Friday, September 13, 2019

Aircraft maintenance and structures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aircraft maintenance and structures - Assignment Example This is true for the combination of the reduced performance factor like wet and long grass, uncoordinated or severe manoeuvres, tire engine, turbulence, emergency situations, and high ambient temperatures (Seabridge & Moir, 67). The performance of an aircraft and the characteristics of handling are all influenced by the cg and the gross weight. If different pilots could get to know and provides respect to this facts, the aviation accidents could significantly reduce. An aircraft that is improperly balanced or overloaded needs requires great consumption of fuel, and power for the maintenance of flight. This will affect the controllability and stability. The absence of appreciation to the balance and weight on the aircraft performance specifically the combination of the performance factors. The aircraft performance is depended on the wing airfoil design, the speed of movement of the wing, and the air density. It is the aircraft wing design that is the limitation of the quantity of the available lift and the existing power from the engine. This may limit the movement speed of the wing. The engine efficiency or the wing combination is minimum in situations of a less dense air than the standard day. In this case, each and every pilot is expected to ascertain the fact that during pre-flight preparation the gross weight of the aircraft falls in the category of the safe limit of the flight when the aircraft performance is considered. The pilots need to understand that the weight of the baggage cargo together with the fuel load is to be adjusted accordingly to give the safety margin. This means that for general aviation aircraft, it may not be easy to have all seat filled, to have the baggage capacity loaded, carry full fuel and maintain the approved weight and balance of cg. For the six-planes airplanes, the tanks of fuel may not be filled to capacity whenever a full set of passengers

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