Saturday, December 28, 2019

Preparing a Farm Resource Appraisal Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Farm resource assessment should be accurate in order for the farmers to manage the farm properly. Resource appraisal is a farmer s doorway to the type, quality, and quantity of his resources and the obligations created from these resources. Farming business is generally very liquid but still, the level of liquidity varies. So every farmer must be familiar with all the details of his farm. Therefore, a resource appraisal is an important objective to accomplish. It takes the form of a balance sheet which will be described later. Resource appraisal helps the farmer and other institutions to assess the financial standing of the farm. To prepare a resource appraisal, one must possess adequate knowledge of the assets and liabilities. Assets are simply the property of the farmers from which future economic benefit is expected. Assets can be divided into two categories depending on their liquidity. These two categories are current assets and fixed assets. Fixed assets have a useful life of several years, for example, Land and buildings. Current assets, on the other hand, are short term and have higher liquidity. Cash in hand, livestock and feed are some examples of current assets. We will write a custom essay sample on Preparing a Farm Resource Appraisal or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Liabilities, on the other hand, are the financial obligations created from the assets. Liabilities too can be divided into current and fixed liabilities depending upon the term of their payment. Current liabilities contain obligation that is due within a year such as principal payments of a loan. Liabilities that are due beyond the time frame of one year such as long-term contracts are categorized as fixed or long term liabilities. The basic understanding of assets and liabilities can help in categorizing the items in the resource appraisal. The next step in preparing a resource appraisal is the valuation of assets. All the assets need to be expressed in monetary terms on the balance sheet. Asset valuation depends on the nature and purpose of the asset. Assets with higher liquidity are generally valued at market value while low-liquidity assets are measured by other methods.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Is Google a True Monopoly - 777 Words

Is Google a true monopoly? Abstract Google is arguably the most popular search engine used on the internet. The company offers superior search results and clearly employs workers with innovative ideas that can keep the company ahead of the competition. However Google’s own mission statement requires that it â€Å"Do no evil,† meaning that it has made readily available the tools that have made the company successful. The Justice Department would like to categorize Google as a monopoly, but due to its open book reporting and its development of additional services, proving monopolistic status would be difficult and perhaps ineffective. A monopoly is defined as â€Å"a firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦It was estimated that 1 in every 65 dollars in the economy belonged to Rockefeller. Based on this and other high profile examples, a case can be made against any government regulation. As mentioned before, Google maintains that it does not meet the requirements of a monopoly. It is more likely that they could themselves to be involved in monopolistic competition. In a monopolistic competition, there are many firms that offer similar products or services that are similar but not identical. Google has conducted business in a smart way. When Google entered the internet market, companies such as Yahoo and MSN had been in widespread use. Google began in direct competition with the search engines of these companies. The company gained near immediate popularity due to its simple design and later its more helpful and accurate search results. Over time, Google added email, image searches, You Tube, and most recently its own web browser to compete with Internet Explorer called Chrome. Had Google not chosen to develop these other avenues, the share they hold in the internet search industry could easily be classified as a monopoly. This is because of the way Google of fers search results. The methods used are innovative and while readily available to the competition, according to Google itself, are unique toShow MoreRelatedGoogles Dominance Of The Digital World1096 Words   |  5 PagesGoogle is undoubtedly one of the biggest companies of our time. The company’s search engine has become so popular that we don’t look up things on the Internet anymore, we ‘google’ them. The company’s conquest of the digital business world has led some to argue it’s not just an ordinary company anymore, but rather a monopoly. But what are monopolies and is Google a digital monopoly? If so, should regulators try to find a way to limit them? This guide will look at whether we should be worried aboutRead MoreEssay about Economics of a Monopoly1506 Words   |  7 PagesEconomics of a Monopoly Introduction  ¡Ã‚ §Monopoly ¡Ã‚ ¨ is defined by its market power. Monopolies are always known to possess an exclusive control over its particular market and that gives them the sovereign authority to control the prices for its goods or services ( Unabridged (v1.1), 2006). Hence, they represent the market. They indeed have detrimental effects on consumer and social welfare. In this paper, section 1 will focus on the theory and economics of a monopoly. Section 2 willRead MoreThe Impact Of Microsoft On The Mobile World1189 Words   |  5 Pagesexact pricing or availability has been announced stated. A fundamental economic theory is that a monopoly is a bad thing. When one company, website, or brand dominates the market, consumers are left with unfair pricing, mediocre to poor quality products, and an inability to choose an alternative. In order to prevent this, the U.S. government has a myriad of laws to protect us. Unfortunately, natural monopolies tend to form no matter what, and for much of the technology boom of the past century, that companyRead MoreElectronic Colonialism And Its Impact On The World Essay1197 Words   |  5 Pagesthat is happening this very second in every country of the world. The media (all forms) has a monopoly on our minds; we are influenced by commercials, magazine ads, news stations, and hegemonic search engines. How many times a day do you use Google? Do you know how the search results are organized, and who controls which results you are allowed to view? This is an example of electronic colonialism as Google is the main provider of easy to fin info rmation all over the globe. The first lesson I wasRead MoreGoogle vs. Monopoly1857 Words   |  8 Pages Google vs. Monopoly Content Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.............................................2 Long Journey To Victory .†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦..2 Evil Monopoly †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦............................................................4 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...........................................................6 Google vs. Monopoly Introduction Read MoreThe Neoclassical School Of Influencing Policy Makers Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagescompetitive markets, the case can be made that monopolies can provide great consumer satisfaction, despite the neoclassical assumptions. The assumption that absence of a competitor indicates firms won’t have a goal is a mistake (Kohn, 1992). First monopolies have the benefit of having supernormal profits unlike those in perfect competitive market scenarios; and these profits can be used for research leading to improved goods. Examples include Google, contrary to the neoclassic curriculum, it hasRead MoreThe Benefits Of Drug Research741 Words   |  3 Pagesaccess the necessary treatment and medicine? After all, the true purpose of your lifetime effort is to cure every cancer patient. In a simple explanation, a patent is â€Å"a document that defines the scope of patent right to exclude others from making, using or selling an invention that is the subject of the patent† (Pienkos, 2004, p. 1). In other words, it is a legal monopoly for a certain product, process or method. When there is monopoly in a market, that market can easily go out of control ifRead MoreGrowth of the Computer Industry Essay1377 Words   |  6 Pagescomputers/laptops in recent times. From 1936 to 1980, computers weren’t mainly used by the public. The very first system was not even considered a computer, but a mere 30 ton numerical calculator that worked through 18, 000 vacuum tubes. â€Å"The first true computers were developed in the US to perform the complex calculations required for the building of the atomic and hydrogen bombs (WSW).† In the ‘60s and ‘70s, the computer was still very similar; it was very large in size and not useful to the normalRea d MoreYou Have Invented A Drug Essay1138 Words   |  5 Pagesaccess the necessary treatment and medicine? After all, the true purpose of your lifetime effort is to cure every cancer patient. In a simple explanation, a patent is â€Å"a document that defines the scope of patent right to exclude others from making, using or selling an invention that is the subject of the patent† (Pienkos, 2004, p. 1). In other words, it is a legal monopoly for a certain product, process or method. When there is monopoly in a market, that market can easily go out of control ifRead MoreECO 365 week 4 Differentiating Between Market structures1186 Words   |  5 Pagesof market structures, Monopoly, Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, and Oligopoly. They are differentiated by the number of firms in the industry, barriers to entry, pricing power of the firm, output decisions interdependence, and whether products are homogeneous (Colander, 2013). Monopoly A monopoly is a situation in which there is a single producer or seller of a product for which there are not close substitutes. The most common example of a natural monopoly would be an Electric (power)

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Diploma in Business Management Production Supplies

Question: Discuss about theDiploma in Business Managementfor Production Supplies. Answer: Examples of Pricing Variables There are number variable costs that are associated with the businesses such as cost of direct materials, production supplies, piece rate labor, billable staff wages, commission, credit card fees, freight out and others (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). Need for Pricing Variables It is important to review the pricing policy of an organization. It helps the company to determine the marketing strategy, formulate marketing mix decisions, and estimate the demand curve, calculation of fixed as well as variable costs, understanding the environmental factors and others (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). It is an important part of the financial planning of the organization. Identification of Customer Needs It is important for the organizations to understand the needs as well as preferences of the customers. This would make the company to formulate products as well as services which would meet its requirements. There are various ways which can help the company determine the needs as well as requirements of the customer. The company must try to think from the customer point of view and observe the preferences of the customers. A data should be used for the purpose of understanding customer needs such as customer relationship management (CRM) (Neslin 2014). It provides customer analytics regarding their needs. A market research helps the company to understand the needs of customers. Effect of Customer Behavior on the Marketing Mix There are several factors that influence the consumer buying behavior such as cultural, social, psychological and personal. The four elements of marketing such as product, price, place and the promotion are being affected by the behavior of the customers. The consumer behavior determines the quality of the products and the related product attributes. The income of the customers determines the price of the products of the brand (Anselmsson et al. 2014). The accessibility of the customers determines the distribution pattern of the customers. The promotion tool involves the selection of various tools which should be based on the level of exposure of the customers. Statistical Tools There are various statistical tools that are utilized by the company to gather market intelligence data such as click stream data, corporate websites, data mining, data warehousing, dashboards, search engines, trade shows, suppliers and others (Segarra et al. 2016). Use of Statistical Data The statistical data is used by the company to assess the consumer attitude as well as consumer behavior. The channels of distribution can be identified based on type, availability and the effectiveness of the medium. The company would be able to decide the technological advancements that can be utilized and the concerned trade partners. The company can also help to identify the location of the target audience and specific geographic locations that are lucrative for the company. References Anselmsson, J., Vestman Bondesson, N. and Johansson, U., 2014. Brand image and customers' willingness to pay a price premium for food brands.Journal of Product Brand Management,23(2), pp.90-102. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Neslin, S.A., 2014. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). InThe History of Marketing Science(pp. 289-317). Segarra, L.L., Almalki, H., Elabd, J., Gonzalez, J., Marczewski, M., Alrasheed, M. and Rabelo, L., 2016. A Framework for Boosting Revenue Incorporating Big Data.Journal of Innovation Management,4(1), pp.39-68.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Iono Essay Example For Students

Iono Essay The Metis were partly french and partly indian. Their leader wascalled Louis riel. Following the Union of the Hudsons Bay Company and the North West Company in 1821, trading had been reorganized in order to reduce expenses. Since there was no longer competition in the fur trade, it was unnecessary to have two or more posts serving a single trading district. For this reason, some posts had been closed and the number of brigades reduced. This reorganization had led to some unemployment amoung Metis who for years had been working in the fur trade. The Hudson Bay Company had attempted to assist these these men by encouraging them to engage in farming in what is now South Manitoba. A few families take to agriculture, but most of the metis found it difficult. To them, the excitement and the adventure of the buffalo hunt held more appeal than farming. Hundreds of Metis were content to earn a living by hunting buffalo, making pemmican or finding employment as freight drivers. After a while Canada bought Rupertsland from Hudson Bay Company. When the Metis herd this they were alarmed. They feared their religion,their language, their lands and their old, free way of* life. They had known for some time that Canada was busy constructing a colonists highway from Lake Superior to the Red River. The situation became tense surveyors were sent into the flow of settlers, and it was considered a wise move to have the surveying well under way before settlement began in earnest. It was decided to use a system or land survey similar to that used in the western part of the United States. Townships were to be divided into thirty-six sections, each containing one square mile or 640 acres. The sections were then to be divided into, the quarter-section was thought to be enough land for each family settling in the North West. (An interesting aspect of the survey system was the plan of the setting asside two sections in each township for the future support of education. The id ea to sell these sections at a later date and use the money for the construction of schools.)When the survey began, friction occured in those areas where the french specking Metis had settled along the river, occupying long narrow strips in the manner common in New France. Attempts were made by the surveyors to avoid disturbing the pattern, but in some cases the survey lines crossed the narrow holdings, leading the Metis to believe the their land was being taken away from them. Louis Riel, Mon April 5, 92Louis Riel was the leader of the Metis. He was a black-bearded, handsome young man, the son of the leader of a minor Metis revolt in 1849 against the Hudsons Bay Company. Born in the red River region in 1944, Riel had been chosen as a possible candidate for the priesthood and had stidied at the Jesuit College de Montreal. However, he failed to complete his religious studies and returned to the Red River in 1868, looking for employment. His powers of eloquence and his hot-tempered nature soon made him an outspoken defenter of the Metis.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification Essay Example

Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification Paper Purpose goal for this reject is to introduce automation in privately-owned restaurants, that is, small- to medium-sized establishments. Typical problems restaurant personnel are facing include: ; Coordination of their work activities ; Anticipating and handling periods of low/high patron traffic ; Recognizing trends early enough to take advantage of bestsellers or abandon the flops ; Lowering operating costs, and increasing efficiency/productivity and profits Scope aim of this project is to develop a software system that would eliminate the need of traditional pen/paper approach for privately- owned restaurants. The project s focused on making the restaurant fully automated such that it is easier to co- ordinate various work activities that go on inside a typical restaurant. The main features of the project include: Organizing a database for a medium sized restaurant Coordinating work activities of the various actors Host, Waiter, Cook, Busboy and Manager Increase efficiency by minimizing time between an order is placed and the billing Increase profits by reducing operating costs and increasing revenues by increasing efficiency Archiving information of the workers and hours worked Definitions, Acronyms, and Overcompensations Manages inventory, payroll, employee list and charts and statistics for the restaurant Host Assigns and seats people who come to the restaurant Waiter Takes the order from the customer onto a PDA and delivers the order to the customer Cook Reads the order placed from a terminal in the kitchen and cooks food accordingly. Also the cook informs the waiter when the order is ready. Busboy Keeps track of the dirty tables and updates status when he/she is done cleaning Add/Edit Employee Button on the Management page to add or edit th e information of an employee at the restaurant such as employee identification number, their password, employee type and their wages. We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Restaurant Automation Software Requirements Specification specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Manage Inventory Button on the Management page of all the items required for food preparation in the restaurant Manage Payroll Button on the Management page to manage the payrolls of the various employees in the restaurant Reports Screen statistical data analysis of the traffic flow in the restaurant Grid GUI layout of the tables in the restaurant Efficiency analysis Performance measure of all waiters in the restaurant Overviews restaurants today still use the same basic methods from years ago to handle orders from customers. Often times this leads to complicated coordination of activities between chefs and waiters. This also means that other tedious tasks, such as inventory checks, fall to the managers to perform. This project seeks to introduce associated with current restaurant management practices. Overall Description propose a software solution to the above problems which would allow the restaurant management to be easier and offer more coordination for the everyday work. A touch screen will be used by the staff to log in and complete the desired task. The supported employee roles are: Host, Waiter, Cook, Busboy and Manager. The various employees have user accounts and login using their passwords they need to member except the cook. Logging in and out will be exploited as triggering events to update and organize the data. When a person enters the restaurant the host will greet the customer and log in to see the tables that are free. The host can also show the floor status to the customer for their preference (e. G. If the customer prefers a free table near the window etc. ). After being seated the assigned waiter for that particular table takes over from the host and takes the order from the customer on a PDA. The order is seen by the cooks in the kitchen who can right away start preparing the order. After the customer is done eating they are billed and the order is archived in the database for calculation of the restaurant revenues for that day/month/year. This also allows preparing easy statistics regarding high patron service hours etc. The Busboy who checks the table status can then take care of the dirty table and after he is done cleaning can mark them as ready to use in the system. The manager has administrative power over employee profiles. They can do the following: 1. The ability to create and modify profiles 2. Track employee activities 3. Authorize restricted waiter activities. We will take into account the number of clicks that are necessary to accomplish the individual tasks and try to minimize the number of clicks for efficient deployment of our system. Product perspectives system will consist of two parts: one mobile application and one web portal. The mobile application will be used to view table status, enter customers orders, view orders information and status. The web portal will be used for managing restaurant information, staff information, and data analysis. Since this is a data-centric product it will need somewhere to store the data. For that, a database will be used. Both the mobile application and the web portal will communicate with the database. Both the mobile application and the web portal will be able to get, add and modify data in the database. All of the database communication will go over a LANA. Product functionalist the mobile application, the user will be able to modify personal information, add orders, view or modify orders and table status and information, depending on the users position in the restaurant: Hosts and bus boys will be able to view and update table status. Table status will be displayed in a map of the restaurants floors, based on their real location in the assistant. Table status can also be modified on this map. There will 3 table statuses: Ready, Occupied and Dirty. Waiters will be able to add and modify orders. The menus items will be displayed in a list view, with a check box, a quantity field and a note field on each of the item. When the waiter press the Create Order button, the order will be created and submitted to the database. Waiters can also edit and cancel orders upon customers requests. After customers finished the food, waiters can also generate bills base on the orders. Chefs will be able to view incoming orders and modify order status. Orders will be display in a list, which is sorted base on the time of the orders. The orders will also be grouped base on their items for easy preparation. After the order is completed, the chefs will have to update the order status, and a notification will be sent to the waiters. The web portal will provide functionality to manage the system, the restaurant data, and staff information. The web portal will also provide a variety of report generating tools. The reports analysis will consist of by-the-day and by-the-hour breakdowns of: ; Revenue and revenue percentage per menu item ; Menu item popularity ; Personnel efficiency Average turnaround time ; Average preparation time User characteristically are two types of users that interact with the system: users of the mobile application and the system administrators. All mobile application users can use the application to modify personal information. Users are also able to view, add or modify orders and table status depending on their position at the restaurant. Users can also retrieve lost password through email. The administrators will not use the mobile application but the web portal instead. There they will manage the information about the restaurant such as menus, table maps and employees accounts. The web portal will also provide administrators with report generating tools for management purpose. Constraints LANA connection is a constraint for the mobile application. Since the application fetches and modifies data from the database over the LANA, it is crucial that there is a stable LANA connection for the application to function. Both the web portal and the mobile application will be constrained by the capacity of the database. Since the database is shared between both applications, it may be forced to queue incoming requests and therefore increase the time it takes to fetch data. FUNCTIONAL Requirements The actors# Main functions Waiter Kitchen Staff Host Bus Boy Manager 1 View Menu Food (View , Update) x xx 2 Odder Food (View , Update) x X 3 List table(View ,update) x xx 4 Invoices xx 5 Report X 6 Create update User X 7 Shift (Create , update) X 8 View Shift xx The use systematic Functions Main Use Cases Use Case # Login This is Authentication User. When is use Application. LO_I . 1 View Status Table We have seen status table. (Find Table is blank). SST_I . 1 Update Status Table Change Status Table. (Table have got Guest). SST_I . Create Order Food Create are List Order Food. OF 1. 1 Update Status Order Food Change Status Order Food When chef cooked. OF_I . 2 Create Bills The Payment request. CB_I . 1 View Bill View is total payment. CB_I . 2 Daily report Report is payment, food etc. DRY_I . 1 Add employe e Manager add employee into database ICC_II Update employee Manager update employee into database US_02 Delete employee Manager delete employee in database US_03 Add menu Manager add food into menu in database US_04 Update menu Manager update food into menu in database US_05 Delete menu Manager delete food in database US_06 View report Manager view report CO_07 Use Cases Diagram Functional Requirement one user case ID US 1 Name Add employee Goal Want to add a employee Actors Manager Pre-conditions User must log in with role Manager Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Add a employee. 3. Enter employee information: Name, age 2. Display add a employee form and request to enter skill employee information. 4. Validate employee information. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues user case ID US 2 Name Update employee Goal Want to update a employee Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Update a employee. 3. Enter employee information: Name, age. 2. Display update a employee form and request to enter employee information. 4. User case ID US 3 Name Delete employee Goal Want to delete a employee Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Choose employee. 2. Display Success! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 4 Name Add menu Goal Want to add menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Add menu. 3. Enter food information: Name, money. 2. Display add menu form and request to enter food information. 4. Validate menu information. Display Complete! Message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 5 Name Update menu Goal Want to update menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Update menu. 3. Enter employee information: Na me, money. 2. Display update menu form and request to enter food information. 4. Validate employee information. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID US 6 Name Delete menu Goal Want to delete menu Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Choose food. 2. Display Success! message. User case ID US 7 Name View Report Goal Want to view report Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . View report. 2. View report user case ID SST 1. 2 Name Change status table Goal Want to change status table Actors Host, waiter, bus boy Post-conditions Main Flow Change status table. Host change to empty from people +Waiter change to people from clear *Bus boy change to clear from empty Notify message + host send message for waiter+waiter send message for bus boy + bus boy send message for host user case ID SST 1. 1 Name View status table Post-conditions Main Flow View status table. User case ID OF 1. Name Create order Goal Want to create order Actors waiter-conditions User must log in with role waiter Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Create order 3. Enter number 2. Display create order form and choose food 4. Send information for chef. Display Comple te! message. Exception IA: if role is not seer case ID OF 1. 2 Name Modify order Goal Want to modify order Actors Waiter-conditions User must log in with role waiter Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . Modify order 3. Enter order information: number 2. Display modify order form and request to enter update order information. 4. Send information for chef. Display Complete! message. Exception IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. A: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A user case ID CB 1. 1 Name Create bill Goal Want to create bill Actors Cashier Pre-conditions User must log in with role Cashier Post-conditions Main Flow 1. Create bill 2. Display bill and send for waterproofing IA: if role is not correct, show error message and ask to log in again. AAA: if skill category information is not correct, show error message and ask to input again. Open Issues N/A Name View and Update Food. Goal Wa nt to view and update food Actors Chef Pre-conditions User must log in with role chef Post-conditions Main Flow 1 . U food 2. Chef choose food and change status food. Display Complete! . Send message for waterproofing IA: if role is not correct, 3. 4 Database Diagram . 5Sequence Diagram 3. 5. 1 View table status View table status 3. 5. 2: Login 3. 5. 3: Manage Order 3. 5. 4: Manage Payment 3. 5. 5: Manage Table 3. 6Class Diagram NON-FUNCTIONAL Requirements The menu (Android Interface) should contain text and graphics that describe each item to an average customer. Usability The systems user interface will be very simple and self-explanatory. The manager and the cook will interact with the system through touch-screen LCD. They are very easy to adapt to and use. The users Just have to touch the option they want. The waiters will interact with Pads. They will each be able to access the tables that they are responsible for. The menus for the restaurant will show up as drop-down menus on the Pads. The waiters only have to select the item that the customer ordered from the drop-down list. Reliability The system is guaranteed to be reliable. All inputs to the system will be selections from options that the system will show on the screen. Since the system will only provide valid options, there is absolutely no possibility that invalid inputs can be entered. Each user will have a unique surname and password. Dichotomies the risk of unauthorized access to the system. Also, users can only access parts of the system that they require for their Job. For example, a waiter cannot access the inventory management or the payroll feature of the system. Those parts among a few otherness only be accessed by the manager. All these constraints will ensure the reliability of the system. Performance product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server. The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depends on the media from which the product is run. The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the client/customer. Supportability system will support changes that the restaurant might need to make in future. The manager will have the ability to modify items from the menu. He will also be able to add or delete users to the system for layoffs, retirements or new hires Design Constraints-line User Documentation and Help System Argumentativenesss Counterintelligences section provides a detailed description of user, hardware, software and communication interfaces of the Restaurant Automation software system. User Interfaces Mobile application user should be able to see the login page when he/she opens the application. After the user logged in, he/she will be taken to the main screen of the application. The application main screen will differ base on the user position in the restaurant: Host and Bus Boy: the main screen will consist of a table map of the restaurant. The user can navigate between different table map in each floor of the restaurant by swiping the screen left or right.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

History of the Internet and Inventor Tim Berners-Lee

History of the Internet and Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Before there was the public internet there was the internets forerunner ARPAnet or Advanced Research Projects Agency Networks. ARPAnet was funded by the United States military after the cold war with the aim of having a military command and control center that could withstand a nuclear attack. The point was to distribute information between geographically dispersed computers. ARPAnet created the TCP/IP communications standard, which defines data transfer on the internet today. The ARPAnet opened in 1969 and was quickly usurped by civilian computer nerds who had now found a way to share the few great computers that existed at that time. Father of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee was the man leading the development of the World Wide Web (with help of course), the defining of HTML (hypertext markup language) used to create web pages, HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), and URLs (Universal Resource Locators). All of those developments took place between 1989 and 1991. Tim Berners-Lee was born in London, England and graduated in Physics from Oxford University in 1976. He is currently the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the group that sets technical standards for the web. Besides Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Cerf is also named as an internet daddy. Ten years out of high school, Vinton Cerf began co-designing and co-developing the protocols and structure of what became the internet. History of HTML Vannevar Bush first proposed the basics of hypertext in 1945. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, HTML (hypertext markup language), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators) in 1990. Tim Berners-Lee was the primary author of html, assisted by his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. Origin of Email Computer engineer, Ray Tomlinson invented internet-based email in late 1971.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Behaviors, Actions and Communications of IKEA Term Paper

Behaviors, Actions and Communications of IKEA - Term Paper Example There is a great need in the modern society that enterprises were guided not only by the possibility to make more profit but also to fulfill the community’s expectations. It requires companies to be customer-centered and perform activities in accordance with the view of society’s development. In addition, companies should also be responsible to stakeholders with regard to the environment, equity, employment, health, and human rights and community development (Fulfilling Social Responsibility  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Extract from Chinese Government Guidelines, 2013). Such an approach will help enterprises realize a balance between their growth, society and the environment. Moreover, its a requirement by the entire society that companies followed social activities since businesses have a significant impact on almost all aspects of the society and life of its people.   Edvardsson and Enquist (2006) state that the most fundamental and enduring asset for any company is the brand. However, value-based service brands are more important in building the good company’s image, where the enterprise tries to avoid aligning itself with such negative values as environmental pollution or cheap labor conditions. Instead, focusing on the attractive values such as community development and provision of healthy products help the company to create its positive image and contribute fully to the society (Edvardsson & Enquist, 2006). A Swedish multinational company Ikea that designs and sells  ready-to-assemble furniture, appliances, small motor vehicles, and home accessories, has built its values-based service brand by following the vision â€Å"To create a better everyday life for the many people† (The Ikea vision, n.d.).  The idea of its founder to create the home furnishings of good design and functionality and at a price that everyone could afford was the main â€Å"democratic idea† of the company.     Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Customer portfolio and Strategic Account Management 04255 Essay

Customer portfolio and Strategic Account Management 04255 - Essay Example This paper is focused on the concept of customer portfolio and its relevance to the strategic account management. Storbacka (2012) mentioned that the concept of strategic account management is based on the â€Å"co-creation of value†. The term strategic accounts or the key accounts indicate to the most valuable customers of the company (Ford et al, 2003). The process of value generation lies in the centre of the corporate goals that allows the firms to deeply focus on understanding the customers’ value creating process and how the firm’s strategies are responsible for it. Homburg et al (2002) opined that the value generation through strategic account management program involves a long list of activities including product development, pricing, distribution, offering services along with manufacturing and sales. The integrated effect of these factors yields value for the customers, which creates a long term relationship between them and the firms. Piercy and Lane (2006) argued that there are significant levels of risks involved with the implementation of the strategic account management process. There must be a proper alignment of the internal organizational activities and the organizational goals. To put it simply Guesalaga and Johnston (2010) described that the organisational activities of different departments must be holistically aligned to the goals and objectives related to the customer value generation. Sherman et al (2003) proposed that the strategic account management should be viewed as a process of conducting business and not simple a selling process. The concept of inter-organizational alignment suggests that the organizations should increase its overall understanding of the business concerns of the customers and creating value proposition through a â€Å"joint venture†. Eid and Trueman (2002) have mentioned that the strategic or key accounts management has

Monday, November 18, 2019

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their Essay

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their effectiveness - Essay Example This kind of leadership has control on all spheres of society’s activity. Some experts argue that a number of chief executives in the business world practice this kind of leadership like feudal lords in medieval Europe (Legacee, 2012). These are the kind of leaders who maintain absolute control on entrepreneurial structure and do not agree on the democratization of thoughts and decision. This leadership is weak because its followers are rendered passive. Since it’s a little close to tyranny, it’s likely that this kind of leadership will inspire upheaval from constituents. Transformational leadership is a principle-based leadership with combined features of charismatic and participative type of leadership. This type of leadership inspires involvement of people in decision-making through teambuilding and consensus. It’s a leadership that respects democracy and motivates its human resources to advance their empowerment as stakeholder of development and change (Gumusluoglu. & Ilsev, 2009). This kind of leadership leads by example and implore on the necessity of vision and mission that guides an organization to its targeted goal. They are good in strategizing the framework for optimized organizational performance. Transactional leadership on the other hand deals about the bureaucratic aspect of managing an organization. Oppose to transformational leadership, this kind of leadership wanted the retention of status quo and rest more on completing its goals by rules and stringent rules (Hugo, Dimovski, & Ã…  kerlavaj, 2009). There is less employee-employer interaction in this leadership style hence, misunderstanding is very potent which could lead to disenfranchisement of members. Hugo, Z., Dimovski, V. & Ã…  kerlavaj, M. (2009). Transactional and transformational leadership impacts on organizational learning, Journal for East European Management Studies, Rainer Hampp Verlag, vol. 14(2), pages 145 -

Friday, November 15, 2019

Carbon And Alloying Steel Applications Engineering Essay

Carbon And Alloying Steel Applications Engineering Essay Carbon steels are one of the main categories of steel. Steel is divided into groups since it is an iron (Fe) alloy and therefore it may contain numerous concentrations of alloying elements such as chromium, molybdenum, nickel, manganese. Yet, the mechanical properties of steel are affected according to the carbon percentage in the metal. Groover, 2010) (Callister Jr, 2007). Carbon steel is an iron-based, malleable metal, usually containing less than 1% carbon but in some cases may contain up to 2.03% C (plain carbon steels), along with small percentages of silica, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese. (Carbon steel, 1994-2011). The carbon quantity in carbon steel alters the strength and ductility of the metal. By increasing the carbon, hardness and strength are increased whilst reducing ductility. Yet by doing so, brittleness is increased and welding abilities are reduced due to its affinity to form martensite. This is a kind of tug of war between the properties of the metal. Carbon steels are divided according to the different amounts of carbon content i.e. mainly into three main classes; Mild low carbon steel ( 0.16% 0.29% C . Having microstructures of pealite and ferrite) This category is also known as mild steel. They are very common and are widely used since they are quite cheap, easy to form and to work with. Having low carbon content, they are ductile and malleable but have a low tensile strength and do not repond to heat treatments, which would form matensite. Their density is of 7.85g/cm^3 and youngs modulus of 210.000MPa. Surface treatment such as carburizing is performed when large amounts of steel requiring increased surface hardening. To further this strength, this steel is cold worked. Such applications identified as structural steel are used in buildings, where the right weldability, formability, combined with improved strength and resistance fracture, through surface treatment are required. (Types of Carbon steel ) Cross-sections of structural beams made of low carbon steels. Medium Carbon steels (0.3% 0.59% C. Microstructures of tempered martensite) Such steel, having a higher percentage carbon, increases hardness, brittleness and strength at the same time still being ductile, although this is slightly reduced with machinability. This range of carbon is achieved by austenitizing, quenching (i.e. rapid cooling from the outer surface to the inner) and tempering to create consistent tensile strength within the steel (referred to as Martensite) throughout the body. An application of medium carbon steel includes crankshafts since ductility allows it to retain the tensile strength required. Axle shafts and gearing plates are also made from medium-carbon steel (The uses for medium carbon steel, 1999-2012) (Tata steel Europe) Crankshaft side and an end view together with a gear which are made of medium carbon steel High carbon steel (0.6% 1.4% C) These are the hardest and strongest of carbon steels and therefore the least ductile. They are ideal for hardening and tempering condition and have good wear resistance. Hardness may be improved by further adding chromium, vanadium, tungsten, and molybdenum to carbon. An ideal application would be a sharp cutting tool such as scissors or a high strength spring which is required to withstand heavy loads. If welded, heat treatment is further required to keep the same mechanical properties. Higher percentage carbon in such steels may also be present in two other classes which are part of the high carbon steels; (Types of Carbon steel ) (Groover, 2010) Higher carbon steels (03%- 1.7% C) Sulphur and manganese are also present to improve hardness which is ideal for cutting tools such as punches, milling machine cutters, industrial knives. Ultra high Carbon steels (1% 2% C) These large amounts of carbon are required for special cases, mainly non-industrial tools and are produced using powder metallurgy. These are at the limit of mild steel since above 2% carbon steel is said to be cast iron. (The uses for medium carbon steel, 1999-2012) (Callister Jr, 2007) Typical applications where such steels are utilised are drilling tools used for high speed drilling in substantial hard material. P7 One metal forming technique from the chosen industry; Since part of my previous assignment involved the automotive industry, I decided to further extend my knowledge on this subject and research on a very important forming technique, which is becoming even more used in this industry. The technique, I researched is the hydro-forming technique and the metals involved were steel and aluminium metals Nowadays vehicles are designed to operate as fuel efficient as possible yet without sacrificing on speed. These two factors though contradictory have something in common, weight reduction. To attain this, vehicles are continuously shredded from their weight and this is mainly done by using lighter metals and thin grade panels. However such metal forming becomes quite difficult due to formability and elongation problems. For this reason, hydro-forming technique is used where a sheet metal part is formed under water pressure generated by a punch drawing the sheet in a pressurized water chamber. This increases formability and it is mainly due to the water pressure which holds the material in place which is in turn punched in the forming process, shielding the panel from extreme thinning in critical areas. (Cass) (Altan, 2002) Sheet hydroforming diagram This technique can also be used to stretch form or deep draw metal. Other variations of the process are: Active hydro-forming-involves a process in which the blank is pressed against a die contour. Viscous pressure forming-where a viscous material is used instead of water to pressurize the medium Flex forming-water pressure used as an elastic polymer membrane that shields around the sheet and the punch. Adapting the Process (Altan, 2002) Here shown are the basic components making up the punch to carry out the hydro-forming technique. The upper binder or blankholder provide the holding force for the blank. The water chamber is used to hold the initial blank. Pressure chamber provides hydraulic counter pressure to the water. Hydraulic cylinders provide the force to the blank holder which in terms is controlled through a P.L.C controlling system. The water is then pumped in to the chamber below the die. This is controlled outwards from a relief valve. As seen above, we can easily observe the results of the panels produced in steel. The difference between steel and aluminium is that aluminium has 30%- 40% less elongation and formability. The answer to aluminium drawing was hydro-forming which has obtained results of 50% more depth than conventional drawing techniques. (Cass) Hydro-forming is on the increase in the automotive industry and nowadays, one can state that it is the most frequent used technique for all types of body-panels. However this process has its own limitations such as low manufacturing cycle times, highly specialised expensive heavy duty equipment which requires highly skilled operators. On the other hand, its under mentioned advantages are appealing; (Altan, 2002) Gives better drawing depths with better strain distribution. Draws complex shapes in one press cycle. Reduces die costs since one die is used. Finish is excellent. P8: Distinguish between fusion non-fusion welding processes. Select one fusion or non fusion and discuss the principles of operation, parameter of the process, the equipment used, advantages, disadvantages and precautions taken. Also describe one application for the process selected. Welding, still considered a recent metal working trade, is a process which involves two or more materials, which are required to be joined together at the surfaces in a strong enough bond not only mechanically (using rivets or bolts) but metallurgic ally (involving diffusion). This makes the bond secure and strong, eliminating the process of having to manufacture a new single part from scratch. To ensure that a good weld is formed, the surfaces to be welded must not have any asperities, meaning that any roughness, dirt and pointed ends must be removed to achieve the best weld possible. In order to overcome these difficulties, pressure, heat or both must be present in the process, which helps to bring atoms together and agitate more the microstructure of the materials so as to create a true secure bond. Cleanliness as already mentioned is essential and depending on the degree of dirt, one must utilise the appropriate cleaning tools. Generally, chemicals are used such as degreasers and solvents, which dissolve the oil or dirt, or else mechanically were abrasion, grinding etc, are used for rougher surfaces to attain the best smooth layers possible. (Groover, 2010) (Callister Jr, 2007) Since different materials with a vast number of properties and features may require welding, various types of welding exist on the market, each with their own characteristics and methods, differing in the apparatus, temperature and pressure used, type of gas involved ( acting as a shield) when another metal may be present. These welding methods are generally divided into two groups, non-fusion welding and fusion welding. Non-Fusion Welding: This type of welding can also be called solid-state welding involving bonding of materials without melting the base metals and no filler material is added. Non-fusion welding involves some of the oldest welding processes and some of the very latest. Also in such cases, pressure or temperature or both can be used to build up sufficient energy to bond the intended surfaces intended to be welded. The most important factors for a successful solid-state weld are that the two surfaces must be very clean and they must be very close to each other to allow atomic bonding. As no melting is involved, non-fusion welding has quite a few advantages over fusion welding. No melting means that there is no heat-affected zone; the metals surrounding the joint retain their original properties. Most of the processes producing welded joints affect the entire contact point between the two parts, instead of a distinct point like most fusion-welding operations. Adding to this, at times some of these processe s are used to bond dissimilar metals and it is important to note that these, if melted and re-solidified, may alter their relative thermal expansions, conductivities, and other properties which are very important when applied to a factual application. The drawbacks on the other hand for such welding process when, compared with conventional fusion welding, are that since the welding cycles take more time to complete, it is a more time consuming process and quite unsuitable for restricted sized parts. It is again important to note that surface preparation is essential before actual welding takes place for the surfaces to bond precisely. Yet the major disadvantage of this process is the relatively high initial investments cost in equipment. (Groover, 2010) (Schmid, 2010) Typical examples of non-fusion welding processes include; Diffusion welding (DFW). Pressure is used to hold two surfaces together at a high temperature where the parts bond by solid-state diffusion. Friction welding (FRW). Bonding is achieved creating heat created from friction between two surfaces. Ultrasonic welding (USW). Two parts with an oscillating motion from an ultrasonic frequency at moderate pressure is used in a direction parallel to the contacting surfaces. This combination of normal and vibratory forces gives shear stresses that removes surface films and achieves atomic bonding at the surface. Fusion Welding: This type of welding technique is also known as liquid-state welding and as the name implies, the base metals for this process are melted using heat. In most fusion welding operations, a filler metal is included in the molten pool where the bond is desired. These may be in the form of consumable electrodes or a wire fed into the weld pool. Their main purpose is to improve and ease the process to produce a much stronger weld in terms of metallurgy (atoms are packed closer together creating a much tighter mechanically bond). As a protection against oxidisation, these processes also include a protective layer between the air around the weld and the molten metal. These can be either in the form of a gas shield or as a type of  flux  which melts to produce a layer on the weld itself that solidifies and is removed afterwards.   Fusion processes where no external metal is used are known to be autogenous welds. Advantages offered from fusion welding, makes it the most common and most v ast of the welding processes which are mainly the ability to repeat the weld at the same joint without difficulty, which is relatively fast and adequate for most applications. As for the drawbacks, there are two main problems. The changes in the microstructure after repeated heating and rapid cooling could easily alter the properties of the parent metals and the effects of the residual stresses which build up in the parent metals caused by expansion or contraction. These have a long term effect on the weld itself due to the fatigue produces. The following are the main types of welding processes; Gas welding Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW) Arc Welding Shielded metal arc welded (SMAW) Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) Plasma arc welding (PAW) Gas- metal arc welding (GMAW) Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) Submerged arc welding (SAW) Electro-slag welding (ESW) High energy beam welding- Electron beam welding (EBW) Laser beam welding (LBW) (Kou, 2003), (Callister Jr, 2007), (Jha) __________________________________________________________________________________ Gas Metal Arc Welding; This welding process is a fusion welding process and uses the basics of this type of welding, since it melts the metals at the joining area, using elevated temperatures whilst creating an arc between a continuous fed filler wire electrode and the metals to be joined. The weld is constantly shielded using an inert gas. The type of gas used, differs from application to application. Inert (argon gas for example), is used for MIG welding. Other shielding gases used are carbon dioxide, as well as inert/active gas. Mixtures at times are used mainly to weld mild steel alloys (a mixture may be used from argon, carbon dioxide and oxygen). The ideal gas used for shielding, inert or active, is usually chosen according to the alloy composition and the grade of finish desired. Metal Inert Gas welding (MAGS MIG); Another gas-metal arc welding process is the metal inert gas process commonly known as MIG. In common with the  tungsten inert gas  process (TIG), MIG welding uses a protective gas shield layer over the weld pool projected using a torch shroud. MIG uses electricity to melt and create the welding pool that joins pieces of metal together. It may also be referred to as the hot glue gun and is known to be one of the easiest welding processes to learn. It was developed in the 1940s and even nowadays, it still uses the same principles. The electrical current used to melt the metals is used to create a short circuit between a continuous wire fed through a gun to act as the anode and the cathode being the metal being welded. This short circuit which dissipates enough (approx. 4000 F to 6000 F) heat to melt the metal and the non reactive gas, shields the weld being produced. With the metal molten, the two surfaces fuse together becoming one piece and as the heat is removed, the metal cool s, solidifying in a unite piece of metal. Being an easy to learn welding process, makes this application popular and moreover, since it can be used with a variety of materials: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, magnesium, copper, nickel, silicon bronze and other alloys. MIG welder equipment A MIG welder is made up of several parts: The welder; Here the main equipment is the wire and a series of rollers which are used to push the wire out from the welding gun. The large spool of wire is held on with a tension nut. The welding gun; The most important part takes place. The gun (1) is made up of a trigger that controls the wire feed and the flow of electricity. Here, the wire is passed through a replaceable copper tip (3). Tips vary in size according to the diameter of the wire (5). The outside of the tip of gun is covered by a ceramic (2) or metal cup which is used to protect the electrode (4) and gives direction to the flow of gas. The Ground Clamp; this is basically the cathode (-) in the circuit, which is clamped directly to the piece of metal being welding. Good contact is essential on the bare metal. Advantages of MIG welding; Versatile in the sense that, it welds a wide range of metals and thicknesses, Will weld in any angle and position, Less cleaning is required, Has a good weld bead, Does not splatter the weld, Long welds can be done without starts and stops, Easy to learn. Disadvantages of MIG welding; It involves bulky equipment,since the gas source is transported in cylinders Produces a rougher and less controlled weld compared to TIG welding. Requires Irregular wire feed, Porosity and burn-back weld finish, Unstable arc, Heavily oxidized weld deposits, Difficulty in starting the weld on certain material. Precautions; At first hand, the most important precautions are those regarding the health and safety aspect. Welding involves heat, which may cause fire leading to accidents and injuries. Therefore, safety gear is essential. These include gloves, apron, welding helmet (to protect your eyes from the bright light produced by the electrical current) and a handy fire extinguisher. Bright light whilst welding Safety gear Other important precautions/defects must be taken during the actual process itself. Whilst welding, one might find that holes are produced in the weld, this might be due to too much current which might occur due to over-melting of material. This is resolved by reducing the current load from the welder apparatus. Spurts might also form on the weld. This is due to the wire speed or power settings regulated being too low. What happens is that the gun would be feeding in too much wire which whilst melting would splatter the weld without forming a proper one. A good weld will be achieved when all the settings are properly set resulting in a smooth weld. It should be noted that the sound of a continuous spark indicates the proper quality of the weld. MIG (Fusion) Welding for Aluminium and Its Alloys: Aluminium welding is regarded as a very difficult procedure due its low melting point yet high heat conductivity and which could result in poor penetration and molten holes. Aluminium being a non ferrous metal, is readily available in various product forms. In order to establish a proper welding procedure, it is essential to know the material properties of the aluminium alloy being welded. These can be effected by;   Aluminium Oxide Coating   Thermal Conductivity   Thermal Expansion Coefficient   Melting Characteristics In normal circumstances, aluminium is welded using TIG and not MIG welding, since it is far more difficult to weld aluminium with the latter. On the other hand, aluminium being a soft metal, requires that the TIG welder has to utilise AC current not just DC current (this is because intermediate welds are required to bond aluminium) and therefore modifications have to be made on the TIG welding equipment, making it more costly then ever. However though it is considered difficult (especially for an inexperienced worker), the majority of such welding is carried out utilising MIG welding with possible reasonable results, if the following procedures are noted: Essential features to weld aluminium using MIG welding: Base-metal preparation:   aluminium oxide and hydrocarbon contamination must be removed Aluminium oxide melts at 3,700 F while the base-material aluminium underneath will melt at 1,200 F. Preheating: Preheating the aluminium work piece can help avoid weld cracking Preheating temperature should not exceed 230 F The push technique:   pushing the gun away from the weld pool rather than pulling it, will result in better cleaning action Travel speed:   Aluminium welds need to be hot and fast High thermal conductivity of aluminium implies the need for higher amps and voltage settings and higher weld-travel speeds If travel speed is too slow, the weld risks excessive burn Shielding gas:   Argon, which gives good cleaning action and penetration profile, is the most common shielding gas used when welding aluminium Welding wire:   Aluminium filler wire that has a melting temperature similar to the base material is ideal. 0.035-inch diameter at a low wire-feed speed 100 to 300 in. /min Convex-shaped welds:   Aluminium welding causes crater cracking resulting in failure. These are created due to the high rate of thermal expansion of aluminium. Power-source selection:   Welding current in excess of 350 A, cc produces optimum results.   Wire feeder:   A constant-torque, variable-speed motor in the wire-feed is essential giving constant force and speed through the gun. A high-torque motor in the welding gun pulls the wire through and keeps wire-feed speed and arc length consistent.   Welding guns:   contact tip approximately 0.015 inch larger than the diameter of the filler metal being, When the welding current exceeds 200 A, a water-cooled gun is used to minimize heat build-up and reduce wire-feeding difficulties.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Global Warming is NOT a Concern :: Environment Climate Change

Global Warming, global concern? I think not. I personally believe that the theory of global warming caused by the infamous carbon dioxide is false. Please, let me explain. First of all, there are more potent, harmful, gases being emitted into the atmosphere. Secondly, the temperature change in the 20th and 21st centuries is extremely slight. Lastly, the earth is currently recovering from a period known as the Little Ice Age. First of all, there are more potent gases being emitted into the atmosphere such as the well known greenhouse gas, methane. Methane is mostly associated with cows. Yes, I said it, cows. When cows fart, they release the greenhouse gas methane. Also, methane heats up the atmosphere more than carbon dioxide. So the point here is that global warming isn't mainly caused by humans. Secondly, the temperature change in the 20th and 21st centuries is very slight. In fact it has stayed within a 3 degree Celsius range. In fact, if the change were to happen in a room, many people in the room would not notice. Right now, you probably aren't persuaded, but, in my next paragraph, I will definitely persuade you. Definitely. Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for, the third paragraph! This is where I will persuade you to believe my ideas. Well, here it goes. My final idea is that the globe is now recovering from a time know as the little ice age. This in turn will make the earth seem warmer. In science class, we conducted an experiment conducting this. We put one hand in warm water and another in cold water. Then we put both hands in room temperature water. The hand that was in warm water felt cold and visa vera for the other.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Where you may get it wrong when writing English Essay

Reporting and Paraphrasing Introduction Paraphrasing is the use of different words to express meaning or clarify either written or spoken statement. Paraphrasing is a commonly used feature when writing. It is when one puts another person’s ideas in his or her own words (someone else’s ideas in your own words) and not just rewriting a paragraph. Some of the important words in paraphrasing include: passive this is written from an active sentence. I.e. John drives a car, this active the passive form of this is a car is driven by John. Existential clause in a sentence refers to the existence of something (there exists or there is) (Barkho, 2011). For example, ‘there are girls in the class’ this is an existential clause. Extra-position is the act of putting the keywords at the end of a sentence (Barkho, 2011). For example, ‘how frustrated with their kids are they?’ This can be rewritten as ‘how frustrated are they with their kids?’ cleft sentence is one that contains a main c lause ‘as well as a dependent clause’. I.e. who did Stan see at the party? It was Nick that Stan saw at the party. It was Stan who saw Nick at the party. The three sentences can be written as ‘Alice told me that Stan saw someone at the party that he knew from his high school days. It turns out it was Nick that Stan saw at the party. Fronting or preposing. Is a sentence construction in which a word group that customarily follows the verb is placed at the beginning of a sentence? (Barkho, 2011) For example, the garage was on the right of the house, ‘On the right of the house was the garage.’ Reported speech is the opposite of the direct speech for example I like ice cream (Direct speech). She says she likes ice cream (Reported speech) (Barkho, 2011). Question 2 article                   Mick and his brother Trig are hanging on a rail outside their home enjoying the scene of the neighbourhood. Dressed in their trainers, the caretaker to their estate sees them ordering them down from the rail. 19 year old Mick who himself is a member of the east London gang shouts back at the caretaker and threatens to beat him up. These kinds of confrontation between Mick add the caretaker is the order of the day in the inner-city London, symbolizing broken Britain. Having been raised from a broken family (fronting), his life had gone a mess. He indulged in sex at the age of 14 and at age 15 he was doing drugs. Despite his good performance in GCSE which could have enabled him secure a place in Sixth Form College, he only looked forward to one place that he dreamed of joining was Feltham jail (Reported speech). This urge came from the time he watched a documentary on TV which portrayed young inmates. Mick’s wish was achieved (passive) when he was sentenced (passive) for 14 months after being charged (passive) with robberies in east London. According to Mick, the Feltham turned to be the best place he has ever been. Three meals in a day, TV, private bedroom (existential) and other luxuries are part of what you enjoy in the jail. The impression to the young people outside is that, they want to be jailed as they think it is an honour, and it is even better than school. The mentality in the jail among the youth is that one does not have to hustle for a living as everything is provided. For the rest of boys in the streets and outside there, going to Feltham is a key part in their lives. Moreover, they find it a substitute to their homes and the chaotic life associated to the homes. The main question arising from this perception is ‘if the prisons are no longer deterrent, then what could be to the young ones in the society. Lewis refers to Mick as a head case Mick. This is after saving him from the young gang that hand threatened to him. Lewis got Mick into a plumbing course hoping to turn him round but to no avail. Despite the situation Mick talks of other gangs made of youth such as the Black hawk boys and Asian gang. However, his group is the most feared d in east London. Despite the police being aware of his group, they are not successful in hunting them down as there is no particular group leader. Mick’s day is entailed with taking care of the drug business. He gets the staff from the supplier, and takes to his customers, later in the day he enjoys the evening with his girlfriend. Despite dong the drugs, Mick claims it is easy to sell wind, but it does not make good money as cocaine and heroin do. Despite the rotten life in drugs, Mick has a dream of a good big house and cars and hopes to one day get a job, but he is not sure of the best time to legit. A two year feud with another boy leaves Mick with a gashed lip. Despite respect for Lewis, Mick plans to make it even with the boy by revenging. He likens the life to a video game you either die early or you play to the end. The incident makes Mick always walk around armed with a weapon (9mm Glock pistol). The jail is not solving the purpose intended, and Lewis looks for an alternative to save the at-risk boys in London. He looks forward to coming up with 1000 ‘Capital Men’ to save the boys. However, the menace has greatly the black families which the politicians have all feared to address. After a period of 5years in drugs and city crimes, Mick is tired of it now. However, trig who has all time watched his mentor Mick, says, â€Å"I dint fear Feltham if Mick made it, I can also handle it†. At the end, Mick says â€Å"Young people are like blind people crossing the highway. They cannot be able to tell what coming down road and instead he to me for guidance. Felth am was a good experience but as one gets older, you comprehend there are better places to go on holiday. I can tell Trig that, but I highly doubt he would even listen to me.† (Direct speech). References Barkho, L. (2011).  Where you may get it wrong when writing English: A practical guide for students, teachers academics and professionals. Norderstedt: Books on Demand. Smaby, R. M. (1971).  Paraphrase grammars. Dordrecht: Reidel. Source document

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay on Psychology and Children

Essay on Psychology and Children Essay on Psychology and Children CU1520.4-Understand how working practises can impact on the development of children and young people. 1. Explain how own working practise can affect children and young people’s development As a practitioner it is our duty to observe and maintain the right procedures to ensure that the children are offered an exciting environment which will allow the best possibilities for development. So it can be stated that how we set up our own working practices can affect children and young people’s development. As, role models we need to practice good behavior methods for example, saying 'Please' and 'Thankyou' to the manner of our voice as we use to speak to one another. Children are able to sense any kind of atmosphere even when adults are speaking between each other. It is important to encourage children to understand the importance of good physical and mental health through their diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle. If we do not promote and encourage a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it could result in the children having poorly developed immune system which in turn would cause them to be ill and have days off school which would affect their development. Promoting good hygiene is very important. In my nursery we encourage hygiene throughout the day. We do this by washing the tweenies’ hands before meal times, we take them to the toilets to do this. As they have been doing this for a while they are used to the routine. They ask for the soap themselves and they know they have to dry their hands with the paper towels. Also when the children have eaten they wipe their hands and face with wet flannels, again as they are used to this idea most of the children ask themselves for the flannels when they have eaten. 2. Explain how institutions, agencies and services can affect children and young peoples development. Speech and language can help children overcome most of their problems. By helping children gain the ability to use language they can help children gain confidence and self-esteem I have seen this in my setting with children who have had communication and language needs. These children have gained confidence and their language is now at a level that they can interact with other children and not show frustration. This is because they can now express themselves. The Senco is in an educational setting that gives support to children and families with special need, this person is also responsible for identification of special needs. Other learning support staff work within and outside schools providing a range of services to help children who have certain specific educational needs. This might include people like teaching assistants or advisors to provide support and train staff. Also Youth justice are based on children with behavioural problems these people will work with them and social workers to help them. Social workers help vulnerable children and young people and their families this might include children on the child protection register or disabled children. A Psychologist is a professional who helps support children

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Expository Essay Essays

Expository Essay Essays Expository Essay Paper Expository Essay Paper Essay Topic: Expository Epilepsy The child feels a strange sensation overcoming their entire body. Senses become fuzzy, loses consciousness, every muscle becomes tense, mild to severe muscle twitches that last from a few seconds to a couple minutes – they regain consciousness with a pounding headache and extremely confused. What just happened? It’s labeled as a seizure – the physical changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. People that have seizures commonly are diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a highly misunderstood disorder. Many people believe that people diagnosed with it are unable to live and maintain a day-to-day life, that they are mentally incapable of having a â€Å"normal† life. In reality, there are millions of people that have epilepsy and nobody knows. Around the world there are misconceptions about epilepsy. People think it’s contagious, only kids can get epilepsy, and some believe that people with it aren†™t able to live a â€Å"normal† life. Contrary to popular belief, seizures present themselves in various ways. There are four main groups of seizures: generalized, partial, non-epileptic, and status epilepticus. The most commonly known seizure is called Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure, or also known as Grand Mal Seizures. During this type of seizure the patients’ starts to become stiff (the Tonic phase), followed by jerking of the limbs and face (the Clonic phase). There are four other types of seizures in the Generalized group – Myoclonic, Atonic, Absence, and Infantile Spasms. Myoclonic seizures are rapid contractions of body muscles occurring at the same time on both sides of the body. Atonic seizures produce an abrupt loss of muscle tone. Other names for this seizure include drop attacks, astatic or akinetic seizures. This seizure produce head drops, loss of posture, or sudden collapses. Absence, also called petit mal seizure, is lapses of awareness, sometimes with staring, that begin and end abruptly. Infantile spasms are clusters of quick, sudden movements that start between three months and two years. If a child is sitting up, the head will fall forward, and the arms wi ll flex forward. If lying down, the knees will be drawn up, with arms and head flexed forward as if the baby is reaching for support. Partial Seizures are subdivided into simple partial (consciousness is retained) and complex partial (consciousness is impaired or lost). Partial  seizures are the most common type of seizure experienced by people with epilepsy. Non-Epileptic Seizures are episodes that briefly change a person’s behavior and often look like epileptic seizures. The difference between epileptic seizures and non-epileptic seizures is that non-epileptic seizures are not caused by electrical disruptions in the brain. Status Epilepticus is a continuous state of seizure, meaning the seizure is prolonged or it occurs in a series. Although researchers spend millions of dollars and a large amount of time each year, there is no cure of epilepsy just yet. There are, however, things a patient can do to control seizures. People with epilepsy can have surgeries; take medications and refrain from doing certain activities. Someone with epilepsy is capable of living a perfectly normal life without anyone knowing they suffer from it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Long-Term Orientation in Chinese Business Markets Literature review

Long-Term Orientation in Chinese Business Markets - Literature review Example According to the authors, guanxi behaviour consists of three elements: affect (emotions), reciprocal favour, face preserving. In Chinese culture, trust is an outcome of guanxi behaviour. The authors emphasise that in China, affection and business go together unlike the UK or USA. Affect denotes human feelings or emotional commitments that are central to intimate social bonding in several kinds of relationships such as between teachers and students, parents and children, or between close friends. In Chinese culture, the reciprocal favour stems from certain social behaviour evoking emotional responses and feeling by one of the group member to another. As such, reciprocity is a universal behaviour that can be traced even to animal kingdom. Similarly, the importance of face preserving for any Chinese in personal and professional life is tremendous. Face preserving behaviour plays a crucial role in constructing interpersonal relationships. It is important to note that in the Chinese cultu re, any disloyal person in the group is a faceless person. Society associates a great value when members of the group go to any extent to honour their obligations. Thus, it can be said that guanxi is a fulcrum of most activities in China that fall into the purview of political, economic and social order. However, to gain more clarity, researchers interviewed over a dozen sales managers in China and Hong Kong to find out how they view guanxi in the business world. ... As replied by the sales managers, guanxi is the first step of a salesperson to establish his or her intention to do the business; however, guanxi behaviour takes considerable time to develop to the point where unfamiliarity with the buyer ceases to exist. According to the sales managers interviewed, most Chinese firms respect guanxi style of relationships while doing any business transactions. That means the higher the salesperson interacts with a buyer, the greater the trust the buyer reposes in the salesperson. Surprisingly, business transactions are done on the basis of trust at personal level rather than at the organisational level. That is why many transactions with overseas firms are done on the basis of personal contacts. People are more loyal to their superiors rather than their organisation. A buying firm's trust on the salesperson is due to his or her expertise on the subject and ability to deliver. Similarly, the higher the status or position of the salesperson, the higher the trust the buying firm will repose on the selling firm. This is so because higher status of the salesperson signifies greater control on the firm's resources to fulfil agreed obligations. The researchers formulated various hypotheses to understand how a buying firm develops trust on the seller firm including the factors such as salesperson expertise and his or her status responsible for generating this trust. In the process to measure all the three elements of guanxi as mentioned above, the authors served the questionnaire to 250 respondents; however, only 51.2% respondents returned the questionnaire. Those who responded were in their current positions for last 4 years and in relationship with

Friday, November 1, 2019

Critically analyse why nursing care of care of patients depends upon Essay

Critically analyse why nursing care of care of patients depends upon evidence from research and is not so much reliant upon opinion and ritual - Essay Example Ritual-based nursing care, on the other hand, follows nursing procedures that have been designed and documented to be followed (Eizenberg, 2010). Here nurses implement directions without questioning their reasons or effectiveness. Individually held opinions and rituals, therefore, are being practiced without acknowledgement of the reason for their practice. Evidence based nursing practice is aimed at achieving the provision of the highest quality of nursing care. It is more effective than relying on the traditional diagnosing and treatment methods since it employs contemporary knowledge during the decision making process (McCrae, 2011). Of late, nurses are increasingly giving evidence-based nursing care preference over ritual-based and opinion-based. This paper critically analyses why this is so. It does so by pointing out the importance and benefits of relying on research evidence and showing the implications of evidence-based practice on nurses and their profession. A ritual is a predetermined order of performing an activity (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2009). Opinion and ritual-based nursing practices involve administering nursing care practices without thinking of the reasons behind such a practice (Makic et al, 2013). A nurse in this model undertakes a nursing practice primarily because it has always been done that way. Nursing practices based on rituals and opinions are characterized by ceremonial and observance practices. There is extensive observation of protocols and formality. Prescription is based on stereotyping individuals and routines (Stevens, 2013). The ritual-based model was popular among the nurses in the past because the nurses were not tasked with making decisions that would make them liable. The nurses were, essentially, not decision makers but rather implementers of book details. As long as they implement the manual instructions to the latter, they had the satisfaction that they had

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Negative Side of Copyright Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Negative Side of Copyright - Essay Example Copyright protection only enables the developer of software to deter the software’s copying or copying of the source code. Software copyright does not provide protection against the copying of any process, method of operation, procedure, system, principle, discovery, or concept in the software. In addition to that, software copyright does not provide any surety against independent development of software of the like. A vast majority of the software products cannot address the variety of requirements set forth to get broad protection that the patent law can afford. Most applications of software patent face problems because of the requirement for the invention to be not obvious and be new. Nevertheless, this requirement helps in the process analyzing if or not an individual should pursue copyright protection or patent. â€Å"because copyrights protect the implementation (the actual code) but not the concept, copyrights do not prevent someone from implementing an algorithm in a different programming language or with a different set of routines, for example, offering almost no protection for something as complex and flexible as software† (Zeidman, 2011, p. 93). The look and feel of software amount to behavior and thus copyright should not be used to protect them in software; the Computer Law Review Committee (CLRC) did not recommend additional protection forms for the displays on screen (Lai, 2000, p. 66). While software copyright has imposed a range of hindrances and hurdles in the way of development and spread of knowledge, free software has generated a lot of benefits. On the technological side, free software sets the stage for open source projects. One of its key examples is the development of Linux as the operating system in which functions of the free software movement serve as pre-requisite for the open source software. Linux could not have been developed and adopted as effectively without free software as it has

Monday, October 28, 2019

Yuh Ji-Yeon Essay Example for Free

Yuh Ji-Yeon Essay Looking at America from a broader multicultural perspective is more realistic. Truly, America is a melting pot of a lot of different cultures. America does not belong only to the fair-skinned caucasians. Reality is that yellow, brown, red, and black Americans live on the same plains as the whites. Yuh Ji-Yeon puts it this way, â€Å"America is a multicultural nation, composed of many people with varying histories and varying traditions who have little in common except their humanity, a belief in democracy and a desire for freedom† (518). This is the honest truth. Looking at our country from this perspective, which is an honest one, helps us deal with our issues in a more realistic and honest way. We can therefore address these issues more easily and we can formulate better solutions all because we started on an honest premise. This is the benefit which we get from assimilating this point of perspection. Once we realize that America does not belong only to the whites but also to a multitudes of other cultures, we start to see things differently. We learn to live life in harmony with them and accept them as brothers. Yuh Ji-Yeon submits, â€Å"downplaying ethnicity will not bolster national unity† (519). When we were taught that America is predominantly white, in our subconscious we were developing the idea that what is not white is not American. This is where our racial prejudice starts. Viewing America as a multicultural country at the outset, nips our discriminatory tendencies at the bud. Once we get rid of our prejudices, life here in this country will be more peaceful. This is the second benefit. Once we learn to live in this country as one people regardless of ethnic origin, we will have peace and harmony as far as racial discrimination is concerned since we can learn to work hand in hand with each other. We will be foregoing our biases when we look at others. We will be seeing people not color. We will be judging them by their individual personalities and not by their skin color. This will level the playing field of opportunities for every citizen. And it is only then that we can say that America is a country which holds equality for all. And there is nothing better than a heart that is at peace. When it is easy to live with each other, we have peace of minds and hearts. And once we have done this, we could show the world that a peace and unity which transcends skin color and ethnic origin can exist in this world. That then, we could be its example. The first thing to do in order to understand the subcultures in this country better is to erase traces of prejudice in the mind. Simply, adopt the idea that America is not white. Accept that all citizens are Americans even if all are not white. If this is hard, just remember that the first people who settled in this country were not white. As succinctly stated by the essay, â€Å"recognize that America was shaped and continues to be shaped by people of diverse backgrounds† (518). Second, as Yuh Ji-Yeon did, read history by yourself. Read on those parts which are not being taught inside the classrooms. Read those written by black and brown Americans so that you will see history from all perspectives. From there you can see how history really happened. Just remember that historians, when they wrote history, had biases and these may be reflected in their works. So seek other perspectives of how history happened and decide for yourself which version you will adopt. As Yuh Ji-Yeon puts it, â€Å"there is more than one way of viewing the world† (518). And lastly, adopt what is suggested by the report â€Å"One Nation, Many Peoples: A Declaration of Cultural Interdependence†. The report â€Å"calls for students to be taught that history is an ongoing process of discovery and interpretation of the past † (518). In short, we must recognize that whatever we do today, we are making history. We should act with this thought in mind.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Callisto the Satellite of Jupiter Essay -- Astronomy

It’s easy to see why not much attention is paid to Callisto. For four hundred years, Callisto appeared only as the fourth dot away when gazing at Jupiter through a telescope. It also didn’t help Callisto gain attention by orbiting Jupiter. Jupiter may be one of the most intriguing objects that astronomers have yet to study. Jupiter is the king of the planets. With its complex bands and zones, Great Red Spot, and sheer size, Jupiter has captured our imaginations and has pushed us to learn and explore all we can about it. Now, with our Pioneer, Voyager, and especially Galileo spacecrafts, we have uncovered mysteries of Callisto that give our minds and imaginations quite a workout. John D. Anderson used Radio Doppler data collected by the Deep Space Network from five encounters of the Galileo spacecraft with Callisto. From this data him and his team found that Callisto has a mean radius of 2410.3 km, with no detectable deviation from sphericity. They assembled this data measuring three principle axes, and all three axes were equal to the mean radius with a realistic error of 1.5 km (Anderson et al., 2001). This places Callisto as the third largest satellite in the Solar System, slightly smaller than Mercury, but 1330 km in radius larger than Pluto. Callisto does have an atmosphere. This is not comparable to the atmosphere of Titan or any other planet with a significant atmosphere. Nonetheless, an off-limb scan of Callisto was conducted by the Galileo near-infrared mapping spectrometer in hopes to detect a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Airglow in the 4.26 ÃŽ ¼m carbon dioxide band was indeed observed up to 100 km above the surface. This indicates the presence of a tenuous carbon dioxide atmosphere with surface pressure o... ...820 - 821. Dutch, Steven. "Crater Forms." Natural and Applied Sciences. 10 05. 1999. University of Wisconsin. 07 12. 2005 . Kivelson, M. G. et al. (1999). Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Science, 104, A3, 4609- 4625 Moore J., and Malin M. (1988). Geophys. Res. Lett., 5, 225. Schenk P. (1993). Journal ofGeophysics Research, 98, 7475. Spudis, Paul. The Geology of Multi-Ring Impact Basins. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Thomas, C. and Ghail, R.C.. "The Internal Structure of Callisto." Lunar and Planetary Science 2002: 1196-1197. Thorarinsson, S. (1957) The JÃ ¶kulhlaup from the Katla area in 1955 compared with other JÃ ¶kulhlaups in Iceland. JÃ ¶kull 7, 21-25 Wagner, R., Wolf, U, and Neukum, G.. "Crater Size Distribution on Callisto." Lunar and Planetary Science 2004: 1964-1965.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House Essay examples -- A Dolls House Essays

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, considers a very delicate situation experienced by a Scandinavian family in 1879. Nora Helmer, the main character and adored wife of Torvald faces a life-altering dilemma. She has to decide whether to remain with her obsessive husband in his sheltered home, playing the part of a doll, or take the initiative to leave and seek out her own individuality. There are three minor characters that have a significant impact on the final decision that Nora attains. Each one, representing some particular social aspect, is essential to the development of Nora’s character. Krogstad, Dr. Rank and Mrs. Linde have all had a long-standing relationship with the Helmer family, but neither character can provide Nora with a completely reassuring path to follow. She must discover this for herself, as they can only help to point her in another direction other than the one that Torvald has. Nils Krogstad is in fear of losing his job at the bank. He will stop at nothing in order to retain his position, as he has struggled relentlessly to get to where he is now. Krogstad was guilty of committing the same crime as that of Nora and although their motives were different, the law still regards their actions as fraudulent. In all of his ruthlessness and selfishness, Krogstad represents the desperation that Nora experience’s throughout the play as she tries to figure a way out of her desperate situation. She had gone to him in her time of need and now he has approached her in his time of despair. However, she is unable to assist him because it would mean that she would have to involve Torvald and that is the last thing she wants to happen. Thus, Krogstad retaliates by explaining to her that if he goes down, she will go with him. “But I tell you this: if I’m pitched out a second time, you are going to keep me company';(Ibsen 29). He shows no sympathy, as he doe s not hesitate to destroy the reputations of both Nora and Helmer for his own benefit and to further his own standing in society. The character of Krogstad demonstrates that although one can overcome their fault and eventually move on with life, that person will ultimately revert to other similar acts of ruthlessness later in life. Dr. Rank is also a long-time acquaintance of the Helmer’s and makes frequent visits to their household. ... ...many hardships however, she provides Nora with assurance, a sense of hope that women can make a living on their own, without a husband at their side.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the end, all three minor characters have undergone a radical change, having arrived at some other position in life. Krogstad and Mrs. Linde have become a couple, and Dr. Rank is soon to pass away. This is significant, as Nora has chosen to abandon her family to pursue her own independence and individuality. She will no longer play the part of a doll and depend on Torvald to support her and resolve all of her problems and thus, takes a giant step forward towards the development of women as their own individuals. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House explores the role of women in the late 1800’s and stresses the importance of their realization of this believed inferiority. Living in our present day society sometimes causes us to underestimate the transition that women have undergone throughout these last hundred years. However, Nora’s progression at the end of the play arouses an awareness to an awakening society recognizing the changing view of the stat us of women at that time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Child Labor as a crime

Childhood is a vital and powerful experience in each individual's lifetime. It is the most important and impressionable period of learning. Throughout all of the highs and the lows, childhood is remembered forever. Although children have many rights, in some developing countries these rights are not always protected. Older, manipulative adults are taking advantage of children to make a profit for themselves. This is known as child labour, and it happens much more than many people realize. Child labour is corrupt and there is no place for it in our modern world today. Child labour happens in many countries. There are many reasons why children are being exploited. First of all, nothing much seems to be happening to prevent it. Child labour must be eliminated as quickly as possible, before many more children get trapped, like the millions who already have in the past. Secondly, many children are too young to realize that what is happening to them is wrong and illegal. Children under the legal age to work in these developing countries, have more important things they should be involved with than labour. Each child deserves a good education, as well as the opportunity to enjoy life, learn new things, and most importantly have fun. Hard labour at an early age can really affect a person's outcome in the future. This terrible scam does not give children a fair chance in life; the chance for them to achieve their full potential. Child labour involves children working at a very young age. The majority of children are between the ages of five to fourteen years. Children at this age in many developing countries work hard each and everyday with very low pay. Millions of youth are forced to work without any real choice whatsoever. The work absorbs so much of their time that school attendance is impossible. School is a very important period in life. School is where humans learn almost all the information they need to know and to use in the future. Education is a must and children should attend school; they should not be forced to work. One out of every four children in developing countries work. This is a sad statistic. Millions of children work and none of them should have to. The children get paid so very little. Some children at this age, do not know how little they are getting paid. It's not okay that the children are working under these conditions and it is not okay that they are getting underpaid. On average, children will earn less then half the pay of a wage-earning adult with seven years of education. This is happening because of many reasons. Children are more malleable; they will do what they are told without asking any questions. They are much more powerless. They are also more unlikely to organize against oppression and they can be physically abused without striking back. Some customs in developing countries are much different then in Canada. For instance, in some developing countries, some people think that low-caste children should work rather than go to school. They believe this is their only option and that they don't need an education. In these countries, children are forced to mature much too quickly and they are not allowed to be ‘a kid' for very long. Some children are forced to work to support their family. The parents of these youths are mostly not employed and can't find work or are very poorly paid. The child's parents look upon them to bring in some money for the family. The roles of parent and child have been reversed. It should not be allowed. The adults have more experience, more time, usually a better education, and a lot more knowledge. The children should definitely not have to suffer and to be forced to work. Employers get away with paying children a whole lot less. It is mainly because there is no one to stop this from happening. Children become relied on and it is just not fair. Many countries have different laws for a minimum working age. In some countries there are no minimum age for working; the average is fifteen years old. In some countries, the age is between sixteen and eighteen. Any age below fifteen is much too young to be given that much responsibility. The work that is demanded of children is long, and performed in dangerous conditions. This is unacceptable, and would not come close to today's standards in Canada. Children are forced to work long days with little or no food, no breaks, and they sometimes have to work up to six days a week. This is more than the average Canadian has to work, and these employees are only five to twelve years of age. The majority of the employers take no account of the children's legal rights. They are deprived of schooling, play, and social activity. They are also denied the emotional support of friends and family. The children are also vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse. These conditions would be very hard to accept and live with for the average adult, much less a child as young as five. Children in these countries are taught at an early age to accept the conditions of their jobs, and not to challenge them. Most parents of these children are surprisingly not against this. In fact, in some developing countries, the parents of a less wealthy family will often sign over their off-spring to factory owners, or their agents for small loans. The culture is in fact, a lot different in these countries then most cultures in North America, but this should not take place under any conditions. Parents are forced to sell their own children. Most people would think that this is unheard of, but it occurs everyday. This is wrong and should not take place. Children belong to their parents and nothing should have to come between them. The children don't have a choice; they are powerless and they usually don't even know what is going on. Some factory owners have kept the children in captivity, tortured them and forced them to work for twenty hours straight without a break. In some jobs, where a child is forced to do hard labour work, life expectancy has been reduced to twenty-five years or younger. This is almost like murder, and if not murder, certainly an extreme case of child abuse. Child labour is not allowing these children to live a full life. This slavery has to be stopped before it claims the lives of others. Nobody in this world, especially children, are capable of working so hard for so many hours. Recently, many people from the US and Canada have brought this terrible situation to the attention of others. Petitions are now being signed to try to stop what is going on in these poor, developing countries. Craig Kielburger, a young boy from Toronto, is making a name for himself, as child labour activist. At age thirteen, Craig went to Asia for seven weeks, and found out the truth about child labour. He has informed many people about child slavery, and now he has an organization under way, throughout North America. Everybody in this world can really make a big impact on this issue. Since Craig told the world about child labour, thousands of people have pitched in to help solve the problem. UNICEF has done a lot in the last couple years to stop child labour. Slavery was thought to be ended hundreds of years ago, but yet little does the world know, it still takes place today. Abusing power has to be stopped. Taking advantage of innocent little boys and girls, is not right. All children should receive an education so that they can live a better life when they grow up, and feel good about themselves as people. There are a few more key steps that will have to take place to fix this disastrous situation. First, the immediate elimination of hazardous and exploitative child labour is necessary. This means governments must take strong action against anything that hampers the child's physical, social, cognitive, emotional, or moral development. They must also provide free and compulsory education. Birth registration of all children is a must. Registration is essential to ensure the child's rights, such as access to education, health care and other services, as well as, to provide employers and labour inspectors with evidence of every child's age. If these important steps are followed, child labour will go down, and quickly. Child labour is cruel and in appropriate. It infringes on children's rights, and it is just simply not fair. Child labour has been happening for a long time, but the majority of people tend to ignore it and shrug it off. Actions are now being taken to stop child labour. These deeds will slow down, and hopefully end child labour for good. The world will be a richer, happier place for all if child labour is stopped.