Monday, September 30, 2019

Bullying and Peer Pressure

bullying About a week ago I was assigned a film project on bullying and peer pressure. What my group did was a recreation of the breakfast club. Although I’ve never seen the movie I was very excited to start. The project really did help me learn the harmful effects of bullying and peer pressure. One part that showed me about bullying is when one of the main characters, Sophia, confesses to the group that she told everyone about a girl’s crush through Instagram. That scene made me reflect on how cyber bulling can really hurt a person.A part that showed me about peer pressure is when the character, Marcus, convinces the kids to eat illegal candy. This project was not only a fun experience but was also a way for me to better understand the effects that bullying can have on a person. Bullying is a serious offense affecting many kids. Bullying is the use of force to abuse or intimidate someone. There are three basic types of bullying: emotional, verbal, and physical. Eventua lly the person who is being bullied gets a low self-esteem and might commit suicide. 1 out of 10 kids drop out of school because of bullying.Some ways to stop bullying are: build healthy relationships, educate yourself, intervene, refuse to join in, and offer support. Peer pressure is when a group wants you to change something about your attitude, values, or they want you to do something. Its mostly common in youth. Peer pressure has negative effects when you are pressured into doing something your not supposed to do, but also has positive effects when you are pressured to do excellent on a test. Popular adolescents are more strongly associated with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Organization Role

An organization must be at a position of providing quality and advanced services that improve the lives of the customers. Creating the best customer brands and products in the world makes an organization to stand a higher chance of winning most of the products.The manger should show high standards of managerial skills by advising organizational leaders correctly in order to realize the set objectives. What conditions must be met? In order to win, there must be a complete guide to on how solve the challenges that the organization face. There must be a customer desk to help in solving the problems that the clients have within the shortest period of time. There must be the best selling eBook, which helps in planning for winning strategy. What are the potential barriers to success? A case of potential region, when the workforce is reduced, there is high chances of reduction in success. The passage of the particles through the region will reduce hence creating a barrier which is known as potential hill. The barrier creates an opposing force to the clients hence undermining the success of an organization. How will we test our ‘what must be true† conditions? The organization should pay no attention to the grid of axis for some time. Also, all the choices made should be checked and tested well if they are leading to success, lest a great loss is realized. The results obtained should be put on a separate post-it and then place it anywhere so that it can be revised by the engineer to test for the success. All the things which are set to be true should be set on the left hand side of the grid and the one ones that the engineer are not sure of to be on the right hand side. The uncertainties dependant should be taken to the upper quadrant on the right side. In so doing, the test will be achieved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Indian & European Relations in the 1600s Essay

Spain in North America 1560s: Spanish give up search for Indian gold. Focus on defending their empire from English (who were plundering treasure ships and Caribbean ports) and French Protestants (who began to settle in Florida though the Spanish had already claimed the land). Spanish establish fort at St. Augustine, Florida (1565) to protect route of the treasure fleet. They also massacre French Protestants. Raids by Native Americans wipe out military outposts and religious missions. 1573: The Comprehensive Order for New Discoveries says that missionaries, not conquistadors, have to pacify the land. Franciscan friars set up missions in Nuevo Mà ©xico (New Mexico) and attack Native Americans. Native Americans do forced labor. 1680: Popà © leads revolt, kills 400 Spaniards and forces remaining 1500 to flee to El Paso, and destroys Spanish missions (Pueblo Revolt of 1680). Spaniards return, Native Americans make a deal that lets them practice their own religion and end forced labor, but they have to help th e Spaniards. Outcome: Spanish fail to convert Native Americans, Santa Fe left vulnerable. In Florida, raids by English leave St. Augustine vulnerable. French in North America 1608: First permanent settlement, Quebec, is founded 1662: King Louis XIV turns New France into a royal colony, tries to get people to move there. Cannot get enough people. New France becomes an area for trading furs. Rise of the Iroquois: French introduce diseases that kill many Indians. Indians get guns from fur trade, which leads to war. The Five Iroquois Nations come out on top, have control of the fur trade in Quebec (with the French) and New Amsterdam (with the Dutch). French Jesuits try to win Indian converts. They do not exploit the Indians, and they come to understand their culture. They eventually win converts by adapting Christianity to the needs of the Indians. Outcome: Despite efforts of the Jesuits, French fur trade causes devastation through disease and loss of Indian culture. Iroquois warriors kill many, though they too are harmed: French burned their villages and killed many warriors in 1666 and again in 1690. Dutch in North America Dutch set up a fur-trading post (Fort Orange) along the Hudson River. West India Company has monopoly on the fur. Later, Dutch founded New Amsterdam and made it the capital of New Netherland. Colony didn’t thrive: small population made it vulnerable. Fort Orange succeeds as a peaceful and successful fur-trading post. Dutch near New Amsterdam are more aggressive towards Indians. 1640: war. After the war, West India Company ignores New Netherland, focuses on slave trade. 1664: Dutch fall under control of the English under the Duke of York 1673: Dutch assault momentarily recaptures the colony Edmund Andros takes control, in retaliation imposes English law and demands allegiance. Outcome: Dutch, who had once been dominant, are now a subject people. Chapter 6: Making War and Republican Governments (1776-1789) Patriots demand that colonists join Loyalist or Patriot side – cannot stay neutral. Patriots have advantage to get supporters b/c they control local governments. Patriots make army, and Patriots encouraged people to support the army by taking a more active role in govt. Character of politics changes when common people exert influence: democratic army launches age of republican revolution. Americans forced to retreat, Britain pushed back Americans into PA. When winter comes, Britain halts their campaign and Patriots catch them off guard, winning small victories. Armies and Strategies Howe doesn’t want to destroy Americans, just wants them to surrender and compromise. Howe cannot win decisive victory, Washington avoids defeat. Washington’s handicaps: Fights only defensively, has unfit recruits, Radical Whig Patriots believe army is threat to liberty. American Victory at Saratoga Britain’s goal: isolate New England North’s colonial secretary Germain’s plan: attack Albany from 3 sides. Burgoyne, St. Leger, and Howe will attack. Howe’s different plan: attack Philadelphia (home of Continental Congress), end rebellion w/ single victory. Howe uses his plan slowly. Continental Congress flees to PA’s interior. Howe’s slow attack directly leads to defeat of Burgoyne’s army. Burgoyne’s actions: fights, then stalls. Americans led by General Gates slows Burgoyne’s progress. Burgoyne’s army stuck in Saratoga, NY. Beaten back while trying to raid VT. Has troops w/drawn to help Howe. Meanwhile, Gates’ forces grow. October 1777: Burgoyne forced to surrender. Turning point of the war. Social and Financial Perils British naval blockade causes disruption in New England fishing industry, and British occupation causes decrease in domestic trade and manufacturing. People move out, decrease in population. Chesapeake colonies: blockade cuts tobacco exports. Short supply of goods = army starts getting supplies from the people. Women and Household Production Women: 1 Increase output of homespuns 2 Participate in farmwork Despite this, goods remain scarce and prices rise. War also created deprivation, displacement, and death. War divides communities b/c of Patriots’ violence. Financial Crisis State govts are weak, don’t create new taxes. Creation of fiat money, Continental Congress and colonies’ economies crumble. Valley Forge Starvation and sickness for Americans during the winter in Valley Forge, but Baron von Steuben raises morale. Continental army becomes tougher and better disciplined. The Path to Victory, 1778-1783 1778: Continental Congress allies w/ France. Alliance gives Continental Congress money, supplies, and later troops. Also confronts Britain w/ international war that challenges domination of Atlantic. The French Alliance Alliance starts w/ secret loan to colonies to avenge France’s loss of Canada to Britain. Later turns into a formal alliance. Negotiating the Treaty American diplomats ensure treaty specifies that French support cannot end until the United States is independent. Alliance revives colonies and Continental Congress. The British Response War is becoming unpopular in Britain. Some British support Americans and campaign for domestic reforms. George III initially committed to crushing rebellion, but after British defeat at Saratoga changes his mind. Tries to prevent American and French alliance (Parliament repeals Tea Act, Prohibitory acts, and renounces right to tax colonies). War in the South French and Spanish (who joined the war against Britain in 1779) agendas cause British to shift focus of the war to the South. Britain’s Southern Strategy British plan: 1 Focus on winning tobacco and rice colonies (VA, Carolinas, GA) then rely on local Loyalists to hold them 2 Exploit racial divisions between slaves and Patriot owners – get slaves to flee At first, British are winning. But tide turns. Dutch join fight against British. France dispatches troops to America Partisan Warfare in the Carolinas General Green fights in Carolinas. Fighting goes back and forth. Britain is weakened by this war of attrition, and British decide to give up Carolinas to Greene and focus on VA instead. Benedict Arnold and Conflicting Loyalties Benedict Arnold switched from American side to British side. Fights for George III in VA. Britain Defeated Washington and the French fleet surround Cornwallis and his troops on land. Cornwallis is outnumbered, cannot escape by sea. October 1781: Cornwallis surrenders in Yorktown The Patriot Advantage Why the Americans won the war: 1 Some British mistakes 2 Widespread Patriots in America 3 Many Americans support war through taxes and joining the militia 4 Patriots led by experienced politicians 5 George Washington Americans refuse to support British army, refuse to accept occupation by Loyalist forces, and endure the inflation caused by the war. Diplomatic Triumph Peace talks begin in 1782, but French and Spanish stall b/c they still hope for major naval victory or territorial conquest. Ignoring Treaty of Alliance, Americans sign a separate peace w/ the British. September 1783: Treaty of Paris. Great Britain recognizes independence of the colonies. Britain gets: 1 Canada 2 Rights for merchants to pursue legal claims for prewar debts 3 Americans will encourage state legislatures to return confiscated property to Loyalists and grant them citizenship America gets: 1 Great Lakes and land east of the Mississippi River 2 Fishing rights 3 Freedom of navigation on the Mississippi 4 British cannot seize property like slaves 1783: Treaty of Versailles – Britain makes peace w/ France and Spain Chapter 10: Creating Republican Institutions, 1776 – 1787 The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy? Many states had written state constitutions when the Continental Congress urged them to in 1776. The Rise of Popular Politics, 1820-1829 Expansion of the franchise = most democratic symbol of the Democratic Revolution. Gives ordinary men more power than anywhere else in the world. The Decline of the Notables and the Rise of Parties American Revolution weakened the deferential society, but didn’t overthrow it. Wealthy notables still dominated the political system at first. 1810: Struggle to expand suffrage began. State legislatures grant broader voting rights to diffuse criticism and deter migration to the west. The new voters refused to support politicians that flaunted their high social status. Democratic politics is corrupt. Martin Van Buren: 1 Created political machine, the Albany Regency. 2 Patronage: gives government jobs to party members in return for their loyalty. (Spoils system) 3 Insists on party discipline, requires elected officials to follow dictates of the party caucus. The Election of 1824 Five candidates, all Republicans, campaigned for presidency. Jackson received most popular votes, but Adams won because Clay made a â€Å"corrupt bargain† with Adams, where Clay would vote Adams into presidency if he would become secretary of state. Presidency of John Quincy Adams: the last notable president Supports American System (protective tariffs, national bank, subsidized internal improvements) Resistance to the American System: southerners oppose protective tariffs because they raised the price of manufactures, and smallholders feared powerful banks that could force them into bankruptcy. Politicians oppose American System on constitutional grounds (for example, saying that the national government’s income couldn’t fund state improvement projects because those projects were the responsibility of the states). Southerners were also angry about the Tariff of 1828, which raised duties on raw materials and textiles. Southerners also dislike Adams’s pro-Indian policy. Jacksonian Impact 1 Expanded potential authority of President by identifying it with the voice of the people. 2 Upheld national authority by threatening use of military force, laying foundation for Lincoln’s later defense of the Union. 3 Reinvigorated Jeffersonian tradition of limited central government by undermining American System of national banking, protective tariffs, and internal improvements. 4 Undermined constitutional jurisprudence of Marshall by appointing Taney as Marshall’s successor. Taney partially reversed nationalist and property-rights decisions of Marshall. Example: In the case Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co. (1837), Taney says that a charter doesn’t necessarily bestow a monopoly, and a legislature could charter competition (in this case, a competing bridge co.) to help the public. This decision directly challenges what Marshall said in the Dartmouth College v. Woodward case, where Marshall stresses the binding nature of a contract by saying that a state cannot invalidate a contract. Other cases that place limits on Marshall’s nationalistic interpretations by enhancing role of state governments: Mayor of New York v. Miln (1837): New York state can use â€Å"police power† to inspect health of immigrants. Briscoe v. Bank of Kentucky (1837): When it issues currency, a bank owned by the Kentucky doesn’t violate the provision of the Constitution that prohibits states from issuing â€Å"bills of credit.† As a result of the Taney Court’s decisions, the role of state governments in commerce was greatly enhanced. 5 States write new constitutions that extend democracy, many of which introduce classical liberalism (laissez-faire). Laissez-faire says the government role in the economy should be limited.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Enrique's Journey Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enrique's Journey Reflection - Essay Example ain character meets on his way forced me to realize, how precious is the family and what a price should some immigrants pay for to reunite with their families. Before reading this book I never thought that the government should somehow support the immigrants. I thought that the problems of immigrants are the problems of their own countries, ut nit the USA. I’ve heard the terrific statistics telling how many people crossed the USA boundary, but that people were only numbers for me. Earlier I never thought about the fact that those people who immigrate to the USA leave their families on the other side of the boundary. I thought of them as about people who just can’t find a job or don’t want to live in their own country and therefore come to the USA. While reading this book I got deep into the inner world of a boy, whose mother left him in Honduras and went far away to make his and her life better. The move allows her to send money back home to Enrique, due to that he can go to school. Mother promised Enrique that she will return quickly. But she had troubles in America. So due to this very book I saw how difficult it is to survive in the foreign country, where no one is really interested in your being here and someone even want you to leave. Also I saw the inside of the world of poverty, unemployment and hardships I never met in my life. I really reconsidered my opinion about immigrants after reading this book. Now I even think the government has to provide the immigrants children with a humanitarian care, shelter and legal assistance, especially for those children who have faced horrific violence in their native countries. Unfortunately not all he officials and parties are ready to help the immigrants. The book Enriques Journey helped me to open my eyes and see the other side of the both immigrant’s and my own worlds. They differ a lot. I have never been really far from my family, without staying in contact with them, without a smallest opportunity to see

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Exam III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam III - Essay Example Concentration of several institutions serving the early settlers made the San Antonio quite important to the early settlers and the town evolved to become the capital of Texas in the early 1770s (Arreola, 1987). However, the San Antonio had grown into a city by early 1811 following the influx of Mexican and Spanish settlers and served as a special border town during the colonial period. Due to this fact of being a border town, its sovereignty changed several times in the early eighteenth century. According to Arrelola (1987) San Antonio was first Spanish; it then became a part of Mexican republic in early 1920s and finally a city in the Republic of Texas in 1930s what would later make it statehood in the United States in 1840s. As the time passed by, the population of this city doubled and the Mexicans continued to represent quite a significant proportion of the population of San Antonio (Meier & Ribera, 1994). In 1930s, San Antonio’s population was reported to be plainly dominated by Mexican. The Mexicans were later joined by the Americans, Germans, Irish and French immigrants who also became inhabitants of this city (Arreola, 1997). Following the intermarriages between the different individuals, the separateness of the ethnic groups became the order of the day with Mexicans reducing to approximately forty six percent of the entire population of the city. Even though the Mexican population of the town continued to decline through the 19th and 20th centuries, the nearness of the city to Mexico and the fact that among the early inhabitants were Mexicans helped the city grow as an important Mexican cultural city in United States by being the best location of settlement of the Mexican immigrants into the US (Arreola, 1997). In 1980s, the development of the railway network system across America and it connection to Mexico further shortened the distance between Mexico and the Central and Southern

Self Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self Concept - Essay Example It helps the child in building a good relation with his family and fellows around. So it could be said that it is a mental understanding or the knowledge of one's own existence and personality. Few physical and social attributes affect the personality of a person along with the social attributes. These attributes affect the attitude, habits and thinking of a person. During a lifetime, as a child the self-concepts are not so visible and they can get change as well with the passage of time. But as he grows older the self-concept becomes more incorporated and his psychology and social life becomes clearer and he can be judged better on the base of his attitude and habits and more psychological attributes. The self-concept of a person can be influenced by the sense of identity and other features, which affect the self-concept of a person, are the opinions that are being shared by the other people around, that what they think actually about us. The other things, which affect the self-concept, is the comparisons and similarities which are there between us and the other people around us. How much are we similar to them or how much are we different from them. Gergen (1965) showed in his study that the self-concept is affected by the reaction of other people and people cannot talk honestly about themselves. He conducted an interview with few people and he came to know that people cannot talk about themselves and what they talk usually reflect the views which people posses about them. And very few people rated themselves accurately, most of them rated themselves according to the perceptions of their friends and families. Here, we can look at the Ekman's six universal emotions, which are same all over the world and people from different regions posses, these emotions in the same way. The emotions are happiness sorrow anger disgust surprise As we look at the above listed events, these are the events, which lead people to shape their self-concept. In happiness, a person is sometimes out-of-control and it affects the normal mindset of the person. So at that time the person react in a way, which helps him understand that what do he or she actually wants to do and they do it without any boundary. The other situation is the state of sorrow, where a person can loose the hope and can go for anything, which he or she cannot think of doing in any normal circumstances. This event gives a real opportunity to a person to judge his self-concept and to get a clear vision of his weakness and strengths as well. The other event is the anger - which is an important event. If a person is able to control his anger, he can easily do anything in the world. Controlling anger is important because during this state of mind, a person can do anything reversible and it is an important event to judge someone's self-esteem and self-concept. Fourth event is the disgust; a stable mind is needed to cope in this state. This event is also an important event and it helps in getting knowledge about the one's own positive and negative points. The fifth and last event is the surprise. Surprise can be positive as well as the negative. The reaction of a person towards the surprise, whether a positive

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discuss the significance of the endi ng of The Glass Menagerie , in Essay

Discuss the significance of the endi ng of The Glass Menagerie , in terms of symbols, characters, and themes - Essay Example The mother is trying to compensate the shortcomings in her life by thinking of her good old days. Amanda says â€Å"What are we going to do, what is going to become of us, what is the future?" ( Williams ) All the characters are forcing themselves to escape from the reality as her daughter Laura is illussioned by glass works while son wanders along in frustration. In the climax, we can see that characters come at different points of struggling. The climax has lot of significance because people in the story change their choices and preferences to make their life better. Tom who is the son of Amanda decides to use the money he have for his purpose instead of paying electric bill of house. He thinks to leave his family in search of an adventure to break off from family struggle and start a life of his own. In the end also the dreams of Laura changes as Jim announces his engagement. He then breaks the horn of her glass unicorn in mistake which was gifted by Laura. When Jim announces that he is engaged it destroys the chance of eliminating the self doubt and shyness of Laura. We can see that this incident has brought a mental and emotional trauma in Laura and Amanda. When Amanda hears the news of Jim getting engaged, she loses the hope of her daughter getting popularity and social standing. She related this to her experience where she also lost a chance to come up in social circle of life. In the end, we can see that all the hopes and desires of characters fall apart and show how illusion and fantasies can spoil our life. Amanda says â€Å"I’ll tell you what I wished for on the moon. Success and happiness for my precious children! I wish for that whenever there’s a moon, and when there isn’t a moon, I wish for it, too." (Williams ).Tom not paying the bills shows that the he is frustrated with his family. Amanda has a change

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Teaching Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teaching - Personal Statement Example This cooperation occurs between students and their peers as well as students and teachers. Social literacy is supported for example, where there is opportunity to work in groups, discuss issues, and contribution to class works. Appeal to the interest of children: this principle supports science literacy since it is based on a curriculum that responds directly to the interest of children. This provides opportunities for knowledge construction. The tenet also allows a constructivist teacher to recognize and stimulate the interest of children. This will support science literacy when for example, the teacher observes what children do, solicit the ideas of children, and propose activities that entice children. Teaching in terms of the type of involved knowledge: this tenet defines the kinds of knowledge helpful to constructivist teachers. Physical knowledge, conventional or social knowledge, and logico-mathematical knowledge may be used among children. This supports science literacy in that varying strategies are used for different types of knowledge. For example, with conventional knowledge, children are shown and told the information via direct instruction, in physical knowledge, the children are assisted in getting chances to act on things and their reactions noted while a teacher provides experiences in logico-mathematical knowledge through which student reorganize their own knowledge. Choosing content challenging children: this principle creates a culture of inquiry and develop teaching curriculum based on ideas which allow a very in-depth study. It supports science of literacy through providing activities appropriate for wide development levels. For example, it analyzes activities in terms of relationships and regularities. Promote reasoning among children: this principle supports science literacy because it encourages

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research prposal Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Prposal - Research Proposal Example In the era of globalization most of the countries use the strategy of deregulation to reduce the government control on the domestic industry. Banking sector has also not been left alone. Governments are also exercising lesser amount of control on the banks. But to ensure that the banks are performing efficiently, the Central bank has a big role to play. It is the central bank of a nation in whose hands there lay the responsibilities of creating favorable environments for the bank to operate under. Efficiency of the banks in a country depends on the efficiency of the strategies adopted by the central bank of the country. When a nation adopts the strategy of increasing openness, its economy goes through a substantial change as the domestic market of the country becomes exposed to international market and therefore to fierce competition from international firms. Under this situation central bank of any country needs to make cautious steps in order to make the domestic banks strong enough to survive under strong competition as well as creating favorable environment for the operation of international banks. Particular in developing countries, central banks have to be very efficient in deal with the continuously changing financial environment under intense liberalization. Unless and until the central bank becomes successful in fulfilling its major objective of maintaining financial stability, the country’s financial sector will move towards severe financial turmoil. (Papademos, 2008) Libya, a developing nation of Africa, has significantly participated in the process of globalization. Its banking sector has therefore been also not left alone. Intensive reform measures have been undertaken for the baking industry of the country to pave the way of integration of domestic banking sector with the global one. But here lays a big question regarding how far the banking industry of Libya

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay Example for Free

Paul’s Missionary Journey Essay The Apostle Paul was the great leader in the momentous transition which characterized the apostolic age, the transition from a prevailingly Jewish to a prevailingly gentile Christianity. Under his guidance Christianity was saved from atrophy and death, which threatened it if it remained confined in Palestine. At the same time, by reason of his insight into the truth of the Gospel and fidelity to it, as well as by his devotion to the Old Testament and loyalty to the highest Jewish ideals in which he had been reared, he saved Christianity from the moral and religious degeneracy to which it would surely have been brought if it had broken with its past, and had tried to stand alone and helpless amid the whirl of Greek religious movements of the first and second Christian centuries. In Paul a great force of onward movement and a profound and conscious radicalism were combined with fundamentally conservative principles. Paul appears to have been born at not far from the same time as Jesus Christ. According to Acts, Paul was born in Tarsus (Acts 9:11; etc. ), received the double name Saul/Paul (13:9), and through his family possessed Tarsian and Roman citizenship (22:25-29 (Murphy-OConnor 32-33). Overall, Paul can be described as an able and thoroughly trained Jew, who had gained from his residence in a Greek city that degree of Greek education which complete familiarity with the Greek language and the habitual use of the Greek translation of the Scriptures could bring. At bottom he ever remained the Jew, in his feelings, his background of ideas, and his mode of thought, but he knew how to make tolerably intelligible to Greek readers the truths in which, as lie came to believe, lay the satisfaction of their deepest needs. At Jerusalem Paul entered ardently into the pursuit of the Pharisaic ideal of complete conformity in every particular to the Law. He was, he tells us, found blameless (to every eye but that of his own conscience), and, he says, I advanced in the Jews religion beyond many of mine own age among my countrymen, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. With fiery passion he entered into the persecution of the Christian sect, was present and took a kind of part at the murder of Stephen, and undertook to carry on the work of suppression outside of Palestine at Damascus, whither he journeyed for this purpose with letters of introduction from the authorities at Jerusalem (Murphy-OConnor 52-57). At this time took place his conversion. That he was converted, and at or near Damascus, his own words leave no doubt. I persecuted, he says in writing to the Galatians, the Church of God. . . But when it was the good pleasure of God, who separated me, even from my mothers womb, and called me through his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the gentiles; straightway I conferred not with flesh and blood: neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me: but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned unto Damascus (Gal i. 13-17). The change evidently presented itself to Pauls mind as a direct divine interposition in his life. It came to him in a revelation of Jesus Christ, whereby (and through no human intermediary) he received the Gospel which he preached, and the commission to be an apostle. He refers to it as to a single event and an absolute change of direction, not a gradual process and development; the two parts of his life stood sharply contrasted, he did not conceive that he had slid by imperceptible stages from one to the other. What things [i. e. his advantages of birth and Jewish attainment] were gain to me, these have I counted loss for Christ . . . or whom I suffered — as if in a single moment —the loss of all things (Phil. iii. 7. 8). From Pauls own words, then, we know that he was converted from a persecutor to a Christian, at a definite time and at or near Damascus, by what he considered to be the direct interposition of God; and it seems to be this experience of which he thought as a vision of the risen Christ (Hubbard 176-77). After Pauls conversion, which took place in the latter part of the reign of Tiberius (14-37 a. d. ), about fifteen years passed before the missionary career began of which we have knowledge from Acts and from Pauls own epistles. During this time Paul was first in Arabia, that is in some part of the empire of which Damascus was the most famous city, then in Damascus, and later, after a brief visit to Jerusalem, in Cilicia, doubtless at his old home Tarsus. In this period we may suppose that he was adjusting his whole system of thought to the new centre which had established itself in his mind, the Messiahship of Jesus. With the new basis in mind every part of his intellectual world must have been thought through. Especially, we may believe, will he have studied the relation of Christian faith to the old dispensation and to the ideas of the prophets. The fruit of these years we have in the matured thought of the epistles. They show a steadiness of view and a readiness of resource in the use of the Old Testament, which testify to through work in the time of preparation. Epistles written years apart, like Galatians, Romans and Philippians, surprise us by their uniformity of thought and unstrained similarity of language, in spite of the richness and vivacity of Pauls thought and style. So, for the most part, the characteristic ideas even of Epliesians and Colossians are found suggested in germ in Corinthians and the earlier epistles. Pauls epistles represent the literary flowering of a mind prepared by years of study and reflection (Murphy-OConnor 90-95). At Pauls missionary journey and the beginning then made of churches in Asia Minor we have already looked in a previous chapter. After his return to Antioch followed that great and pivotal occasion of early Christian history, the so-called Council, or Conference, at Jerusalem, described in the fifteenth chapter of Acts and by Paul in the second chapter of Galatians. At that time Paul established his right to carry on the work of Christian missions in accordance with his own principles and his own understanding of the Christian religion. His relation with the Twelve Apostles seems then and at all times to have been cordial. His difficulties came from others in the Jewish Church. To this we know of only one exception, apparently somewhat later than the Conference, the occasion at Antioch when Peter under pressure from Jerusalem withdrew from fellowship with the gentile brethren, and called out from Paul the severe rebuke of which we read in Galatians. There is reason to believe that the rebuke accomplished its purpose. At any rate, at a later time there is no evidence of a continued breach. The idea of missionary travel had evidently taken possession of Paul, for after returning from Jerusalem to Antioch he soon started out again, and was incessantly occupied with missionary work from now until the moment of his arrest at Jerusalem. Leaving Antioch on his second journey he and his companions hurried across Asia Minor, stopping only, it would appear, to revisit and inspect churches previously established. They were led by the Holy Spirit, as the writer of Acts believed, to direct their course westward as rapidly as possible to Greece, which was to be the next stage in the path to the capital of the world. In Macedonia and Achaia Paul and his companions worked with varying success at Philippi, Thessalonica, Ber? a, Athens, Corinth. At Corinth, the chief commercial city of Greece, the Christians arrived in the late autumn. The work opened well, and Paul remained at that important centre until a year from the following spring. The date of his arrival cannot be exactly determined, but is probably one of the five years between 49 and 53 a. d. While at Corinth he wrote the First and (if it is genuine) the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. Somewhere about this time, perhaps before leaving Antioch for this journey, the Epistle to the Galatians was written. The churches of Galatia, to which it is addressed, were probably the churches known to us in Acts as Pisithan Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. After a flying trip to Syria and perhaps to Jerusalem Paul returned to Ephesus in Asia Minor, where he settled down for a stay of three years. A few incidents of this period have been recorded in the Book of Acts, and are among the most striking and realistic that we have. They include a remarkable number of points of contact with facts known to us from archeological discoveries, and in no chapters of Acts is our confidence more fully reassured in the contemporary knowledge and the trustworthiness of the writer of the book. While at Ephesus Paul had much communication with Corinth, and wrote I Corinthians, which had clearly been preceded by another letter. There are indications in II Corinthians that after this he found the difficulties in the church at Corinth such that he wrote them at least one letter which has been lost, and made a short, and in its outcome exceedingly painful, trip to Corinth and back to Ephesus. Finally he was impelled by danger to his life to leave Ephesus, and went through Macedonia to Corinth. On the way he wrote, to prepare for his own presence, the epistle we call II Corinthians. Arriving at Corinth in the early winter he stayed until spring. His literary impulse continued active, and to this winter we owe the Epistle to the Romans. Earlier letters had been called out by special need in one or another church; in Romans Paul comes nearer to a systematic exposition of his theology than in any of his earlier writings. He knew the importance that would surely belong to the Christian Church of Rome. He had made up his mind to go there. But first he must go to Jerusalem, and there were dangers both from the risks of travel and from hostile men. Of each hind his life had had many examples. Accordingly he provided for the Roman Christians a clear statement of his main position, together with a reply to several of the chief objections brought against it, notably the allegations that his presentation of Christianity involves the abrogation of Gods promises to his chosen people, and that it opened the way to moral laxity. This letter Paul sent as an earnest of his own visit to Rome. He had been for a year or more supervising the collection by the churches of Asia Minor and Europe of a contribution for the poor Christians at Jerusalem; the gentile churches should thus make a repayment in carnal things to those who had made them to be partakers of their spiritual things. This contribution was now ready, and Paul himself with a group of representatives of the chief churches took ship at Philippi and Troas for Jerusalem. The voyage is narrated in detail in Acts, evidently by one who was a member of the company. At last Paul reached Jerusalem, and was well received by the church; but, followed as he was by the hatred of Jews from the Dispersion who had recognized the menace to the Jewish religion proceeding from the new sect, he was set upon by a mob, rescued only by being taken in custody by the Roman authorities, and after a series of exciting adventures which will be found admirably told in the Book of Acts, was brought to C`sarea. There he stayed a prisoner for two years and more until on the occasion of a change of Roman Governor his case was brought up for trial, when he exercised the right of a Roman citizen to appeal from the jurisdiction of the Governor to that of the imperial court at Rome. It was late autumn, but he was dispatched with a companion whom we may well believe to be Luke the beloved physician, and from whom our account certainly comes. The narrative of Pauls voyage and shipwreck, of the winter on the island of Malta, and the final arrival at Rome early in one of the years between 58 and 62 a. d. is familiar. It is the most important document that antiquity has left us for an understanding of the mode of working an ancient ship, while the picture which it gives of Paul as a practical man is a delightful supplement to our other knowledge of him(Murphy-OConnor 324). In Rome, while under guard awaiting trial, Paul probably wrote Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and the circular letter, seemingly intended for churches in Asia Minor, known to us as Ephesians. They show some new development of ideas long present with him, and some new thoughts to which his other writings give no parallel, and the style of some of them has changed a bit from the freshness of Galatians and Romans; but these are not sufficient reasons for denying that Paul wrote the letters. They are, indeed, as it seems to me, beyond reasonable doubt genuine. The Book of Acts ends with the words, And he [Paul] abode two whole years in his own hired dwelling, and received all that went in unto him, preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, none forbidding him. This period of two years is sufficient to include the composition of the four epistles to which reference has just been made, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and Epliesians, the so-called Epistles of the Captivity. What happened at the expiration of the period? Apparently Pauls case, long postponed, then came to trial. Did it result in his release or his execution? The evidence is meager and conflicting, and opinions differ. It is perhaps a little more likely that he was released, and entered on further missionary work, probably carrying out his original purpose of pushing on with the proclamation of his Gospel to the west, and establishing it in Spain; but of this period there is no narrative. If after two years Pauls imprisonment at Rome ended with his release, as the absence of well-founded charges against him would lead us to expect, he must have been later again apprehended, probably in connection with the persecution artfully turned against the Christians at the time of Neros fire in July of the year 64. It is probable that he was beheaded, to which privilege his Roman citizenship entitled him, and that he was ultimately buried on the Ostian Way at the spot where now stands the splendid basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Market Entry Of Hui Li Shoes Into Singapore Marketing Essay

Market Entry Of Hui Li Shoes Into Singapore Marketing Essay The International marketing which is defined as performance of business activities including price, promotions, product and distribution decision and then the task of marketing research is to systematically collect data, process it into valuable information which is important for getting marketing decision. The information of the host country on political stability, cultural attributes and geographical characteristic are required for sound for foreign markets. Information on economic general data on level of growth, inflation levels, business cycles and the levels of competition in that particular industry. These directly affect the economic viability of the product, since some of the factors affect profitability. This report examines possible feasibility of plan for china shoes company Hui Li entering the Singapore market. It indicated that despite previous successes for the company in china market significant strategic alterations to its target segmentations and marketing mixes as well as supply and distribution operations will be necessary for success in entering Singapore. It suggests that the future economic growth of the Singapore market and considering the position of international competitor already operating in the market that it is a critical objective for the company to enter the market in order to maintain long term growth of market 2. Background of Hui Li 300000876508128399649319422 During the 1970s, The Ping Pong model since 1976. By Hui Li brand sneakers were the popular shoes in China its bright and clean design a sharp contrast to the drab homogeneity of Communist China. Continuing into the 1980s, the shoe remained a status symbol for Chinese teenagers who were well-off enough to don a pair of famous Warrior models Hui Li. But as China opened up economically, so did the marketplace for sneaker brands. when the 50 year-old Hui Li name was still popular in China, it was no longer well-known as one of the premier Chinese brands. Instead, Hui Li shoes became the shoe of the working class worn by poor construction workers, elderly women and rural citizens looking for a pair of cheap, durable shoes, inexpensive brand name and mark-up. Fascinated by this story, a graphic design student from China recently released a photography book which features people wearing Warriors in various areas of China. Each copy of Book of Warriors comes with a pair of Warriors models by Hui Li. The author, Shumeng Ye, wishes to use the Hui Li brand to tell the story behind the shoes and represent a varity side of China. Not either the industrial power and economic power, but the daily life of a country with its own distinctive sneaker culture. A pair of Hui Li shoes was very expensive at the 1960s, and was popular trendy for young people at that time. Nowdays this old Chinese brands to make their comeback. 3. Market Entry of Hui Li Shoes into Singapore 01300000206900126032684190582 The main reason for entering Singapore is to increase sales and profits. Building up a branch in other town, city or state, entering a foreign market is mainly part of the relentless quest for business expansion and growth. Hui Li has a very useful business model and has gained market share in China market, the only way break into more wealth country in Asia. Hui Li targets young people. In Singapore, many young people like to wear designer, including working adults, sportspeople, schooling children, business people and the elderly. People in Singapore like to spend money on quality products, there have more dispose income, and they like to try out new products, especially from China, Japan, Korean, the USA and India. Also, there are not many shoes companies from China to Singapore; therefore, there is a possibility to market this new product brand in Singapore as the consumption size of market is actually growing. There are a range of potential routes by which Hui Li could enter this market. Ideally they have to pursue a strategy of equity investment have all control of its operations within Singapore. Whilst such a strategy carries the greatest risk it also provides the greatest reward and, most crucially, protects the integrity of the business and the brand. Hui Li has the financial resources, expertise and experience to do so and has proficiency in entering competitive market. As the decisions, which they make will directly affect every part of their business for many years in the future to Singapore. but, this is important in the decision-making process as firms assessment of the cost and risk associated with exporting their product into Singapore market. Exporting will be the best entry mode for manufacturers like Hui Li that wants active penetration of Singapore markets will look to direct export channel. Direct export has contained higher startup costs, greater information requirements and higher risks. They will choose Singapore agent channel and branch channel. Franchising is a form of licensing in which a company licenses a business system as well as property rights to an independent company or person. 4. Problems that could exist in Singapore for Hui Li Rivalry is placed in a central role for entering Singapore market. This means that company basically hastocompeting in industry effectively. It is obvious that global and local companies make intense competition for Hui Li. competitor most compete at same level of price and quality for leather shoes industry in Singapore including VANS from USA, TOPMAN from UK. The successful competitors has already got amount of market share and brand loyalty with consumer tastes over period of time. Hui Li has to be well prepared and well known Singapore market. Otherwise they May lose by those competitors. The market of china is slightly different from Singapore market, so that Hui Lis shoes may not be preferable for local consumer preferences. Consumer may only recognize the product which already established this market over decades. It may take time that makes them to accept new brand like Hui Li. Also brand loyalty has already established by their global and local competitor. It will be more difficult for them to switch their favorable brand easily. Moreover the brand reputation in Singapore is not as good as other international brand. The consumer may not choose their Hui Li product in first place even with high quality shoes. As the initial capital required for Hui Li to establish branch in Singapore, it will be huge amount of fixed and operation costs. Culture may influence on consumer behavior. Segmenting in terms of culture factors, Singapore also segment overall society in smaller subcultures. These subcultures division are based on variety sociocultural and demographic variables. Such as nationality, religion, geographic location, race, age and sex. Subcultures may have problem for Hui Li that loss of focus on to market targets. Because Singapore has multi combinations of nationalities like China, India and Malaysia. The Hui Li must determine whether the beliefs and customs shared by members of a specific subculture make them desirable choose for special marketing attention. Identification of subculture is complex in segmenting market particularly in countries like Singapore. They only enable to focus on sizable and natural segments as different members of a specific subculture have different preference of Hui Li shoes. 5. Environmental analysis of Singapore market 5.1 cultural analyses Geographical Setting A. Location Southeastern Asia, islands between Malaysia and Indonesia B. Climate Singapore is generally hot and humid. Its warm and humid year round, with the temperature almost never dropping below 20Â °C (68Â °F), even at night, and usually climbing to 30Â °C (86Â °F) during the day. C. Living condition Singapore has a very high standard of living for expatriates and the city has one of the best living conditions in Southeast Asia. Singapore people have more money to buy consumption goods. 5.2 Competitive analysis for Red Dragonfly SWOT factors Strengths good quality price affordable designed long lasting Weaknesses not international brand not popular Opportunities new affordable spending power of people in Singapore is high people like to try new things, new designs something exclusive Threat competition from leading brands price possible copying from others too many other shoe companies in Singapore 5.3 PEST FACTORS Political Environment Spore govt is very stable No problems with conflicting rulers /parties/groups/government Gets along well with other countries International countries like to promote their products in Singapore Economic Environment Spores economy is very stable Everyone has a job People in Singapore like to spend money Good jobs and good income Good education / almost everyone is educated Business-oriented Social Environment (social activities , social clubs , lifestyle of Singapore people, foreigners, ) People in Spore love clubbing, parties, gatherings Lifestyle is very rich -Many activities in many clubs, community center Multi-racial , harmony Many foreign mixture of people Mixed society Social media/interaction/very socially connected Technological Environment (internet, globalization, modernity, techno, phones, communication) People in Singapore are techno-savvy Internet is available everywhere Every home has Internet connection Most people use WIFI Latest hand-phone / smart phone technology Lots of people use social media eg. Facebook, twitter, etc Use hand-phone for everything internet, communication, discussion, conference, meetings, schools, etc The environment that needs further study will be the economic and social environment in Singapore for shoes. 6. Evaluation of the Marketing Mix (the 4 Ps) for possible adaptation Product Fashion designed with high technologies Popular in China Good quality Price Affordable price Priced for quality Priced for Brand Affordable for the Singapore market Promotion Visual merchandising such as store design and layouts Poster Newspaper advertisements / magazines Place -Located their retailer store at orchard road -Main shopping mall -Local partners 7. Conclusion of Analysis I think that Hui Li has perspective future in SG market. According to cultural analysis, we have brief knowledge about Singapore. The living condition of Singapore has a high standard of living. People like to buy more product, Hui Li may possible to entry this market to increase sales. And the climate has indicated that Hui Li need to decide what type of shoes can meet consumer needs in order to weather of generally hot and HUMIND in Singapore. Competitive analysis Hui Li will go through external and internal factors. There is no question that the phenomenon makes both opportunities and threats to Hui Li who looking for compete successfully in the international market. There is growing power for developing nations where Singapore presents significant business opportunities for Hui Li in entering. Local people would like to try new brand product with high quality and affordable price, even the brand is not international. However, most of competitors are international brand that Hui Li have to compete with them for market share and consumer loyalty, they need to differentiate their shoes to meet people needs. Finally the deciding mainly depends on an analysis of both external environmental conditions. Pest has provided general ideals that macro environment of Singapore. The factors indicated that economic of Singapore is growing and people have higher disposable income, political environment has encouraged foreign investment with lower tax rate. Society in Singapore is harmony with multi-racial foreign mixture of people. The macro environment for Singapore hat great impact for Hui Lis entering. The analysis of marketing mix in Singapore market has significant effects on Hui Li entering. And it is reasonable to recommend that a well know brand name has major impact on strategic planning process. All of 4p help Hui Li to build their brand successful in Singapore. Hui Li may local their retailer store at Orchard Road and main shopping mall. Orchard Road is main center for peoples attention and shopping around. The brand recognition can increase by locating this market place. The ownership of the Hui Li brand can cooperate with local partners will be able to help them access the Singapore distribution systems more effectively. They may promote main emphasis on visual merchandising such as layouts of store can be necessarily impact on communication tools with consumer and advertising on TV and newspaper. As the price of leather shoes are affordable and the product is well designed with quality one. All of analysis indicted that it is great opportunity for Hui Li to entry this ma rket. 8.Strategic Marketing Plan Marketing Plan for Hui Li Shoes 1 2. 1.Marketing objectives A. Target market B. Expected sales year 20 C. Profit expectation year 20 D. Market penetration and coverage Adaptation Core component B. Packaging component C. Support service component A. Adults, all ages B. 2 million dollars C. Three hundred thousand dollars D. Advertising, lower prices Main shopping center Such as: Orchard Road, Bugis. Well-designed shoes with high quality Delicated package Feedback 3. Promotion mix Advertising Objective Media mix Message Costs Sales promotion A. Objectives B. Coupons C. Costs Other promotional methods A. Promote products B. Magazine and TV C. Fashion product and high quality D. 40000 Promote new brand Newspaper Discount for the new buyer C. 50000 Poster 4 Distribution from origin to destination Port selection Origin port Destination port 2.Mode selection AD/DIS Air carrier packing A. Marking and labeling regulations B. Costs Documentation required A. Bill of lading B. Dock receipt C. Air bill D. Commercial invoice E. Proforma invoice F. Shippers export declaration G. Statement of origin 5.Insurance claim China port Singapore port A. AD Quick and convenience DIS may not get permission to entry and quotas A. Shoe box B. 10000 All needs 5. 10000 5 Channel of distribution Retailers Type and number of retail stores Retail markups for products in each type of retail store Methods of operation for each type 5 center stores B. Store Cash and credit card Scale of operation for each type Import and exports agent Warehousing A. Type B. Location D. Large A. Stores B. Bugis Orchard Road 6 Price determination 1.Cost of the shipment of goods 2.Transportation costs 3.Handling expenses A. Loading and unloading charges 4.Insurance costs 5.Customs duties 6.Import taxes and value-added tax 7.Wholesale and retail markups and discounts 8.companys gross margins 9.retail price 1. 10000 2. 15000 A.3000 4.30000 5.4000 6. 7% 7. 20% 8. 30% 9.50-100 7 Methods of payment 1.Cash in advance 2.Open accounts 3.Consignment sales 4.Sight, time or date drafts 5.Letters of credit Cash in advance Open account

Friday, September 20, 2019

Milk And Dairy Industry Uk Economics Essay

Milk And Dairy Industry Uk Economics Essay The  area of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  (commonly known as the  United Kingdom) is the sovereign state  located near northwest coast of  continental Europe. It is an  island country  spanning with an  archipelago, accumulated with the northeast part of  Ireland, and many small islands.  Northern Ireland  is the only part of the UK  with a land border, sharing it with the  Republic of Ireland.  Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the  Atlantic Ocean, the  North Sea, the English Channel  and the  Irish Sea. The largest island, Great Britain, is linked to  France  by the  Channel Tunnel. (Wikipedia SOME POLITICAL FACTS ABOUT THE COUNTRY The United Kingdom is a  constitutional monarchy  and   unitary state  consisting of four  countries:  England,  Northern Ireland,  Scotland  and Wales.  It is governed by a  parliamentary system  with its  seat of government  in  London, the  capital, but with three different  national administrations in  Belfast,  Cardiff  and  Edinburgh, the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively. SOME ECONOMICAL FACTS ABOUT THE COUNTRY The UK is a  developed country, with the worlds  sixth largest economy  by nominal  GDP  and the  seventh largest  in  purchasing power parity.  It was the worlds first  industrialized  country  and the worlds  foremost power  during the 19th and early 20th centuries,  but the economic cost of two world wars and the decline of its empire in the latter half of the 20th century diminished its leading role in global affairs. The UK nevertheless remains a  major power  with strong economic, cultural, military, scientific and political influence. It is a  nuclear power  and has the fourth highest  defense  in the world. It is a  Member State  of the  European Union, holds a permanent seat on the  United Nations Security Council, and is a member of the  Commonwealth of Nations,  G8,  OECD,  NATO, and the  World Trade Organization. (Wikipedia The Dairy industry contributes  £6.8 Billion which is about 10% of GB GDP.   The contribution has been steadily rising over many years. The industry contains many different specialist sub-sectors and, increasingly, changes in technology have led to changes in the nature of jobs within the industry. The trend towards fewer, more skilled and better-paid employees , necessitates a significant further investment in education and training. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Flag Royal coat of arms Anthem:  God Save the Queen[1] The United Kingdom (dark green) shown in relation to the European Union  (light green) and other areas of  Europe(dark grey) Capital (and largest city) London 51 °30à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²N  0 °7à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²W Official languages English  (de facto) Recognized regional  languages Irish,  Ulster Scots,  Scottish Gaelic  ,  Scots,  Welsh, Cornish (wikiPEDIA INFO.NET) REVIEW OF THE MILK AND DAIRY INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION The dairy industry represents around 18% of the gross agricultural output of the UK, and dairy farmers are an important and sizeable part of the National Farmers Union NFUs farming membership. Dairy farmers have endured difficult times in recent years, notably with regard to farm gate profitability. Soaring prices on the world dairy commodity markets in 2007 resulted in rises in farm gate prices, totaling an average increase of 8ppl by the autumn. This has created optimism in the dairy industry and allowed most farmers to start breaking into a profit. However, there are ten years of underinvestment and debt to make up for and farmers now need a sustained period of higher prices to enable some long-overdue investments in their businesses. While the outlook of the British dairy industry is broadly positive, the confidence of dairy farmers remains fragile. Production costs have risen massively in the last twelve months. Higher feed, fertilizer and fuel costs are eroding the benefits of higher prices. In addition to this are the substantial infrastructure costs that dairy farmers face under the proposed revisions to the NVZ (Nitrate Vulnerable Zones) Action Program. With these issues in mind, this document provides a background briefing to the dairy farming sector and looks at the future challenges and prospects. Britains Dairy Farmers Dairy farmers in the UK are amongst the largest and most competitive in the European Union. Dairy farms are situated across the UK, but are concentrated mostly in areas where the climate encourages favorable conditions for grassland farming. In recent years milk production has gravitated towards the West and South West of England, West Wales and Northern Ireland. The number of dairy farmers in the UK has fallen dramatically, and continues to decline. In 2001 there were 26,110 registered production holdings in England and Wales. By February 2009 this had fallen to 12,465. This figure represents a 5% fall on February 2008 figures, and therefore reflects the continuing pattern of decline. Until recently, for every farmer leaving the industry another farmer was willing to expand. Consequently, the average size of dairy herds in the UK has increased from 72 cows in 1999 to 95 in 2010. At the same time, genetic and management improvements in dairy cattle have seen the average cow increase milk production from 5,000 litres a year in 1993 to 9609 liters in 2011. In recent years however, the industry has seen a decrease in production, suggesting that either larger milk producing herds are leaving or the number of herds expanding has decreased. (Wikipedia , The A Brief History of the British Dairy Industry Since the 1920s- 1994, the market for raw milk was managed by four statutory milk marketing boards (MMBs). One Board bought and sold all wholesale milk from farms in England and Wales. The MMBs were wound-up in the early 1990s allowing existing farmers to sell milk either to new farmer co-operatives created in their place or directly to dairy processing companies. The co-op, Milk Marque, was created for broker milk sales in England and Wales. In the early days following the abolition of the Boards, dairy farmers enjoyed a relatively prosperous time as milk prices had increased to 27 pence per litre (ppl). However, the rise in milk price coincided with a unique set of economic circumstances driven by Black Wednesday and the UK pulling out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, which devalued the Pound against major EU currencies that had increased the value of EU market support and the competitiveness of UK dairy produce. Prices started to slide in 1998/9 and more and more producers opted to leave Milk Marque to supply dairy companies directly who offered a higher price as an incentive to join. Around the same time, a legal case was brought against Milk Marque by milk processors through the then Dairy Trades Federation, who argued that MM was operating as a complex monopoly and was abusing its dominant position in the raw milk market. In 1999, the Monopolies and Mergers Commission produced a report supporting the case brought to the Office of Fair trading by the DTF. The result of this case led to the break-up of Milk Marque. In its place, three daughter co-ops Milk Link, Axis and Zenith were set up in 2000. In recent years these businesses have consolidated, Axis brands merging with Scottish Milk brands to form First Milk and Zenith with a small milk co-op, the Milk Group to form Dairy Farmers of Britain. The Dairy Industry in modern times The dairy industry had seen remarkable consolidation at all levels in the last decade. While there were over 100 milk buyers in the country, six large dairy companies dominate the GB market. The largest dairy companies are: Dairy Crest The Company buys approximately 2.4 billion litres every year from 1,400 direct supplying dairy farmers, the majority of whom are located in southern, central England and South Wales (as well as some milk brokered from milk co-operatives, especially FirstMilk). Dairy Crest manufactures liquid milk and a range of dairy products, including cheese, milk powder, desserts, butter, and cream. Its best known brands are Cathedral City and Country Life. Arla Foods -Swedish/ Danish farmers co-operative of approx 9,400 members, operating as a wholly-owned subsidiary in the UK. The company focuses on supplying fresh milk to retailers as well as managing dairy imports from Scandinavia and New Zealand. UK has a workforce of 6,300 and processes 2.3 billion liters milk at 13 plants, supplied mostly by the Arla Foods Milk Partnership, a farmer group of around 1,600 members. Dairy Farmers of Britain Farmer co-operative with around 2,600 farmer members, predominately located in the North of England and Wales. DFB makes a broad range of products including liquid milk, cheese, butter, ingredients and desserts, both for supermarkets and own brand. DFB also supplies milk to other dairy companies and runs eight separate processing sites and sixty distribution depots. Robert Wiseman Dairies Private dairy company that specializes in processing and delivering fresh liquid milk throughout Great Britain. It operates from 6 major processing dairies in Aberdeen, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Manchester and Droitwich Spa and a new dairy in Bridgwater, Somerset. The company has developed relationships with a number of major supermarket groups, resulting in more than 70% of its sales to multiple retailers. Milk Link Farmer co-operative essentially making cheese, ingredients and desserts. Milk Link supplies all the UKs major food retailers, many of its largest food processors, and food services organizations. It is the UKs largest cheese producer, with the bulk of its members being located in the South and South West of England. First Milk Farmer-owned business, with 2600 farmer members, formed in 2001, from the merger of two leading dairy groups. As well as supplying other dairy companies (notably Robert Wiseman Dairies in which it has a 15% stake and Dairy Crest) with milk, the company owns creameries in Cumbria, West Wales and the Scottish islands. There are also a large number of small to medium sized local or specialist processors such as Lactalis/ McLelland, Belton cheese, J Heler, Muller Dairies, Fresh ways, Medina Dairies and a small number of milk buyers that operate largely as intermediaries, supplying milk to a range of different markets. ( The Current Dairy Market- The UK The British dairy market is observed as a domestic market. The UK is around 90% self-sufficient in milk and dairy produce and half of all raw milk is sold as fresh liquid milk. In the past, much of this would have been sold on doorstep rounds. Now the highest proportion is sold through major multiple retailers. Cheese takes up a further 28% of the market. Consumption of liquid milk had been declining until recently where statistics indicate stabilization in consumption, with increasing demand for low fat milks. Utilization of milk by UK dairies 2010/11 (million litres) The concentration of the industry on liquid milk and failure to add value has had important consequences for British dairying. The industry has, to some extent, become more commoditized and struggled to capitalize on real growth markets. It has also seen the value of imports increase compared to the value of exports with recent estimations that the deficit. OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT The following objectives will be covered in the report in detail: To study the Milk production in U.K. To study the reasons for decline in milk production Pricing factors for the industry Challenges faced within the industry To analyze the milk and its products consumption in the British families (Via Survey Method) Milk production in U.K. Deliveries to dairies in the 2010/11 milk year totaled 15,212 million litres. Adjusting this figure for the presence of a leap year gives total milk deliveries of 16,176 million liters, the lowest cumulative figure since deregulation and around 500 million liters (4.2%) down on the five year average. 5 year average daily 2010/11 average daily Looking at average daily deliveries by month shows the milk year started off relatively well with April deliveries only 0.9 million liters per day less than the five year average. This was a result of a mild spring encouraging good grass growth and early turn out. The three months from May to July were the wettest on record which was one of the factors that led milk deliveries in July to fall to an average of 35.4 million litres per day. That was three million liters per day (7.8%) lower than the average for the month. This deficit decreased towards November with better weather and prices. However the effect of the earlier poor weather on silage quality and rising feed prices appears to have impacted on milk deliveries in the final four months of the milk year with daily deliveries averaging 3.5% lower than the five year average. The UK dairy industry employs more than 23,800 across 600 workplaces nationwide. It includes the operation of dairies and the manufacture of dairy products, such as iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cream. There are many wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ known companies, such as Yeo Valley Farms, Danone, Dairy Crest Ltd., Unilever iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cream and Wensleydale Dairy Products. 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Key facts: There are 23,800 people working in the dairy industry, of which: 87% of the workforce is in the operation of dairies and cheese 14% in the manufacture of iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cream The industry represents 6% of those employed in Great Britains food and drink manufacturing sector. 36% of the workforce is 45 years or older. 45% of the current workforce will be eligible for retirement within the next 20 years. 13% of the workforce has a degree or equivalent qualification . The highest qualification for much of the workforce is GCSE grades Aà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ C (20%) or A Levels (13%). 19% of the workforce has no qualifications. Workforce statistics Number of UK employees: 23,800 Number of UK employers: 600 Gender: 76% male 24% female Ethnicity: 92% of the workforce is white, 5% Asian/British Asian and 3% Black/Black British 2,300 migrant workers (nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ UK nationals) are estimated to be working in the industry Age: 26% of the workforce is aged 16-30 years 14% is 30-34 years 15% is 35-39 years 13% is 40-44 years 22% is 45-49 years Disability: 7% of the workforce has some form of work limited disability. [N.B. Data derived from Labour Force Survey, 2010 and Annual Business Inquiry, 2009.] Reasons for decline in milk production In most instances in the dairy industry, increases in production costs have offset/negated any efficiency gains made by expanding producers. More recently, this logic has been tested as milk production has gradually fallen over the last 5 years. 2011 was an exceptionally bad year due to the additional effects of poor weather on grazing conditions and winter forage quality. Cumulative production to March 2011 stood at just 13,215 million liters, which was 2% lower than last year and represents a production figure not seen since the 1974/5 milk production year. In addition, in the 2010/11 milk production year, the UK was a massive 986m liter (7%) under quota. Research suggests that the falling trend of milk production in the UK will most certainly continue in the short term. The low level of confidence has led to reductions in producer numbers and a reduction in the number of farmers willing and able to expand further. Coupled with this, the industry has suffered many years of underinv estment due to a sustained period of low milk price. In light of the challenges ahead in the form of environmental regulation, coping with the impacts of disease and higher variable production costs it is likely that we will see further contraction in the industry in the immediate future. Recent price increases have however brought some confidence back to some producers in increasing milk production on their holdings. The 2010 Farmer Intentions Survey from Dairy Co revealed that 37% of dairy farmers intend to increase milk production, yet 7% of dairy farmers intend to exit the industry in the next two years. This forecasted increase in production on some farms, coupled with a reduction in the number of dairy farmers will result in a further fall in milk production by 2012/13 in Britain of 0.6%. Pricing factors for the industry Milk pricing and profitability are the biggest issues affecting dairy farmers. The average farm gate milk price for 2007 was 20.66 ppl with a February 2008 average milk price of 25.62 ppl. This reflects a much needed 8ppl increase on the average farm gate price of just 18ppl in 2006 which has increased drastically in 2011/12 by 48ppl. Since the mid 1990s, the industry has seen a general decline in dairy farm profitability and massive restructuring has taken place at farm level. To cope with Low Prices, farmers have sought efficiency gains to remain profitable largely through increasing herd size and cutting costs where feasible. In the past a combination of factors has driven farm gate milk prices including: Prices for internationally traded commodity dairy products EU market support Exchange rates The balance between the supply of raw milk and the level of demand for milk products Weak negotiation, due to structure of industry The costs of manufacturing milk EU and world commodity markets have been seen historically as the biggest driver in raw milk prices. They are still influential and are the biggest reason behind the well documented increases in milk prices in the UK and elsewhere in 2011. However, the British dairy market is essentially domestic, which should limit the exposure to commodity market forces The British retail market for dairy products is fiercely competitive. In respect of the cheese market, for example, regular tendering is the norm and with large quantities of cheese imported from Ireland and other EU member states, there is fierce competition to secure supply contracts. Costs of Milk Production It is notoriously difficult to establish average production costs, however over the last three years production costs have increased dramatically as a result of oil, fertilizer and feed price increases and the escalating cost of farm labor. The First Milk/Promar report of March 2009 suggests that the true cost of production for UK dairy farmers is estimated to rise to 36.64ppl in the next year, not accounting for any profit margin. Challenges faced within the industry Access to raw material is key to global position Milk production is highly regulated by quotas and mobility of raw material is difficult Raw milk is perishable and cant be transported long distances Milk production is challenging: no compromises on food safety, labour intensive and milk is collected daily Seasonality of production leads to overcapacity Requires long term investments on farm and industry level Competitiveness of the dairy processors is increasingly decisive for the pricing of raw material milk to farmers Better regulation and simplification Flaws are identified, but results are not satisfactory Slow decision-making process Lack of predictability Horizontal regulations concerning feed, hygiene, claims and labelling New regulations for animal welfare and quality labelling? Milk specific regulation: drinking milk, spreads and preserved milk Route to market Access to world market Global players include different geographical regions in their business strategies, but SME ´s have difficulties in approach. Specific support mechanisms could be helpful Industrial policy is made too much on terms of agricultural policy Technical and sanitary measures are barriers to trade: animal disease outbreaks, divergent analysis and sampling methods, zero tolerances, milk products and animal health standards Innovations Innovations have been and are essential in improving the global competitiveness of dairy industry and creating value added products Innovations in the future are more and more linked to the health and well-being of consumers. This means that more scientific evidence is needed for marketing of these products EU should create and improve platforms to support such development in research. The Technology Platform on food research, called Food for Life is a good example of such development and creating science based innovations Claims are essential and needed for marketing and consumer communication of these new products. This means that approval of claims should not prevent or slowdown this development European level programs in science and research (7th framework program) are essential in boosting the science-based innovations in open environment. Probiotic dairy products are good examples of commercial success in this area SME ´s should have easier access to these programs Environmental Challenges Among the biggest challenges facing UK dairy farming is how the industry interacts with the environment. The industry is working hard to ensure that any environmental risks associated with milk production are minimized and to deliver positive environmental improvements. Some notable achievements include a 13.5% reduction in methane emissions from livestock since 1990 and a reduction in overall fertilizer usage in dairy farming by 46% since 1997. Over 35% of farmland managed for dairy farming in the UK is now in an ELS environmental stewardship agreement. Action on farm is being co-ordinate through the Environmental Plan for Dairy Farming (EPDF). The EPDF promotes integrated solutions to tackling the sectors environmental problems, i.e. solutions that tackle more than one environmental issue and are easy for farmers to implement such as nutrient management plans. In addition to the EPDF, the development of an industry Roadmap for the dairy sector in England identifies the environmenta l impacts of producing and consuming milk across the supply chain and sets targets for mitigating and reducing those impacts. Critically, the Roadmap promotes better understanding of the social, economic and environmental benefits of milk and aims to achieve a balance between productivity and environmental improvement, thus securing the long term sustainability of dairying. Other Challenges Animal health and welfare continue to be high priorities for the dairy industry. The UK dairy industry adopts the highest standards of animal health and welfare, monitored primarily through the Assured Dairy Farms (ADF) scheme, of which 95% of UK dairy farmers are registered. The England Cattle Health and Welfare Group (ECHAWG) also provide a forum for the veterinary profession, farmers, industry bodies and government to work together to tackle health and welfare issues such as Johnes Disease, mastitis ,lameness, bovine Tuberculosis, an increasingly serious issue for many dairy farmers and, most recently, Bluetongue. FINDINGS Analysis via survey method to detect the rise and fall in the consumption of milk and its products! This analysis was carried forward by using the survey method thereby utilizing the questions given in the form of a questionnaire to assess the participants on the total consumption of the milk and its products in the uk. A sample of 50 participants was drawn from the population for further analysis. A sample figure of the questionnaire is given below- The procedure of the experiment that adopted the survey method as a means of reaching its destination has drew the following findings. According to the survey, 38% of the individuals preferred first milk as a brand over other milk brands and least no of people preferred milk link as a brand. This difference between the preferences must have existed due to pricing of the products, its quality, advertising and its availability. Another interesting fact that emerged was preferences of individuals for choosing the type of milk and it was found out that 42% of people preferred whole milk over other milk types followed by least preference for skimmed milk with only 24%. This difference obviously existed due to quality difference and tastes of the milk types. Another fact that was found out was individuals preferences for powdered and bottled milk that showed a positive percentage for bottled milk with 78% and very little preference for powdered milk. This must be existent due to quality reasons of the milk and the freshness (preservatives vs. fresh milk). The end part of the survey dealt with the family preferences for milk consumption in the UK. It was noticed that maximum no of individuals purchased the milk on alternate basis resulting in 46% from the total. And the numbers of individuals consuming milk within the families are also ranked as high as 42% which reflected that all of the family members drink milk and its products almost on daily basis. It was interesting to note that most of the individuals went by the price of the milk compared to the quality of milk which meant that they usually compromised over the quality over the price thereby resulting in gains for companies that provided milk at a cheaper cost compared to others. Lastly it was asked as to which product of milk apart from its pure form was preferred the most and it was noticed that 46% of the British families preferred cheese product of milk and least preferred the butter 12% which shows the British preference of dairy products depending on their cuisines and dishes made in their homes. By the end of survey finally it was found that most of the individuals preferred milk as an essential nutrient for their daily breakfast needs (64%) compared to any other meal of the day which reflects the energy source and dietary supplements provided by the milk maximize the most over other food supplements. RECOMMENDATIONS FARMERS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Know your cost of production and Add value by maximizing your contract. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Make use of the NFUs inputs monitor and challenge suppliers to seek out best deals. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Offer farmers proper milk contracts, in line with the NFU template, that provide long term stability and transparency on terms and price. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Be transparent about costs, markets and milk prices. Show how you are improving efficiency and cutting costs at the factory. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Promote the Red Tractor prominently, on front of pack, on all branded dairy products. RETAILERS AND FOOD SERVICE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Food service sector to extend commitments to sourcing assured, British products to all dairy products and promote the Red Tractor to clients. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ All major retailers to increase the number of British, Farm Assured dairy product lines offered to consumers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Retailers to promote the Red Tractor prominently, on front of pack, on all own label dairy products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Retailers to establish direct, dedicated relationships with dairy farmers supplying British, own label cheese lines. GOVERNMENT à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ All government departments to adopt the NFU model clause and specify use of Red Tractor in its procurement contracts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Establish a milk production taskforce to examine the reasons behind, and the solutions to, our falling milk production trend. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Make farmers aware of the support and funding streams that are available to them through the RDPE. RDAs to ensure that these funds are easily accessible. BANKS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Banks to honor long term, established relationships with clients. Pass on base rate cuts in full and support farmers including tenants to invest for the future. NFU (NATIONAL FARMERS UNION) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain the call for an independent body to take the politics out of animal disease and resist any attempt by Defra to transfer costs onto the industry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continue lobbying to improve milk contracts offered to farmers by milk buyers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain scrutiny on input costs to ensure that changes in prices are being passed down to farmers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lead a positive campaign to promote the benefits of dairy farming and the importance of productive British agriculture. CONCLUSION The outlook for the British dairy industry is broadly positive. Despite the irrefutable pressures that farmers continue to face, the future prospects for British dairy farmers is bright. Milk producers are efficient and operate in a prosperous, well-populated country, with strong traditions of consuming dairy products. Demand for many dairy products, worldwide, is increasing as a result of economic and population growth. Climatic factors appear to be pegging production in traditional export areas and the EU may be well placed to capitalize on world market growth in the long run. But there remain many significant short-term challenges.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of Proverbs 31 Essay -- The Worthy Woman

The â€Å"Worthy Woman;† what a title. Everyone who has some knowledge of the Bible has heard this phrase. Almost anyone can name some catchy phrase or saying that is from the Bible whether it is from the Psalms or Proverbs or any other book. We all know those verses that tend to get stuck in our mind. However catchy they may be, unless one actually comes to an understanding of what is being said and applies it to their lives, these catchy phrases can just be surface knowledge. Every Christian can get caught in that trap. When someone is considering a Bible passage they should try to learn everything they can about that passage; any background information, what certain words mean, who the author is. The knowledge one can gain from the Bible is never ending. Another problem when studying the Bible is when people use their â€Å"knowledge† of the Bible to make themselves look like better Bible students. The Pharisees were constantly doing this. We need to not be puffed up about the knowledge we gain from the Bible and constantly try to be gaining more and share it with others. Going back to â€Å"the worthy woman,† it is one of the most well known passages and therefore a lot of knowledge and wisdom can be gleaned from it. This is the last chapter of the Proverbs and is divided into two sections. Verses 1-9 are categorized as ‘The Words of King Lemuel,’ followed by verses 10-31 categorized as ‘The Woman Who Fears the Lord.’ This Proverb has a title unlike some of the other Proverbs. This title tells who wrote it and what the proverb is. The title of Proverbs 31 is â€Å"The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him (ESV).† The exact identity of King Lemuel is unknown. Many commentaries suggest that even though ... ... passage because it gives me something to strive for as a woman. It is easy to understand and practical. To have this woman as an example of what a virtuous godly woman should be like, should give us no excuse to not continually strive to be like her in any and every way. We should try to dwell on these qualities and put them into our lives, until those qualities become our lives and we are praised for the good we are doing. Works Cited Arnot, William. "Proverbs 31." Studies in Proverbs: Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1978. 570-83. Print. Greenstone, Julius H. "Poverbs 31." The Holy SScriptures: Proverbs. Philadelphia: Jewish Pub. Soc. of America, 1950. 329-39. Print. Henry, Matthew. "Proverbs 31." Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible. Vol. III. McLean, Virg.: MacDonald, 1991. 971-77. Print. Analysis of Proverbs 31 Essay -- The Worthy Woman The â€Å"Worthy Woman;† what a title. Everyone who has some knowledge of the Bible has heard this phrase. Almost anyone can name some catchy phrase or saying that is from the Bible whether it is from the Psalms or Proverbs or any other book. We all know those verses that tend to get stuck in our mind. However catchy they may be, unless one actually comes to an understanding of what is being said and applies it to their lives, these catchy phrases can just be surface knowledge. Every Christian can get caught in that trap. When someone is considering a Bible passage they should try to learn everything they can about that passage; any background information, what certain words mean, who the author is. The knowledge one can gain from the Bible is never ending. Another problem when studying the Bible is when people use their â€Å"knowledge† of the Bible to make themselves look like better Bible students. The Pharisees were constantly doing this. We need to not be puffed up about the knowledge we gain from the Bible and constantly try to be gaining more and share it with others. Going back to â€Å"the worthy woman,† it is one of the most well known passages and therefore a lot of knowledge and wisdom can be gleaned from it. This is the last chapter of the Proverbs and is divided into two sections. Verses 1-9 are categorized as ‘The Words of King Lemuel,’ followed by verses 10-31 categorized as ‘The Woman Who Fears the Lord.’ This Proverb has a title unlike some of the other Proverbs. This title tells who wrote it and what the proverb is. The title of Proverbs 31 is â€Å"The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him (ESV).† The exact identity of King Lemuel is unknown. Many commentaries suggest that even though ... ... passage because it gives me something to strive for as a woman. It is easy to understand and practical. To have this woman as an example of what a virtuous godly woman should be like, should give us no excuse to not continually strive to be like her in any and every way. We should try to dwell on these qualities and put them into our lives, until those qualities become our lives and we are praised for the good we are doing. Works Cited Arnot, William. "Proverbs 31." Studies in Proverbs: Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1978. 570-83. Print. Greenstone, Julius H. "Poverbs 31." The Holy SScriptures: Proverbs. Philadelphia: Jewish Pub. Soc. of America, 1950. 329-39. Print. Henry, Matthew. "Proverbs 31." Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible. Vol. III. McLean, Virg.: MacDonald, 1991. 971-77. Print.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays

Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and the poem "Eleanor Rigby" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, many of the characters are experiencing loneliness. When people feel lonely their way of lifestyle are different then that of someone's who's not lonely or them if they were not lonely. Also because they are lonely their actions are different. They portray this in both the novel and the poem. The effects of loneliness on people are displayed in the novel Of Mice and Men through the character of Curley's Wife. As stated, when people feel lonely their actions and way of life are affected. In the plot they show that if it wasn't for Curley's Wife's loneliness she may not have died the way she did. Because she is so lonely she goes to the other men in the bunkhouse for company. When all of the men refuse to spend time with her because of the reaction Curley has on this, she goes to the one person on the ranch that she knows will talk to her, the mentally retarded man, Lennie. While talking to him she asks him to feel her hair, which he does and this leads to her death by breaking her neck. If it wasn't for Curley's Wife's loneliness, she would have never gone to Lennie for company and she wouldn't have died on that day in that way. Because this happens in the novel and there are so many other lonely characters in the novel, such as Curley, Candy, Crooks and George in the end, the theme of the novel Of Mice and Men is loneliness and the need for companions. The affects of loneliness on people are displayed in the poem "Eleanor Rigby" through the characters of Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie. Through figurative language they show that Eleanor Rigby is very lonely and that she never sees many people. They say "Waits at the window wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it for?" Through this they show that everyday she puts on makeup, a face, that no one will see because she is lonely.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Where I Was From: An Exploration of Joan Didion’s Personal and Social Unrest

Where I Was From is a cultured collection of essays written in 2003. To be able to fully understand the intricate notions woven in the book, there is a need to comprehend the creator’s style and background, for the readers to visualize where all the viewpoints and misapprehensions come from. Joan Didion, the creator behind this politically, socially and emotionally linked memoir is a renowned American journalist, essayist, and novelist. Much of her works relates to her life in California, her hometown, mostly during the 1960’s. She is commended for her style in writing mixed personal reflections and social analyses. She writes about paranoia, clear-eyed analyses of the American culture, and personal and social discontent. She was known to be a conservative writer during her early years, but later adapted to the liberal tenets of democracy. She had written five novles, eight nonfiction including Where I come From, and also had collaborations with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, in writing a number of screenplays (Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion, n. . , p. 1). Where I Was From centers about the history of California, and Joan Didion’s relationship to it and to her mother. Noticeably, she loves the use of commas and lengthy sentences to highlight her narration. Her tune seems melancholic, expressing her confusions about the place, and the way in which she grew up. She feels that there is a sense of perplexity on which she has become. Thus, she contemplated on the American frontier myth, which refers to the unresolved land outside the region of existing settlements of Americans. The American Frontier is a ‘mythical place’ where unrestrained free land was available, resulting to unlimited opportunity (Eidenbach, 2008, p. 99). Where I Was From 3 She also pinpointed the ferocity of a group of popular white high school men, referred to as the Spur Posse incident of 1993. They used a ‘point-system’ record to account for their sexual conquests (Fineman, 1997, p. 177). In addition, when the industry about aircrafts and defense weaponries during the World War II flourished, the people from Lakewood, Califfornia, did as well. Later on, it turned out that the industry was built with the Feds support. Dismally, when that support was withdrawn, the industry doomed. These facts are just some of the historical context implicated in the book (Godbersen, 2003, p. 1). Based on my understanding, Joan Didion uses this as a metaphor in comparison with her life, and generally the rustic myth of California’s origins. What is seen and observed literally does not depict the real circumstances being dealt upon. The veneer of life’s misapprehensions cannot be uncovered by the present analysis itself, for circumstances are intertwined and indeed perplexing to the mind. She compares it with her life, believing she had known herself and her history for so long, only to find out that her viewpoints are inadequate to portray the truth. Joan Didion’s work is so complex in it entirety, it was rich with personal experiences and historical context throughout each essay. Some facts were even misleading to the querying mind. Nevertheless, they are still all intertwined with each other, somehow. It is difficult to summarize such an intricate work, but she retaliates to her readers with an overall realization, that is, the culture that we see today is a direct consequence of a population of survivalists. References Eidenbach, K. (2008). Critical Legal Studies and the Lawless Frontier. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from:Â Fineman, M., & McCluskey, M. (October 1, 1997). Feminism, Media, and the Law. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: http://books.,M1 Godbersen, A. (October 15, 2003). California story. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: