Sunday, October 20, 2019

Italian Vowels - Pronunciation Examples

Italian Vowels s Italian vowels ( le vocali a i u e o The approximate English equivalents are as follows: a is like a in the English word ah! Italian / Englishcasa  Ã‚  houseantipasto  Ã‚  appetizerama  Ã‚  lovesbanana  Ã‚  bananasala  Ã‚  hallPapa  Ã‚  Popefama  Ã‚  famepasta  Ã‚  pasta; dough; pastry e is sometimes like e in the English word they (without the final i glide). Italian / Englishe  Ã‚  andbeve  Ã‚  drinksme  Ã‚  mefede  Ã‚  faithvede  Ã‚  seesmele  Ã‚  applessete  Ã‚  thirstpepe  Ã‚  pepper e is sometimes like e in the word met. This is the open e. Italian / Englishà ¨Ã‚  Ã‚  islento  Ã‚  slowbene  Ã‚  wellfesta  Ã‚  party; holidaysedia  Ã‚  chairpresto  Ã‚  soonvento  Ã‚  windtà ¨Ã‚  Ã‚  tea i is like i in machine. Italian / Englishlibri  Ã‚  booksbimbi  Ã‚  childrenvini  Ã‚  winesviolini  Ã‚  violinstini  Ã‚  vatspini  Ã‚  pines o is sometimes like o in the English word oh!. Italian / Englisho  Ã‚  ordono  Ã‚  giftnome  Ã‚  namesolo  Ã‚  aloneposto  Ã‚  placetondo  Ã‚  roundvolo  Ã‚  flightmondo  Ã‚  world o is sometimes like o in or. This is the open o. Italian / Englishmoda  Ã‚  fashiontoga  Ã‚  togano  Ã‚  nooro  Ã‚  goldposta  Ã‚  mailbrodo  Ã‚  brothcosa  Ã‚  thingtrono  Ã‚  thronerosa  Ã‚  roseolio  Ã‚  oil u is like u in rule. Italian / Englishluna  Ã‚  moonfungo  Ã‚  mushroomuno  Ã‚  onelungo  Ã‚  longfuga  Ã‚  fuguemulo  Ã‚  muleuso  Ã‚  usetubo  Ã‚  tube

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