Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Global Warming is NOT a Concern :: Environment Climate Change

Global Warming, global concern? I think not. I personally believe that the theory of global warming caused by the infamous carbon dioxide is false. Please, let me explain. First of all, there are more potent, harmful, gases being emitted into the atmosphere. Secondly, the temperature change in the 20th and 21st centuries is extremely slight. Lastly, the earth is currently recovering from a period known as the Little Ice Age. First of all, there are more potent gases being emitted into the atmosphere such as the well known greenhouse gas, methane. Methane is mostly associated with cows. Yes, I said it, cows. When cows fart, they release the greenhouse gas methane. Also, methane heats up the atmosphere more than carbon dioxide. So the point here is that global warming isn't mainly caused by humans. Secondly, the temperature change in the 20th and 21st centuries is very slight. In fact it has stayed within a 3 degree Celsius range. In fact, if the change were to happen in a room, many people in the room would not notice. Right now, you probably aren't persuaded, but, in my next paragraph, I will definitely persuade you. Definitely. Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for, the third paragraph! This is where I will persuade you to believe my ideas. Well, here it goes. My final idea is that the globe is now recovering from a time know as the little ice age. This in turn will make the earth seem warmer. In science class, we conducted an experiment conducting this. We put one hand in warm water and another in cold water. Then we put both hands in room temperature water. The hand that was in warm water felt cold and visa vera for the other.

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