danger and decease ourselves. We left the high land with my brother, myself, my female parent and male parent along with a few of our work forces to acquire Blackrobe. The winter runing land will hold to wait. We were ambushed by a folk of Hurons. There was no flight. I was frozen in clip when I saw my female parent killed where she stood. The arrow went directly through her cervix. All I could make was catch my brother and prevarication over him to protect him. My male parent took an pointer in his side as he put himself over both of us. I watched Blackrobe take my female parent # 8217 ; s spirit. I besides saw Daniel shoot the gun and kill 2 Huron Indians, but we were still captured. They tied us up and made us walk to their small town where we were thrown down a gantlet and beaten. All I could believe about was my male parent now and my brother. I held him shut to me as I watched my male parent, Blackrobe and Daniel be stripped of their apparels as they stand at that place in forepart of all the people. Then Blackrobe was taken and a Huron cut off portion of his finger with a seashell. # 8220 ; Please wear # 8217 ; t ache my male parent or Daniel # 8221 ; , I prayed to my Supreme be ings. Then my male parent began to intone and Blackrobe and Daniel began to sing. Just as I thought it was over they grabbed my brother from my weaponries and in forepart of us all grabbed his hair and cut his caput off. It all happened so fast. I will neer bury his face. It is everlastingly etched into my bosom. We were tied up and taken to a topographic point to kip. A guard watched over us. I knew as my male parent did that we were traveling to decease if we didn # 8217 ; t acquire out of there. I didn # 8217 ; T want my male parent to decease in this topographic point. They would make something horrible to him. They said they would skin off his tegument while he was alive and do him shout. I could non watch this. It was certain that we would all decease so as they slept I took the opportunity and crawled to the guard. He took my progresss and unfastened me. I had to give myself to him to salvage us all. It was difficult thing for me, but nil compares to decease. I saw a big st ick and hit him every bit hard as I could. He passed out and we were able to get away. I did non desire to take Blackrobe. I wanted him to remain behind because he is the cause of all of this. But my male parent said no. My male parent was deceasing and the pointer was still piercing his side. If we took it out it would hold killed him. We traveled along the border of the river for 2 yearss when we put ourselves to set down. Then there it was. My male parent # 8217 ; s vision His dream He knew that he had reached the topographic point that he would decease. We walked with him. As I lay him down he was saddened. He felt he had non been brave in his life. He felt that if he had merely known that this was the twenty-four hours of his decease, he would hold been much braver. He felt he had been every bit greedy as the white adult male, but he was non. He was really courageous and he made us all proud. # 8220 ; I do non wish to woolgather, father. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Without dreams # 8211 ; how do you see the manner in front? You must woolgather, my girl! This universe is a barbarous topographic point but it is the sunshine! # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Go, my girl. The She-Manitou is waiting for you! Before you go # 8211 ; in my dream # 8211 ; the Blackrobe walks alone. # 8221 ; We left my male parent to decease in peace. Blackrobe walked toward my male parent but I did non swear him! # 8220 ; Leave my male parent to decease in peace! Don # 8217 ; t touch him, Don # 8217 ; Ts take his spirit! We must travel now. # 8221 ; We canoed for yearss back to land in the way of the Huron Village. I told Blackrobe what way it was to the Hurons. Daniel didn # 8217 ; t want to go forth him. I told him, # 8220 ; A dream is existent, it must be obeyed. He must travel alone. # 8221 ; Blackrobe told him we had lost everything because of them and Daniel must travel with me. Blackrobe made a funny remark as we walked off. He said, # 8220 ; If dreams are the existent universe # 8211 ; this one is an semblance. No names # 8211 ; be soundless. The dead talk at dark. God bless you both # 8221 ; , and he left. We neer saw him once more. I heard Tell that when he did get at the Huron Village that the Indians had killed one of the blackrobes and the other died shortly after Blackrobe arrived. The decease that was brought by the blackrobes was feared to be a mark from their Gods as if their Gods were the most powerful and were killing our peoples if they did non go baptised and convert. I heard that Blackrobe buried and burned the dead and baptized the remainder of the Hurons. Daniel and I found our topographic point and we were accepted by my people. I don # 8217 ; t understand why people # 8220 ; can # 8217 ; t merely acquire along # 8221 ; ! I don # 8217 ; t understand why people can # 8217 ; t accept each other for their differences. I believe that sometime in the hereafter at that place will come a twenty-four hours when all people will be united as one. I don # 8217 ; t want our kids to turn up in a clip of bias and misinterpretation, but I fear they will. All we can make is do a alteration one individual and one twenty-four hours at a clip. 323

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Research Paper 2 free essay sample

Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay, Research Paper The sarcasm in the verse form Dulce it Decorum Est is that it is non sweet and suiting to decease for one? s state when you have really experienced war. Owen is depicting how psychologically and physically wash uping W.W.I was for the soldiers that had to digest such a barbarous ordeal and non how loyal and honest it was. In the first stanza Owen describes how the soldiers are sloging back to cantonment from conflict. We see the soldiers, fatigued and wounded, returning to establish cantonment: Bent double, like old mendicants under pokes, knock-kneed, coughing like beldams, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our dorsums And towards are distant remainder began to slog. Work force marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But limped on, blood-shod. All went square ; all blind ; Drunkard with weariness ; deaf even to the hoots # 8230 ; Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind. We will write a custom essay sample on Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Research Paper 2 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The manner Owen describes the trudge back to cantonment allows the reader to open their heads to the events that are happening. This allows them to see the cruel world that the war was for the soldiers. I believe Owen? s usage of these images are aimed at detering the mere idea of war. In the 2nd stanza Owen is depicting a gas onslaught on the soldiers as they are sloging back to cantonment. Owen describes the soldiers groping to acquire their mask fastened, all but one, a lone soldier. He is fighting to acquire his mask on but doesn? t acquire it fastened speedy plenty and suffers from the full effects of deathly gas: Gas! Gas! Quick boys! -An rapture of fumbling, Suiting the gawky helmets merely in clip ; But person still was shouting O ut and faltering And flound? pealing like a adult male in fire or calcium hydroxide # 8230 ; Dim, through the brumous window glasss and thick green visible radiation, As under a green sea, I saw him submerging. The manner Owen describes a companion observation as a lone soldier is fighting to acquire his mask fastened awakens the heads of the readers to see the psychological consequence that this had on the soldiers. Making the reader see that war is barbarous and unfair. In the 3rd stanza Owen is depicting the dead soldier. This allows the reader to see war in its full affect: In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, submerging. If in some suffocating dreams you excessively could gait Behind the waggon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes wrestling in his face, His hanging face, like a Satan? s ill wickedness ; If you could hear at every jar, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as malignant neoplastic disease, piercingly as the rechewed food Of vile, incurable sores on guiltless linguas, To kids ardent for some despairing glorification, The old prevarication: Dulce et decorousness Eastern Time Pro patria mori.The manner Owen description of the image of the lone soldier deceasing awakens the heads of the people who read the verse form to the world of war as being a terrorizing manner for immature people to decease, and that thought of nationalism and award is the cause of such revolting circumstance. Wilfred Owen? s exhaustively criticizes the thought of war being a Sweet and glorious manner to dice for one? s state. It is presented through a series of images which are designed to destruct the impression of war being loyal and honest. His in writing item reveals war as the horrid thing it is.