Monday, November 18, 2019

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their Essay

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their effectiveness - Essay Example This kind of leadership has control on all spheres of society’s activity. Some experts argue that a number of chief executives in the business world practice this kind of leadership like feudal lords in medieval Europe (Legacee, 2012). These are the kind of leaders who maintain absolute control on entrepreneurial structure and do not agree on the democratization of thoughts and decision. This leadership is weak because its followers are rendered passive. Since it’s a little close to tyranny, it’s likely that this kind of leadership will inspire upheaval from constituents. Transformational leadership is a principle-based leadership with combined features of charismatic and participative type of leadership. This type of leadership inspires involvement of people in decision-making through teambuilding and consensus. It’s a leadership that respects democracy and motivates its human resources to advance their empowerment as stakeholder of development and change (Gumusluoglu. & Ilsev, 2009). This kind of leadership leads by example and implore on the necessity of vision and mission that guides an organization to its targeted goal. They are good in strategizing the framework for optimized organizational performance. Transactional leadership on the other hand deals about the bureaucratic aspect of managing an organization. Oppose to transformational leadership, this kind of leadership wanted the retention of status quo and rest more on completing its goals by rules and stringent rules (Hugo, Dimovski, & Ã…  kerlavaj, 2009). There is less employee-employer interaction in this leadership style hence, misunderstanding is very potent which could lead to disenfranchisement of members. Hugo, Z., Dimovski, V. & Ã…  kerlavaj, M. (2009). Transactional and transformational leadership impacts on organizational learning, Journal for East European Management Studies, Rainer Hampp Verlag, vol. 14(2), pages 145 -

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