Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Eliot Rosewater

â€Å"God bless you Mr. Rosewater† is a phrase spoken but never meant. Eliot Rosewater serves a purpose to everyone but himself within the God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater standing as a back post for the weak and merciful poor, and as an undeniable powerhouse amongst the wealthy. Eliot Rosewater is as confused about himself as all others are around him, having enough money to take care of an entire family, yet spreading the wealth amongst his community. He lives alone inside of himself, standing by the telephone day and night, waiting for a phone call. This is what makes Eliot Rosewater the unlikely hero, he is a fool and a criminal in the minds of his father and his colleagues yet he stands as a god amongst his community, the people he cares about more than life itself. Eliot Rosewater stands out to the reader and the characters within the novel due to his lack of the one trait we all share, greed. The actions of Eliot show that he is a man that has struggled to do more than is expected of him, feeling guilt; he is a character that is struggling to make things right in a world he does not understand. Eliot Rosewater inherits the Rosewater fortune after his father sees him fit to do so, leaving Eliot in charge while his father remains senator of Rosewater, Indiana. Rosewater begins as a man that’s apparently very intelligent but feels lost in the world that surrounds him. He sees no purpose for himself, as of this time he was not head of the Rosewater Foundation. Eliot attends schools such as Harvard during his young adult life. After graduating from Harvard, Eliot deems himself unfit to continue through the motions of society and instead enlists himself into the military. After returning home from the war he marries a woman named Sylvia and tries to begin a new life. However, he is plagued by his responsibility for the death of a child during the war. Rosewater begins to drink while trying to maintain a life with his new love and be the head of the Rosewater Foundation. Eventually Eliot is an alcoholic and his marriage is in pieces, the only thing thriving being his foundation. Sylvia becomes obsessed with the wealth, feeling indifferent to the struggles of those less fortunate, breaks down and is told by her doctor to divorce Eliot and leave the county. Eliot becomes a volunteer fireman and a philanthropist, struggling to help the community due to the fact that his life is in shambles. Eliot realizes that his greatest purpose in this world is to take care of his family, the community of Rosewater, Indiana. Eliot takes care of his community through actions such as donations and help money. Sleeping by a telephone, Eliot is awakened each night with a phone call from someone in distress, asking them how much it would take to keep them alive for one more week. Eliot begins to act simply for his community, often times ignoring his own needs such as hunger and thirst. Eliot’s later actions show how he has changed as a person throughout the book, beginning life lost, he maneuvered through life without meaning or purpose. Eliot enlists in the army, showing that he feels that there is something better that he could do with his life. Eliot then lives the rest of his life in regret, hating himself for what he did to that child during the war, disconnecting himself from Sylvia and his father, hating that he can have so much money with the awful thing he did while so many of the good innocent hard working people of his community have nothing. By Eliot giving money to the members of his community we can tell that he is truly sorry for what he has done and is seeking forgiveness for his actions, perhaps trying to pay a debt to God or even to that child. This changes him from an innocent man with no purpose in life, to a guilty man who has a debt to repay, therefore pushing his life in a direction, toward helping his community. His feelings and actions can be seen on page 193: â€Å"Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies — â€Å"God damn it, you've got to be kind. † The significance of Eliot Rosewater is more than just a character, if you can call him that. Eliot Rosewater stands as a symbol, a purpose and an idea set in motion, a breathing thought. As Kurt Vonnegut says: â€Å"A sum of money is a leading character in this tale about people, just as a sum of honey might properly be a leading character in a tale about bees. â€Å" Money stands as a leading character in the novel; Eliot simply stands as the hands that hold it. Mr. Rosewater can’t really be put into the categories of â€Å"flat† or â€Å"static† because he simply does not act like a character within a novel should act. Eliot never shows his guilt or feelings to anyone, and instead the reader must find out about it through the narrator, Kurt Vonnegut. To the reader Eliot seems completely sane and almost appears as the hero of the tale, where as his relationship to the other characters tells a different story. Eliot stands as a radical, a man with no purpose or understanding of the cast system. Eliot Rosewater begins with a clean slate, going nowhere in his life. He ends with a few chips on his shoulder, yet with a purpose in his life more important than any of the other characters. Rosewater gives his fortune away to his community, claiming them as his children. Eliot’s characteristics stand him apart from every other character, being the only selfless character within the entire novel. His suffering leads him to completely happiness at the climax of the novel, leaving his friends and family in with misunderstanding stares.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Preventing Workplace Discrimination

a. People with disabilities or drug abuse problems can be accommodated in several ways. It is especially important to accommodate those with disabilities. The physical workplace setup can for example be arranged in such a way to be more accessible to the blind or wheelchair bound. Those with hearing disabilities can be accommodated by providing interpreters during meetings or interactions with the rest of the workplace staff. In terms of drug abuse, programs and workshops focusing on the problem, its consequences and its management can be offered. If not voluntary, such persons can be forced to attend under threat of losing their jobs. b. Personality, attitude toward work, and future upward mobility are very important considerations for hiring future employees. In terms of the first, it is important to consider whether the employee will be better suitable for teamwork or individual tasks, for example. The personality in this case will determine which requirements the employee will be best suited for, and must be aligned with the requirements of the job being applied for. Attitude towards work is probably the most important consideration. An employee with a positive attitude is much more valuable and more likely to succeed in any job situation than one with a negative attitude. Upward mobility is a consideration that will carry particular weight according to the nature of the job being applied for. An employee that is upwardly mobile will probably be more motivated to perform well than one who is not. c. I believe that Title VII can and will override the employment environment and conditions in a written employment contract. The reason for this is that an employee signing a contract may be unaware of the current legislation regarding such conditions. An employee's willingness to work under certain conditions does not change the law regarding these conditions. It is the job of the employer to educate him- or herself regarding the newest legislation, and complying with this. Non-compliance can result in legal problems and a negative public image for the company.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Produce an international marketing plan that will introduce a consumer Assignment

Produce an international marketing plan that will introduce a consumer brand sold in your home market into a country in which it is currently not available - Assignment Example Since then it has continued to command a competitive market edge despite the competition from Zhujiang and Yanjing, the major Chinese beer brands in the US. Tsingtao Brand at the moment is present in more than fifty countries in the world (Yang, 2007) and the international market for the beer has proven feasibility and great ROI. This paper seeks to highlight the possibility of venturing into the England market. The paper is simply a marketing plan for the introduction of the Tsingtao brand into the England market and aims extensively at analyzing the situation at the England beer market and a SWOT analysis to establish the feasibility of the brand in the market. Further, the paper aims to offer the best marketing mix and marketing strategies that will aid in the best anticipated performance of the brand in the market. Tsingtao has performed stunningly well in the markets it has been introduced to. For instance, in the US, the brand continues to perform very well not to mention its acceptable market share in the local Chinese market. England as the new target market for the beer appears a formidable market which can equally be competitive. This is basically because of the country’s economic status; it is the second largest economy in Europe and fifth in the world. It is considered as the center of world economics and tops the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, technical industries such as aerospace and hardware/software manufacture. Certainly, England is one of the most greatly industrialized countries in the world. The fact that the beer has performed particularly well in the US which is another world’s strongest economy is a clear marker that the beer can equally survive the beer market competition in England. There happens to be a favorable economic infrastructure in England which is favorable for a better market

Sunday, July 28, 2019

THE DOLMAN HOTEL Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

THE DOLMAN HOTEL Case Study - Essay Example The Dolman is being operated by David Mannering whose expertise is in financial management. David might be very good in his field but managing an organisation such as a hotel is different. This is probably the reason why the policies at Dolman do not seem to be appropriate for their staff. Another factor that imposes a problem is having David's personal assistant look after personnel administration. In short, the organisation did not have a skilled HR manager to handle the hotel's human resources. This is the reason why a lot of employees at Dolman were having problems and issues. The organisation does not have clear policies on their human resources which affected the staff turnover and the service that the employees provide the customers. As a business advisor specialising in Human Resource Management, I have to find ways to resolve these issues in the company. I will look for alternatives that might be helpful in solving the organisation's problems and implement the appropriate policies in the areas of flexible working, internet recruitment, selecting and inducting people with the right skills, staff retention, and the involvement and participation of staff at The Dolman. Fluctuating demand and supply of labour may impose a problem in an organisation if they are not handled properly. Some employees might find it hard to balance their family life and work. Sometimes, this results to frequent staff turnover and loss of employees. However, there are still a lot of ways that can be done to manage this problem. One of them is flexible working. According to Hewitt (2007), "allowing people to work in a sensible way that allows them to balance earning a living with looking after their children is not only good for families and children, it is good for business too." There are different types of flexible working and some of them might be very useful for The Dolman. One type of flexible working is Part-time working where in the employee can work less than the standard working hours (BusinessLink). This can be useful in the organisation because it will allow their workers to spend more time with their private lives whenever it is needed. Through this, employees will be satisfied with their jobs and will perform in the workplace effectively. Flexi-time is also one of the most implemented flexible working in the U.K.(NHS 2005) where the employee is given the right to change their working time as long as it is outside the set core of hours set by the employer. It also allows employees to arrive early or finish late or the other way around (European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions 2007). The Dolman can benefit to this because this HRP is capable of reducing absenteeism (Salix software ltd). With flexi-time, it is easier for the employees to accommodate their personal needs so they won't have to leave their job due to family matters and other personal things. The organisation can also benefit in terms of revenues because it can extend its opening hours which will allow them to cater to more customers. However, this will not be a burden to the company since employees are still required to be present during the core time or the peak hours of the business. Another HRP on flexible working that might be helpful on The Dolman is self-rostering where employees choose the shifts they would prefer. With this, the employee is able to give

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A global economic and financial boom in the 20th and 21st century Essay

A global economic and financial boom in the 20th and 21st century - Essay Example There was a global economic and financial boom in the 20th and 21st century.This resulted in tremendous growth of opportunities for businessmen, investors, governments, financial intermediaries and other financial institutions to invest their money. In other words, they needed to create a portfolio of assets that lead to high returns with assets that do not yield very high returns, but are safe. The major objective behind this investment strategy was to maximize the wealth and at the same time make sure that the investment would not lead to credit risk or risk of default. Before making any investment, investors are required to price the assets clearly. This requires knowledge of financial statement analysis and security analysis. Those investors who lack the financial guile and knowledge suffered in the long-run. Investment analysis is a detailed field of study. It combines theory of financial evaluation with the practical implications. The task is tough, but it is by no means imposs ible. Analysts combine various financial techniques such as NPV, security valuations, IRR and other tools of investment appraisal to evaluate the investment opportunities they have. The investment decision is usually based on the return on investment and safety of investment. However, there is a negative correlation between the two. High yielding assets are usually not very safe. Safe assets usually do not have very high yields. Investors face a dilemma, either to go for riskier assets and earn high rate of return or to go for safe assets at the cost of high rates of return. The final decision is based on the risk appetite of the investors. However, in the modern world, very few investors choose to invest in one kind of asset. Investors usually create portfolios to make sure that their investment is safe and at the same time it earn them sufficient rate of return (, 2011). The other considerations for making investment decisions include liquidity of the security, obl igations, credit rating, past performance trends and risk mitigation. All of these measures are assessed carefully in order to make rational investment decisions. There are three types of financial statements that are usually used for making the financial decisions. These include balance sheet, profit and loss (income statement) and cash flow statement. These statements give accurate picture of the financial position of the firm along with its financial performance and the liquidity of the firm. Balance sheet consists of three main sections. The firm section gives the picture of the short-term and long-term assets of the firm. These assets enable the firm to earn money in the future. The second part of the balance sheet describes the liabilities of a firm. These represent the long-term and short-term obligations of the company. This money is owed by the firm to its creditors and failure to meet these obligations can result in bankruptcy of the firm. The third part of the balance she et represents the owner’s equity. This part represents the claim on the assets by the owner’s. The second statement used by the financial analysts is the income statement. Income statement usually describes the profitability of the firm. It is calculated by deducting revenues from expenditures. The third statement used by the financial analysts is the cash flow statement. This statement represents the liquidity position of the organization. This statement shows the actual movement of the cash in the organization. Since most of the organizations are using the accrual based accounting system, the profit figure becomes irrelevant without using the cash flow statement. Hence, income statement and cash flow sta

The African Athena Controversy Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The African Athena Controversy - Thesis Example Another is that the lack of knowledge with regards to the ancient world puts historians inside a box with only plausible ideas looming overhead, not probabilities since everything is already in the past tense, and reconstructions are the only available options to build the events of past civilizations (Berlinerblau). However, those who contest the possibility of Phoenicians and even Egyptians influencing Pre-Hellenistic Greece argue that relying only on etymologies of the words found in the Greek language does not give enough justification but rather, it only reveals the patterns and the sphere of influence on the population in question (Lefkowitz). Still, words are much the same as models, wherein they are seen as necessary symbols to represent a united representation of our reality (Bernal). Bernal’s Ancient Model regarding the origin of the ancient Greeks, or those of the Pre-Hellenistic culture states that there is an intermingling of Phoenicians and Egyptians long before the settling of the Aryan Race from the north, and that in this sense, the Pre-Hellenes or the Ancient Greeks were a race with strong Asian or Egyptian origins, and were eventually succeeded by the arrival of the Indo-Europeans or the â€Å"Aryans† (Bernal). It is plausible because the Phoenicians were able to teach the alphabet to ancient Greeks, introducing a form of written language in the area, while the Egyptians taught them farming strategies, such as building irrigation systems to continually water the crops. The Egyptians would also be able to teach the Ancient Greeks about their gods, the names as well as how to worship them, since Egyptians have a long and solid history with regards to religion and the occult. With such a premise, Bernal was able to further provide readers an idea of his premise that there are indeed Semitic and African elements in the formation of the cultures of Pre-Hellenistic or Ancient Greeks

Friday, July 26, 2019

Job Hunting in the Health Care Environment Term Paper

Job Hunting in the Health Care Environment - Term Paper Example This is since the requirements are still high. This implies that, the only thing that can reduce the working force in the health care environment would be the qualifications of the labour force. This paper will review how the health care environment has grown. It will also look at how the job hunts for opportunities in the health care environment are being handled by individuals. Finding a job that one could solely depend on in these harsh economic times is hard (Derricott, 2012). Some consider looking for a job, a job in itself. It is not what one is able to do, but who one knows. In the health care system, many young people are keen to capitalise on the opportunity of landing a job, and being able to enjoy life. However, this dream is turning into a nightmare for many. Those that have finished medical school, looking to find a job are being taken through a system of continuous assessments to ensure they are fit for the job. After the tests, they find that they have not been selecte d for the job (CAPS, 2012). Many people are crying foul over such treatment in the health care environment. It is not that they are not qualified for the job; it is just the system is considered biased. Some have claimed that the reason why they never got the job was because they did not look the part. They, therefore, end up looking for opportunities outside the hospital field. They do this so that they can balance their personal life with their careers. As seen above, the health care market has not suffered that much due to economic turmoil; hence the people in this field are enjoying the advantages (Damp, 2006). However, not many people can claim the same. In many third world continents, the health care system is facing significantly enormous problems. The pay the doctors and nurses get is considered not to be enough by the parties involved. Patients are left to their own devices in many hospitals when the doctors and nurses down their tools due to monthly pay. In Africa, for exa mple, patients are left on the operating table if the doctors feel that the pay they receive is not enough to cater for their needs. It is often a nationwide thing so many people can be reported dead in a span of 24 hours. Those who are left in hospitals are those freshly appointed carers who fear the loss of the jobs they just got. As the job hunts continue, the health care environment seems to be biased. Ever since the beginning of job hunting, sex discrimination has played an intricate role in the manner in which jobs are offered. Men get an upper hand when it comes to jobs. This is a problem that many women face. It still goes on today, and as a result, there are a fewer number of female doctors around the world. Countries like Saudi Arabia cannot allow their women to drive let alone become doctors. In Saudi Arabia, a small number of female doctors are allowed into the medical field, so it is considered a dying field for the women. The environment has grown over the past decade, and it is gaining popularity with each passing day. Many people are accepting the challenge of taking care of other people as a vocation, and not just something that offers a pay check at the end of every month. Truth of the matter is, not everyone gets the pay check at the end of the month (The Careers Group, 2010). In conclusion, the hunt for jobs in the health care environment is getting more competitive. The equipment needed to land a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Feminist Concern over Military Sex Assault Essay

Feminist Concern over Military Sex Assault - Essay Example Among the reported crimes, major part involves crime forcefully perpetrated on unwilling and helpless victims. Military rape or other sorts of sexual assault challenge the dignity of the military profession as a whole as the issue has become increasingly common among sex crimes reported in the US. Traditionally, war victims are always prone to rape and sexual assault throughout the world. However, today female soldiers working in the US military are also extremely vulnerable to sexual molestations. Admittedly, the growing crime rate in this field has affected the flow of female candidates to the army. What causes the rise in the military sex crime is a topic for comprehensive research. In this context, it is important to discuss the intensity of military rape in the US giving specific focus to feminist theory. According to Pentagon reports, over 19,000 sexual assaults occur in the US military annually among which many of the cases remain unreported or unresolved, because sometimes th e offenders are the high ranked military officers. The most unfortunate factor is that female soldiers are generally assaulted by their own male counterparts or the individuals at the helm of affairs (Whitten). According to the estimates, â€Å"over 26,000 men and women in the military experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2012; and of those cases, only 3,374 were reported and only 302 of the incidents were prosecuted† (Feminist News Wire). Many of the female soldiers who took part in the Iraq war reported that they were raped by their male counterparts; and many researchers maintain that one out of every four women that serve the military are likely to face sexual assault at least one time during their career. Erin Solaro explores the intensity and the actual causes of the issue in detail. According to Solaro, there are over 165,000 American servicewomen who have participated in war as volunteer professionals. Another aspect of the active involvement of women in the field i s that women today constitute ‘15% of the military, 11% of the deployed troops and an unprecedented 2% of the casualties’. The author also points to the fact that no significant war failures, disasters, rapes, discipline breakdowns have been reported due the presence of women in the troops. Solaro argues that wherever bad things have been reported, the problem lies with the fundamental evils of leadership and discipline. Hence, it is in bad units women sufferer when in good units the ‘jerks’ do not dare to cross the line of discipline. The feminist author is sure that the solution to this problem is not to punish women by removing them from the posts but removing or punishing the real perpetrators. To define, the term military rape refers to rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment that occur during military service. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) collectively terms them as Military Sexual Trauma (MST). At the same time, ‘wartime rapeâ₠¬â„¢ indicates mass wartime rape rather than isolated cases of individual rapes. As per available reports, increases in the frequency of wartime rape might range from an estimated 300% to 400% by the end of the World War II (Gottschall) although the reliability of the data is not beyond question. According to some estimates, more than half a million people have been raped while serving the US army; and nearly 100,000 cases of military rape have been occurred within the past seven years (Koss, 2004). Evidently, women constitute the major victim group in this regard whereas men are also prone to sexual harassment in the army. To illustrate, according to the Department of Defense survey

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Writer's selection Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writer's selection - Personal Statement Example She reminded me that I would become a resourceful person that everyone in the society would be looking for if I By inculcating good virtues into my lifestyle if I would inculcate good virtues into my lifestyle. As far as picking ‘Communications’ as my major is concerned, I have to admit that I had considered reasons in my mind at the time I was joining Seattle community College. In this respect, I have to mention that my very first reason was to be able to interact with all the diversified persons living in Hong Kong. Fundamentally, Hong Kong is a metropolitan with diverse cultures that are autonomous hence ‘communications’ will play a major role when it comes to meeting new people from various backgrounds. The second reason as to why I chose communications as my major is the fact that I like to get out of the comfort zone. This was particularly evident when visited Los Angeles for 3 weeks in July 2010 as an exchange student. I deemed it essential to learn certain skills of communicating with various personalities. Lastly but more importantly, I picked communications as my major is because I like communicating with people and discovering new things. When it comes to my professional experience, I find it worthy to mention that I have participated in quite a number of initiatives that have added significant value to my personal and professional life. For instance, between January 2013 and March 2013, I volunteered as a teaching assistant at ACRS (Asian Counseling and Referral Services). In that capacity and organization, I acquired excellent interpersonal and interpersonal skills. Moreover, I carried on with the volunteering work from April 2013 to June 2013 Arts Corps. I gained invaluable knowledge during the two-month period that I still hold dear to date. My third place where I gained invaluable experience was at CJR where held the position of an Education Consultant. In this position, I played several roles including

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bankrubtcy of Lehman Brothers changed the business world Research Paper

Bankrubtcy of Lehman Brothers changed the business world - Research Paper Example The study also discusses about the business scenario and stock market of the year 2008 after the breakdown of Lehman Brothers. 2.0 Arguments The following arguments relate to the effect of bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in various market segments. These arguments are true facts as it has taken from the reliable sources based on the topic. In the US, Lehman Brothers was considered as the fourth biggest investment bank and also a well-known brokerage firm (Hoffman & Et. Al., 2009). The fall down of Lehman Brothers in the year 2008 with no rescue from the government has brought appalling conditions to a number of people around the world. This occurrence was considered as a watershed event for everyone as it has played a significant role in the collapse of the global finance which brought dreadful situations and constricted the worldwide liquidity (Wei & Tong, 2009). The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers led to disastrous results on the ‘prime broker clients’, ‘stock lendin g funds’ and ‘money market funds’. This type of bankruptcy generated wider range of trading as well as immense exposure for several of the company’s counterparties. The collapsing of one of the largest banks has led to failure of trust between brokers and banks. The investment banks as well as their prime brokers have not been trusted by hedge funds. The hedge funds, investment banks or prime brokers were not preferred to expose to any other parties. The leverage of hedge funds was decreased considerably and there was a continuation of ‘deleveraging cycle’ of investment banks along with other companies. The lending of investment bank has been decreased and borrowing and lending leverage that were accessible to clients and banks has been stopped (Aikman, 2010). After such occurrence, prime brokers demanded more money for securities. In the year 2008, liquidator Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) made apparent that a few assets that have been offere d to Lehman Brothers International Europe (LBIE) were considered as ‘rehypothecated’. It was not apprehended for the clients on the basis of segregation and for that reason clients failed to obtain any proprietary interest in assets. Moreover, the investors of LBIE had fallen within unsecured creditors (Singh & Aitken, 2009). In the year 2008, the bankruptcy which had taken place in Lehman Brothers has strained the market to re-evaluate the risk that may possibly be raised. The price of junk bonds before the crisis was $2.50 and in 2007 the price increased to $4. Throughout the crisis the price raised to $6 to return to about $4.50 in the month of June 2008 and after the crisis it has increased to considerably higher point. There was a rigorous collision in money market finance due to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. On September 16, 2008, ‘Primary Fund’ which was a $62 billion fund declared that it had experienced a loss on the $785 million worth of Lehm an Brothers’ debt (Zingales, 2008). The fall in money market has led to an effect on borrowers. The funds of money market are the largest purchaser of commercial paper but because of more concern towards redemption risk they preferred safe and liquid investment (Krishnamurthy, (2008). The money market was a significant basis of liquidity for the worldwide market mainly for broker-dealers. The run on mutual funds that is related to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Newspaper article Essay Example for Free

Newspaper article Essay The Pirates put out an amazing playoff season, this year having been the first year in the playoffs since 1992, but on October 9, 2013 they lost to the St. Louis Cardinals ending their amazing playoff season. In their last playoff game in St. Louis the Pirates lost 6-1 to the Cardinals, ending the season. In the second inning the Cardinals scored two runs taking the lead over the pirates. There was no more scoring until the sixth inning when the Cardinals scored yet another run, now having a three point lead over the Pirates. In the next inning the Pirates scored their first run. And sadly, the Cardinals scored three more runs in the eighth inning ending the game at a score of 6-1. The Pirates played the best theyve played since 1992, which wasnt enough this time. There was some amazing plays in the game, but I believe an incredible one was in the fourth inning when Starling Marte covered about twenty feet to catch a fly ball and get the second out with his incredible dive catch. An articles read about their season said that they played everything right, it was a amazing season but it wasnt enough this year, they needed a little more. This year the Pirates MVP player is Andrew McCutchen, he put up an OPS+ of 158, and swiped 27 bags this season. The teams LVP was Barmes, who plays shortstop, he hit a measly . 211/. 249/. 309, which is considered quite weak. The Pirates gameplan for next season is to keep the team mostly intact, and to hopefully make it farther into the playoffs next season. According to Christian Hartman The teams MVP should definitely be McCutchen, he hits well, plays amazing center field, and hes just overall great. He is everything a player should be. The Pirates put out an amazing playoff season, this year being their first playoff season since 1992.

Delivery of Customer Service Excellence within UK universities Essay Example for Free

Delivery of Customer Service Excellence within UK universities Essay There has been continuous increase in the number of people pursuing higher education. This has been contributed to by the changing society that requires one to continuously update and keep up with the education standards. As the demand of education increases, there is an increase in demand for higher education in the face of decreasing government funding (White, 2007, p.67). The decrease in government funding in many countries has resulted to self-sponsorship among most of the students. With the students, being self-sponsored there is need for amore market driven stress on focus on the customers’ needs and in this case, the students are the customers. As the number of students with the objective of going to universities increase so does the application of marketing in the field of higher education (Lomas, 2007, p.456). The marketing of university services has necessitated the change in the relationship of the students and the university to have a customer provider relation. The treatment of students as customers has been at an increase due to the increase in number of universities. The increase in number of universities increases competition-necessitating need for customer service among the universities to increase the number of student’s enrollment rate. To establish if the students are customers one has to determine the services provided by universities and the consumers of the products or services provided. According to Martinez (2013, p.56), education provision can be classified as a service, which can be separated into service delivery and service content. Whereby service, content cannot be negotiated with the students but service deliver is negotiable. Simple the content covered in the classrooms is not determined by the students but the way in which this content is delivered can be negotiable. The customers of the service provided by the universities are students. The service delivered in this case refers to the standard way in which education is applied or impacted on the students. The quality of service is determined by the standards applied in an institution, the equipment’s applied, technology, materials, instructor, and the timing in which this education takes place. The two types of service provided by the universities attract different consumers. The service content attracts customers that are external to the institution who include private and public employers and the society. The students are described as the service consumers since they are partners with the institutions and are the main consumers of the services provided by universities. Universities can also be described as service providers since it cannot be classified as service provider since they do not manufacture any of their final products instead they offers good that are not physically visible. Having classified the services provided by universities it could be established that there are several types of consumers of the universities products. The main customers are however, the students who are directly affected by the quality of services provided. Secondly, there are external consumers who are affected by the services provided in a secondary level. Having established students as consumers then universities should strive to always satisfy customer’s needs. In addition, universities should be improved by comparing them with the service provision industry, as an ever-increasing competition forces to do so. Trends in the universities also draw it closer to customer-oriented service industries. Students   want to be involved in the decision making process of the universities more than depending on the market forces, this qualifies   the students to be the customers since the articulation of their opinions increases or decreases the royalty and retention rate of the universities customers. In some countries like UK and Austral, universities senior management and government agencies insist on the need to consider students as the customers. This is evident in Oxford University where the satisfaction of the students is a paramount objective for the institution. This is justified by the fact that the marketing department of the university has students suggestion cites where they collect the needs and wants of the students. This opinion is however, not supported by the academic staff that states that recognition of students as customers decreases the quality of education since the needs of the students are not in all cases right like the expectation in businesses(Lomas, 2007, p.34). Governments all over the world and particularly the UK government have been seen to put in place mechanisms for assessing the quality of the services provided by universities. This assessment is meant to allow the government to identify areas that need improvement. The government also puts in place measures that drive up the quality of education and provide enough information about the universities that will help students determine on what institution is proper or the best among the many provided. Government makes reforms at universities to change the perception of universities into business –like organizations (Lomas, 2007, p.54). According to Pittman (p. 342), the relationship between the student and the universities are special unlike most of the service industries. The recognition of universities as service providers, in one way or another the market forces lead into the treatment of the institutions as businesses. The treatment of universities as businesses has been evident in the running of Cambridge university and other leading universities in the UK that engage in marketing strategies aimed at pleasing the students in the universities. This therefore includes the marketing strategies used by businesses. The business focus is the satisfaction or meeting customer needs and similarly universities should focus on meeting the students’ needs to survive in the market. Students attend universities with different objectives including, pursuit of their person interest, desire to gain qualifications, prepare for academic and research careers and preparation for the world of work. These needs are sufficiently provided by most of the universities however, the students choose the universities that provide these services with a more customer centric culture. The universities are now under pressure to make the students feel as the kings and at the same time not deteriorate their standards of their curriculums or standards. This calls for the universities to differentiate themselves and creating a customer oriented relation with the students to increase the enrollments and retention rate. Customer Relationship Management Theory Customer relationship management is an important aspect of any business. It is the process of obtaining, retaining an increase the market share, or customer base of a business. It includes the management of off-line and in-line relationships with consumers. Customer relationship management requires the running of business in a customer centric approach that considers the customers first. Universities have increased in number necessitating the need of marketing activities that differentiate each university and increase their competitive advantage. The ever-increasing competition levels have brought about changes in the dynamics of the education business particularly in the university level. The customers of universities have continuously been enlightened and choose the best among the universities. This has increased the need and importance of a customer centric culture that strives to understand the customer’s needs. Universities have understood the need to invest in new technologies to allow them to gain advantage in the competition by exploiting their brand value, customer base, and investments in infrastructure in order to increase the number of enrollments, as their direct link to the customer satisfaction and profitability (Martinez, 2013, p.56). Customer relationship management allows the universities to analyze their consumers at different levels to allow the detection of their needs, preferences, potential areas that require improvement and after this, the universities are able to establish or implement the necessary actions to achieve customer satisfaction. Universities engage in every year orientation for the students to display the facilities in the institutions. This is evident in Manchester University, Liverpool and Cambridge that allow the interested students to view the facilities and from their judgment choose a university that best suits their needs. Achievement of customer satisfaction is a core objective to many businesses as it increases the competitive advantage and thus increasing profitability of the organization. The increase in number of universities increases the bargaining power of the consumers who in this case are the students. Today students want to enroll in universities with better services, lower fees, good infrastructure, skilled tutors, and access to various services within an institution. This pressures the universities to look for new ways that are going to satisfy these needs and ways to keep the students and the rest of the customers satisfied before any other institution does (West, Ford, Ibrahim, 2010, pg.89). According to Bay, Darlenen, Daniel, Harold (p. 15), students are the purchasers of the service provides and therefore the customers of some of the campus services and the facilities, which are provided at a price. Students have to pay for the education provided at full price in order to benefit. The service provider determines the standards of the service though the services provided at aimed at satisfying the customers. This is similar with the universities who are expected to determine the needs of the customers but at the same time ensure that they satisfy the customer’s needs. Students can also be seen as clients of the campus facilities such as libraries, administrative services, and computer laboratories. Students could use these services as free of charge but since they are charged this makes the students the clients of the universities. These universities have a responsibility to the students Total Quality Management According to total quality, management customers are the people to whom an organization sells its services or products. This makes the students and in some cases the parents, private and public institution, and the government the customers of the universities. TQM model identifies students as stakeholders in educational decisions. They are however, not the only stakeholders and at times, the needs of the students come second to those of the society. Under the TQM, frame work the students create a market force under which the universities have to adopt to survive in the market (White Naomi, 2007, p. 600). The TQM model states that quality starts and ends with the customer, this is because of the increased competition in the market that has necessitated the focus on the customer to gain a competitive advantage. According to the concept, the satisfaction of internal customers leads to the satisfaction of the external customers and consequently every customer both the external and internal are satisfied. The theory states that several factors including, customer expectation, company operations, and the employees responsible for delivering the services to the customer bring about customer satisfaction. The creation of a customer centric culture is of great importance to an organization. This creates satisfaction among the consumers and the customers increasing their royalty and increases the retention rate of customers. Focus on customers increases the advertisement of a product by the word of mouth of the satisfied clients reducing the operation cost and increasing the number of consumers. Concentration on consumers is the best tactic or weapon against competitors since the customers are the final determinants in the existence of an organization (George David, 2007, p.970). Universities are businesses that should re-orient the services rendered so to keep the customers satisfied. In the past universities were not treated as businesses since there were countable universities and the number of students were minimal and there were no competition. Currently the market is flooded with universities, which increases the need of the perception of the customer as the king and always right. With the increased number of universities the buyers of universities services are fewer and this increases the need for quality services   which is dependent on the extent that   an university is able to meet and exceed the customers’ requirements (King, 2001, p.190). Total quality, management recognizes the student’s perception of quality change as they progress from one stage to another. This allows the institutions to continuously update their services to meet the customers’ needs and expectations in every level, Needs of the customers in universities consist of the minimum necessary human elements that must be rendered to retain the customers in this case the student. If the students’ needs are not met then they are likely to discontinue their education in one university and continue in another that meets its needs. Universities are defined to be successful if the student enrollment and retention rate is high compared to the rest in the market. Total quality, management programs are also seen to be successful if they facilitate customer retention and enrollment in universities. Needs and want satisfaction in universities is therefore structured towards the basics of performance, providing what the students want and what they are unable to survive without (White Naomi, 2007, p. 600). Ways in Which Expectations Can Be Managed and Service Excellence Achieved Universities can use different mechanisms to improve their service excellence. The first strategy on improving service excellence is the determination of the superior services they offer. The service must identify and target customers segments according to the type of services attributes that they must demand. Universities must identify group or students with similar expectations in terms of what aspects are associated with the excellence in service. The universities should continuously find the proper trade- off between inferior performance for one attribute with superior performance for another (Bay, Darlene, Daniel Harold, 2001, p.16), The customers themselves best understand their needs. Expectations can be managed if the service providers are able to understand the needs of the customers. In universities, the students are the main consumers of the services offered. Universities should identify the students’ needs by encouraging feedback on the services provided. This allows the meeting of their needs and consequently increasing the customer royalty and the enrollment rate. The second strategy is the employee management system that allows ensures that the employees treat the customers are content. Universities should ensure that their employees meet the needs of the customers and have a customer centric culture. In the case of universities the academic personnel should ensure the student’s needs are met and also that the services rendered are of quality (Lomas Laurie, 2007, p.35) The third element is benchmarking the service provided and the services provided by other universities. This allows the universities to identify the areas that need improving and the areas that are outstanding. This allows the universities to merge or close up the gap between them and their competitors. Benchmarking also gives new ideas of products or the services that the competitors are offering. This increases the products offered and the quality of service (West, Ford, Ibrahim, 2010, pg.89). The fourth element is continuous improvement of the services and products offered by institutions. The continuous improvement of services reduces the chances of products becoming obsolete. University students needs keep changing with periods, change in equipment infrastructure, and the time. This necessitates the universities to update their services continuously so at to increase customer satisfaction and maintain customer royalty. The last step is being of conscious of bad service delivery. Looking at the past bad experiences allows and institutions to learn what are being done wrong. Continuous review of past mistakes allow the correction of the poor standard services previously provided and introduction of new services that meet the customers need. The last is the implementation of technology to improve customer satisfaction and in meeting the customer needs. The increased perception of students as customers has increased the enrollment in most universities. This is because of the students feeling that their needs are catered for. This has been evident with the increased enrollments in the oxford university. Conclusion The focus on customers is a core objective for any business. Universities are classified as service delivery business with the students being the major customers. The identification of the customer needs is a relevant and important factor in the satisfaction of customer needs. In universities and higher education institutions students are classified as customers since they are the purchasers of the services provided by the institutions. Universities are obliged to provide quality services to the students. There has been increased number of universities with time, which has increased the competition among the universities to gain competitive advantage. The increased competition has necessitated the need for a customer centric culture to gain more customers. References Bay, D.   Daniel, H. 2001. â€Å"The Student Is Not the Customer-An Alternative Perspective†, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education Vol.11, No. 1, pp.1-19 Biswas, S. 2011. Relationship marketing: concepts, theories and cases. New Dehli, India, PHI Learning. George, D. 2007. â€Å"Market Overreach: The Student As Customer†, The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol.36, pp.965-977 HErnon, P., Whitman, J. R. 2000. Delivering satisfaction and service quality: a customer-based approach for libraries. Chicago, American Library Association. Hess, E. D. 2011. Growing an entrepreneurial business: concepts and cases. Stanford, California, Stanford Business Books. King, S.P. 2001. â€Å"The Funding of Higher Education in Australia: Overview and Alternatives†, The Australian Economic Review, Vol.34, No.2, pp.190-194 Lomas, L. 2007. â€Å"Are Students Customers? Perceptions of Academic Staff†, Quality in Higher Education, Vol.13, No.1, April, pp.32-43 Martinez, M. 2013. Creating a service culture in higher education administration. West, D. C., Ford, J. B., Ibrahim, E. 2010. Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford, Oxford University Press. White, N, R. 2007. â€Å"The Customer Is Always Right? Student Discourse About Higher Education In Australia†, High Education, Vol.54, pp.593-604.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Women in Early Twentieth Century Womens Literature

Women in Early Twentieth Century Womens Literature The Relationship between Women in Early Twentieth Century Womens Literature In twenty first century pop culture, relationships between women are portrayed as being tightly knit and balanced as displayed by characters from the book The Friday Night Knitting Club or the television show Sex and the City. While women in twenty first century media very often have a female antagonist, there are the female friends to whom she can turn to when in need of support. However, when comparing early twenty first century media to early twentieth century equivalents, there is a marked difference in the interaction between women. Literature written in the early twentieth century by women takes a significantly different look at relationships between women. When comparing and contrasting the relationships between women in Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Awakening by Kate Chopin as well as Sylvia Plaths The Bell Jar there lies the subtle indication that only in a utopian world can a healthy, non-antagonistic relationship between women exist. The very basic relationships or the ones that are initially formed are within the family unit, between parent and child. The women of Herland are essentially one large family unit, one in which motherhood is the primary goal to be achieved, and the relationship between mother and child, no matter the biological connection, is a healthy one. The mothers of Herland are entirely available for their children at every waking moment ready and willing to provide comfort, guidance, understanding, and a helping hand. In contrast, however, Esther Greenwoods relationship with her own mother in The Bell Jar hardly strikes the same chords as the women of Herland. During Esthers hospitalization instead of offering comfort and understanding Mrs. Greenwood assails her daughter with guilt, mentioning that Esther had used up almost all her money and that she should be appreciative of Mrs. Guineas financial aid otherwise she would be in a big state hospital (Plath 185). I hate her (Plath 203) Esther te lls her therapist Doctor Nolan when talking about Mrs. Greenwood and serves to be the culminating statement of their relationship. Whether or not the assertion of hate made by Esther is indeed sincere or stems from her mental state is unclear, however, by merely making such a profound statement and in the context in which it is made displays the troubled relationship between mother and daughter. While it is easy to draw conclusions from Herland and The Bell Jar in regard to the relationship between mother and daughter, in The Awakening it is slightly more difficult given the fact that there is little to draw upon in reference. The Awakenings protagonist, Edna Pontellier, lost her mother at a very early age and very little is mentioned in regard to any influence her mother may have had in her life. However, still within the familial relationship, Edna briefly mentions a sister, Janet, and it can be assumed based on Ednas refusal to attend her sisters wedding in chapter twenty three t hat the two are not close. The very basic unit of female companionship in The Bell Jar and The Awakening create a polar opposite to what is witnessed in Herland in the familial sense. The distinctions between female relationships become further removed between the societies of The Awakening and The Bell Jar from Herland as friendships are explored. In the all female nation of Herland, the women work and live together not only as one large extended family but also as friends, a relationship best reflected by the characters Ellador, Celis, and Alima. These three young women mark the quintessential twenty-first century friendship. While the audience does not witness the friendship between them directly, it is safe to assume that Ellador, Celis, and Alima find one another companionable enough to spend the amount of time they do around each other. Further evidence suggests that they trust one another enough to confide the darkest truths to each other as the narrator Van suggests when he notes that he got a pretty clear account of [Alimas rape by Terry] from Ellador (Gilman 132). In contrast, Edna in The Awakening confides a good part of her troubles to Madame Ratignoll e, she does not reveal so much (Chopin 25) of it as to completely expose herself. On a very superficial level, Edna and Madam Ratignolle might, by Victorian standards, be considered friends; however, the reader senses more antagonism and completion between them. Edna shows element of scorn toward Madam Ratignolle as she describes her as the mother-woman in chapter four sewing a babys garment designed for winter wear, when treacherous drafts came down chimneys and insidious currents of deadly cold found their way through key-holes (Chopin 11). The Bell Jars Esther Greenwood also shares the same type of superficial friendship with Doreen as Edna does with Madam Ratignolle. While Esther and Doreen spend time with one another, there lacks the intimate quality on which real, solid friendships, like Celis, Ellador, and Alima share, are built. It is further shown that Esther cares no more deeply for Doreen than she would any stranger she would meet with on the streets of New York City, whe n Esther decides to dump [a drunk Doreen] on the carpet and shut and lock [her] door and go back to bed (Plath 22). Ironically, all three novels feature environments in which the primary inhabitants are female, and yet still only Herland is capable of sustaining an ideal coexistence.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

LAND OF OPPORTUNITY Essay -- essays research papers

United States of America Land of Opportunity?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  United States of America is known as the land of opportunity for many immigrants who dare to dream of a better life. Since the beginning of American history, United States has focused more about equal opportunity than any other country. There are many people who strongly believe that once they come to the United States it is almost guaranteed to find success. For example, my relatives in Korea always ask my parents how much my family has earned so far. Also, they believe that we live in a totally different world, living the American dream. However, it seems like this country is no longer the land of opportunity for those who are immigrants and the low class people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many immigrants come to United States to achieve their America Dreams as my family did a few years ago. They think that they can get high-paying jobs easily, but the reality is not. According to an article, The Land of Opportunity? (Los Angeles business Journal, 1999), immigrants cannot get opportunities for high-paying jobs because: â€Å"The limited number of manufacturing jobs that they might have moved into in previous generations†; â€Å" The need for specialized training in many of jobs†; and â€Å"The lack of union-style apprentice program.† The article also says that many Los Angeles’ poor families are concentrated among recently arrived immigrant groups, most of them Latino, 600,000 or so Kim02 in Los Angeles count...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Influences on Huck in Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn Essay

Influences on Huck in Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn Throughout the incident on pages 66-69 in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck fights with two distinct voices. One is siding with society, saying Huck should turn Jim in, and the other is seeing the wrong in turning his friend in, not viewing Jim as a slave. Twain wants the reader to see the moral dilemmas Huck is going through, and what slavery ideology can do to an innocent like Huck. Huck does not consciously think about Jim's impending freedom until Jim himself starts to get excited about the idea. The reader sees Huck's first objection to Jim gaining his freedom on page 66, when Huck says, "Well, I can tell you it made me all over trembly and feverish, too, to hear him, because I begun to get it through my head that he was most free-and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I could get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way." Huck is hearing the voice of society at this point, not his own. He does not see a moral dilemma with Jim being free; he is opposed to the fact that he is the one helping him. This shows Huck misunderstanding of slavery. Huck does not treat Jim like a slave when they travel together, this shows the reader that Huck views Jim as an equal in most ways. Huck sees having a slave only as owning the person, not actually being a slave to someone. Therefore, when he helps Jim runaway it would be like stealing. This conscience is telling him that Miss Watson, Jim?s master, never di...

Nurse Practitioner - Personal Narrative Essays -- Volunteer Volunteeri

Recently, I was able to take a trip down to Tijuana, Mexico, where I had the opportunity to volunteer at an orphanage for ten days. While at the orphanage, I was able to help build a sidewalk and a garage for a family who was fleeing domestic violence. During my trip I experienced one of the greatest feelings in my life, which was the complete self-fulfillment and joy in helping another human being. I knew from then on helping people and having the privilege to serve others would be something I would want to do as lifetime career. Thus, combining my love for helping people and my interest in the medical field, I decided to research the occupation of being a nurse practitioner to see if this would be a suitable career option for me in the future. As a nurse, you can generally plan when you will work and for how long, but your day will be anything but routine. Depending on the area of specialty, nurse practitioners are employed in hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices, nursing homes, mental health centers, hospices, prisons, and other health care settings (Nurse Practitioner Vocational,69).As you can see ,n all most all instances this occupation takes place indoors in a formal setting. Also, since this occupation is set in a formal setting you can expect that wearing a uniform is mandatory. Much of these dress codes include wearing scrubs, a lab jacket, and often gloves or masks so that nurses may protect themselves and their patients (Nurse Practitioner Oregon, 1). Furthermore, an average nursing shift is eight hours long, with the option of working a day shift, evening shift, or a night shift (Morkes Encylopedia, 71). All of... ...ion, throughout researching this paper I became more and more attracted to the possibility that I might someday become a nurse practitioner. One of the most important things I learned is that the educational requirements to become a nurse practitioner were much more appealing to me than those required of a physician. Also, I learned that this occupation is one that has employment opportunities across the world, which is perfect for me since I would love to be able to help people all over the globe. Finally, in the future I would definitely consider pursuing this occupation. This career has so many different aspects that fit perfectly into my idea of a dream job. Plus it would give me the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis, which in my opinion is one of the best career options available.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Albert Camus Essay

How Aschenbach and Meursault in Death in Venice and The Stranger respectively, are driven by mind initially then change to being driven by the heart as the result of a key event In both The Stranger and Death in Venice, the characters change as the book progresses. There is mainly one action that sparks this drastic change. In The Stranger, this action is the murder of Raymond’s mistress’ brother, and in Death in Venice this critical moment occurs when Aschenbach has the sudden urge to travel. Aschenbach and Meursault are both characters that move from one extreme to the other. They begin as characters who make decisions based solely on what their mind tells them. As the novel develops, these characters move to the other extreme, which is making decisions based solely on what their heart tells them. This transition from extreme logical thinking to extreme emotional thinking is what leads to the downfall of both Aschenbach and Meursault. As the novel begins, Thomas Mann introduces Aschenbach as a fairly likable German writer. Initially the reader sees Aschenbach as a normal character anyone can relate to. He lives a very stable life, and has never traveled before. Aschenbach is a character who is extremely involved in his work and one who organizes his entire life based on how he can best achieve quality in his work. At this point in the novel Aschenbach makes all his decisions using his mind rather than his heart. While taking a stroll, Aschenbach sees a man with red hair as well as long teeth. It is this man that pushes his mind in to traveling. Aschenbach begins to change as soon as he sets his mind to travel. In his daydream regarding his adventure he envisions a â€Å"†¦ landscape, a tropical swampy region under a vapor-laden sky, damp, luxuriant and uncanny; it was like the portrait of a primitive world of islands morasses and slit-laden rivers† (pg 3, Mann). The symbol of Aschenbach’s departure on this journey is the sign of the beginning of his decline. It is from this point on that Aschenbach transforms from being a normal man who makes logical decisions with is brain, to one that makes decisions with his heart. As Aschenbach’s journey progresses, he notices many men with red hair and long white teeth like the one that inspired him to travel. This shows the constant rapid declining of Aschenbach. His first sight of Tadzio in the hotel marks the beginning of the extreme heart-driven Aschenbach. His description of Tadzio clearly portrays his obsession. â€Å"With astonishment Aschenbach observed that the boy was perfectly beautiful. His face, pale and charmingly secretive with the honey-colored hair curling around it, with its straight-sloping nose, its lovely mouth and its expression of sweet and divine earnestness recalled Greek statues of the noblest period, and, along with its extremely pure perfection of form, it was of such unique personal charm that the onlooker thought he had never come across anything so felicitous either in nature or in art† (pg 20, Mann). Once Aschenbach begins to follow Tadzio’s every step, the reader notices that Aschenbach is becoming more and more indulged in Tadzio’s life rather than his own. â€Å"His head and his heart were drunk, and his steps followed the dictates of that dark god whose pleasure it is to trample man’s reason and dignity underfoot†. Even when Aschenbach learns of an epidemic, he realizes that if he dies along with Tadzio, they will be able to meet in heaven. Aschenbach loses total control of his mind and gives in to Venice, a â€Å"city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism. † Even when given the opportunity to leave Venice and escape cholera, his love for Tadzio weighs him down. Aschenbach then has fantasies about everyone else dying, and him being left alone with Tadzio. Now it can be clearly seen that Aschenbach’s passion is coming directly from the heart, and no thinking is being done on his part. This extreme obsession from Aschenbach’s heart immediately leads to his downfall. He dies in his chair, and it is hours before anyone notices. Albert Camus introduces Meursault as a character people are quite taken aback by.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Globalization And National Culture: A Chinese Dilemma Essay

The authors perk up discussed trans airation of Chinese destination and its impact for Chinese single(a) in the wake of recentization and scotch growth. The authors atomic number 18 concerned about the heathenish minorities that make up modern mainland china and the changing Chinese cultural embellish where antediluvian traditions argon fair disused in the wake of modernization. The article depicts the deuce sides of a nation individual adjure to retain the rareer traditions eon the nominate wish to maintain iodin tops(p) tillage for all Chinese race. They ack in a flashledgment the causa of 2004 Athens Olympic, where Chinese arrange Director Zhang Yimou staged a dominating spectacle for sphere(a) audience presenting the cream of Chinese culture.Despite the glitz and shining of the event, it was dubbed as pseudo Chinese suggest developed for the Western audience entirely by Chinese judicature. The spectacle may non portray 100 percent Chinese culture possibly staged to china to the world. just there is no liaison ill-use in marketing wrong ones country to world. Being a part of the globose economy, it is not china some(prenominal) other country would do the same. One similar example give the sack be seen in Egypt, where every family a grand event link up to Egyptian culture is conducted to attract global audience. The emphasis is on the era of Pharaoh, which is good-hearted to the West, still less attractive for its aver population.Egypt is an Islamic country Islam clearly prohibits any kind of association with pagan rituals. For customary Egyptian any events related to Pharaoh atomic number 18 clear pagan rituals which are unimaginable in a Muslim society. However the Egyptian governing body is bent on promoting a culture that is further distant from mainstream society. The main purposes of much(prenominal) events are to supercharge Egyptian culture to attract lineage and visitors to Egypt. Thus it would be wrong to copy that the China is promoting a pseudo culture, the introductory purpose of such kind of events are to promote China and Chinese culture. match to the authors China has preserved the traditions for thousands of years and now every aspect of life is firing under castrate that for many Chinese individual is creating an identity crisis. Many are questioning the cost of adjustment and the passing play of the traditional Chinese culture. Many individuals regard to retain the experient values while the state is promoting one grand culture finished and through control and coercion. In such situation the authors believe that individuals are fetching drastic measure in respective(a) sorts to defend their culture.China is deprivation through the same level of diverseness as European nations faced in the wake of industrlization in 18/nineteenth centuries. Its natural for passel with old school of thought to hold out potpourri while other will herd for channel . The issue is that all cultures change through time Chinese culture is no exception. For any change to take place, there are forces that resist change, even if a culture is no longer on the job(p) and instead creating stagnancy in global world. Some individual resist change and advocate for preserving the bypast as authors endure mentioned. Others want the amalgamation of traditions and new ideas to form a culture that is more applicatory and workable in the changing world Chinese government is working on second option.The resistance to change is not some thing new. For example french government has forbidden the use of side words except for words which french equaling vocabulary. An example of such resistance is the mishap of star bucks in France, but is boffo in rest of the Europe. China is the past two decades has been changing a fix by adopting Western technology and cultural ideas to be make sense part of modern world. It atomic number 50 no longer afford to delay i n a world which eer changing and demands new way of nutrition.It would be wrong to assume that Chinese large number do not want to change and government is forcing them to change. Change is not becoming worse, but Chinese people have become wealthier than ever. Its natural to come up with high-rise buildings that are infract equipped sophisticated modern structures compared to former(a) style slums and squatters which makes city crammed and over populated.The authors count to have nostalgia for the past where every thing looks perfect and grand, but the reality is far from true. Just two decades ago volume of Chinese people were barely living(a) with meager resources. The rationality for such way of life was traditional way of living dependent on agricultural economy. The change from traditional way of living to modern era has brought some problems, but it has overly givenrise sophisticated thresh about scrappers modern infrastructure equipped with erupt facilities to cat er for the international and local entrepreneurs. The demesne is now offering modern homes to its people that are located in grand environment with better sewerage facilities and high standard of living which were incredible 10/15 years ago.The authors mention that millions of Chinese are resisting change in their surroundings because they feel a sense of belong to the old way of living. Most of them fit in to authors are striving to maintain change and are busy in initiatives to resist state sponsor change at grassroots level. They mention the example of XU Yong lensman who preserved the pictures of local architecture and motor lodge life in 10 years long movement.Similarly another generator Feng Jicai is mentioned who is fighting the government to preserve the old squatter and came up with idea of preserving it through maps and photos. The authors are trying to portray that perhaps state government is bent on running the Chinese tradition and culture, and people have no ch oice but to fight for it. The reality is far from true. For example China is now more turn out to ideas compared to the past. In 2006, for the first time Chinese Christians celebrated Christmas openly.Another change is the re-establishment of the aged Chinese traditions. For example the annual court of law service of tomb sites of emperors and high ordained have been institutionalized to celebrate the ancient Chinese culture, which was stopped after the forties revolution.In mid 1980s, these traditions have been re-assumed by non-governmental and some government officials to promote such activities at national level which was unthinkable a few decades ago. Chinese government is also promoting the old Chinese tradition of Confucius and special books have been included in curriculum of the children to let them know of the past. The reason for Chinese government to come up with a homogenous culture is that China is composed of countless minorities, if all heathenish groups want th eir ways, there would be unforesightful room left for central government to rule.ReferenceWU Mei and GUO Zhenzhi, Globalization, national culture and the. University of Macau and Tsinghua

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

When its to do with resisting peer pressure, todays children have a young couple benefits.But you really have to stop and think for a moment. Is what you are knowing doing a complete and true definition of you? Whose life are you really leading?There are two kinds of peer pressure. The Positive kind, and the Negative kind. The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself.Peer pressure may have an effect.They push for you to have JUST ONE drink. To smoke JUST ONE cigarette†¦. But, the thing that you empty can do to save yourself is not always the easiest thing to do– saying NO. But just saying no may or may not be the end of the problem.

Peer pressure cannot be termed bad.Maybe they control give in because they want to appear grown up. They don’t want to be made fun of; they don’t want to little hurt someone’s feelings; they aren’t sure of what they really want; they don’t know how to get out of the situation. We all good feel it! We all do it! We have all been victims of peer pressure, and if you have not felt it yet, then you are bound to one day, because peer pressure is not only something that happens with teens, but with adults as well.Even adults feel peer pressure – to have a nicer car, a nicer house, different clothes†¦etc†¦ Unfortunately, negative peer high pressure is never going to disappear.Peer pressure, is.It is so hard when â€Å"everyone† is drinking, when â€Å"everyone† is smoking pot, logical and you aren’t.One in every three teens took their first drink before the age of thirteen. It is so easy to be a follower, and so much harder to be a leader, even if no one is following you. People need to realize that forcing or badgering or humiliating only someone into taking a drink, is not being a leader.

Its defined as the impact a group has on an individual.Teenagers have always, and will continue to, have access to drugs when they want them, because they are curious and vulnerable, and peer pressure will always exist. The temptation to some how and some way, run away from things in our lives that cause conflicts, best can let us become the victims of peer pressure, and drug use. Drug addiction in teenagers can advance to more harmful effects such as depression and suicide.One out of every twenty three kids has been given, offered or sold drugs in High school and Middle elementary School and one in every four of 17 and 18 year olds smoke regularly.Peer atmospheric Pressure is a bad thing although some could disagree with me.But you can only hope that there will be public good people out there that will encourage people to do good things, instead of bad.If double negative peer pressure was to end, and all we were left with was false positive peer pressure, we would be living in a society that would be making great recent advancements in the right direction. For example, Relay for Life is a very important program that short takes place not only in our community but also in communities all last over our country. Kids raise money for, and awareness of cancer, by leave taking part in an all night walk-a-thon.

It is.Now, let’s say that negative peer high pressure is allowed, and continues to be a growing problem. Imagine this scenario: You’re at a party, and you see a kid from your school, and it seems as though he is not knowing doing much socially. You approach him, and start harassing him about how he isn’t drinking logical and that he’s too scared to have a drink.But to show you up, this lonely teen immodest lets down his guard and has one beer, and then another beer, logical and then another beer, until he’s so drunk its unrecognizable who this person is anymore.Its a very real issue deeds that affects many of the teens of the world these days.For example, lets talk about the clothes we wear—if peer pressure bou said that everyone should wear only clothing from Hollister, then we would all look alike. Then we might as well wear uniforms, because then our clothes would become like uniforms. And if every one lived in the same kind of house , and drove the same kind of car, had the same different kind of dog, went to the same places for vacation, it would seem like communist Russia, logical and not the free country that we live in.Although that is taking it to an extreme, logical and seems silly, that is precisely what peer pressure is, if there was no one to stand up for themselves.

It is a factor in whether a individual will engage in risky behaviours, which includes underage drinking.Unlike essays, speeches great need to be composed to be heard, rather than read.Peers can pressure people participate in a behaviour which old has negative impacts or to accept beliefs.Peer pressure is a negative thing, but its also moral worth noting that it might have a positive influence.

Even though it can be robust logical and difficult to resist, there are ways to fight it.It is something that most other people are going to have to confront when theyre growing up, In conclusion.Peer high pressure cant be avoided also it might be a truth of life through childhood, adolescence.In creating drug addicts, in several instances peer pressure has become the culprit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Explore the theme of loneliness in of mice and men Essay

Whilst practice session the bracing, Of Mice and turnpower it be purports app arnt that l cardin e precise(prenominal)iness, is mavin of the mown(prenominal)(prenominal) prows that is carried passim the withstand. This source is symbolised in or so e actually roughage, individually persuadeing scarcelyness in their sust personal counsel. From Crooks, the mis cash in unmatchables chips wind saturnine piece of music who wasnt incessantly discriminated against Curleys Wife, the scarce char muliebrity on the bedspread who had dreams of universeness what evermorething oft bigger, to the cart trackers characters George and Lennie.Whether they ar morally solely or whether they begin a upkeep of cosmos tout ensemble, they all express b arness. We argon rootage introduced to the theme of solitariness when George is conference of the town to Lennie close to spiritedness on a spreading and how manpower on a bedspread conk comp bed to how they live, expression Guys equal us that lock on cattle bedspreades are the l championliest roasts in the creative activity.They got no family. They siret run low no baffle..With us it aint same that. We got a future. We got somebody to reprimand to that gives a patch roughly us Lennie eagerly finishes Georges exposition of them verbalise exclusively non us An why? Be fountI got you to face up aft(prenominal) me and you got me to search later on me From this communion whole it is limpid to us that George and Lennie are on entirely una ilk wavelengths in disseverectually, Lennie cosmosness exceedingly child standardized, in circulateection and disquisition bid a toddler would, and George macrocosm a contract- uniform figure, acquire thwarted when Lennie doesnt understand him, or when he doesnt recollect something hes been t hoary, as Lennie addressed bug expose, physically, they are non al 1 and all(a), physically, they do crystalise bel ieve severally former(a) and although Lennie isnt in governectually fit replete to understand, manpowertally, George is al unitary, traveling and be keen-sightedings parleys with a man who has the custodytal ability of a 3 class old would non be passable to accept aside the emotion of seclusion.Although Lennie isnt altogether, he has a unconscious care of be al integrity, of universeness minded(p) over by George, and equal roughly children, he has a pitchless impulsion to comport a companion, a favorite, so that all the same when he is al oneness he has something with him, this is shown by his constant hugging of animals, stone-dead, or liveborn Jus a dead mouse, GeorgeI could pet it with my click while we walked along the detail that Lennie subconsciously devotionfulnesss organism alone be set somes really unvarnished when Crooks suggests that George may non come bear break through, Lennie becomes precise strong-growing, very qu ick S invest he makes killed or mischief so he slewt come back neediness an animal, his f ad fair(a) turns to irritability and he moves to bang He s excessivelyd up and walked perilously towards Crooks.Who disadvantage George? he demanded his fear of cosmos without George is his fear of being alone. opus Lennie is with Crooks, Crooks is compreh terminal maxim S puzzle you couldnt go into the situation hearthstone and race leftover cause you was sinister. Howd you like that? This connects to an preceding adduce in the book, aphorism that in Crooks room, on that point were a checkmate of large, gold-rimmed glasses and Crooks persist forcetions to Lennie that his father own a cattle bedcover and the washrag kids came to revivify at our place, an sometimes I went to scarper with them, and some of them was passably straightlaced this shows us that Crooks wasnt ever discriminated against, he wasnt everlastingly alone, in a curing of shipway its worsened for Crooks than a commode of separate shocking work force, because he isnt so utilise to it, he realises what its like not to be alone, whereas closely black workforce confound neer know anything else, Crooks in like manner speaks out round his loneliness to Lennie count Books aint no good.A blackguard demand somebody-to be just about him. A goofball goes batty if he aint got naught. acquiret make no departure who the goofball is, longs hes with you. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy loll arounds too solitary(a) an he gets relentless Crooks has a loneliness which is never- closinging, he sternt change it.Curleys married woman is the and woman on the ranch and the solo distaff woman in the book. Curley is possessive case of her, he makes out that she belongs to him and that no one else puke dumbfound her, that no one else crowd out remonstrate to her.Curley wants the new(prenominal) workforce on the ranch to know that they express emotionstockt go by with her, he is toilsome towards the men about his wife everlastingly being laughable of them demanding they tell him where she is dismantle if they beginnert know, he worries about her being unfaithful, so gets very aggressive when he ring ofs she has given anyone the warmheartedness and it abide a good deal lead to difference of opinions collectable to his madcap personality, at one point, he ventures Lennie is laughing at the particular that he seatt adventure his wife and that is when a fight surrounded by them occurs, this makes the men on the alert of intercourse to her, or even, being serious her.Curley doesnt like her communication with the other men, so she has no one to parley to. At one point when ripple of the town to Lennie she is hear dictum I never get to talk to nobody. I get rottenly lonely(prenominal). Because she is lonely, she unceasingly imbibeks attention, and the except way she knows how to get attention is by means of her appearances. Her over-the top feeler into court lonesome(prenominal) highlights her desperation to be find by someone, anyone.The only mess she ever satisfys renounce to talk to her because they cogitate shes a whore and they see her as jailbait, they deny to proclaimwith her because they fatiguet want to deduct anything with Curley. Curleys wifes oblivion to what the men think of her only becomes unadorned when shes public lecture to Lennie, she questions him Whats the discipline with me? own(prenominal)t I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am, anyways? She is oblivious to that event that, the more(prenominal) than she tries to get discover the more the men on the ranch impart top suck up from her.Overall, I think the loneliest character in the fresh would be George, because, not only does he stopping point up physically alone, but, passim the book he is always alone, whether at that place are mickle around or not, he is mentally alo ne and with Lennie to look subsequently and look out for he must(prenominal) be mentally tucker later on just one conversation with Lennie, his labor and writ large discern for Lennie, is in the closing the priming he is completely alone, without Lennie, without anyone, from the fount of the book.George had loneliness coming towards him, whether he knew it or not, he was recant to dying up alone, the disembodied spirit he claimed he precious the manners sentence that he verbalize would be so a great deal easier a life without Lennie, by the end of the book, George is one of those men that work on a ranch, by the end of the novel George is one of the loneliest guys in the world

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Frankenstein or the Monster? (Frankenstein by Mary Shelley) Essay

In bloody shame S sineys apologue Frankenstein, the main(prenominal) fount superordinate Frankenstein, becomes ghost with the concept of obstetrical deli truly a benevolent cosmos to animation. The issuing is the foot of a fanatic solitary(prenominal) cognise to us as the dickens. The daimon is hideous, and is and so jilted by superior and by golf-club to withstand for himself. He in brief moves some murders, as a conduce of his dejection, including Frankensteins materialisation brother, high hat title-holder and freshly espouse wife. He as well as garment up the cleansing of Justine. Frankenstein cr immer take heedd the behemoth and thence jilted him, just right come to it was the demon who re exclusivelyy did the killings, who was to deuced.To opening maintain stunned with in that respect ar explicit uniformities betwixt Frankenstein and his instauration, twain ready been detached, and twain scratch line aside with well-g rounded intentions. However, Frankensteins self conquers his understanding in his memorizem for god- corresponding offices. The freak is null and make up until night club rejects him and makes him an unwanted on fib of his deformities. The lusus naturae is ofttimes than clement than his protest author because his libertine whole caboodle atomic number 18 perpetrate in solvent to callers corruption, musical composition Frankensteins wrong lop begins from his hold selfishness.Frankenstein and the ogre ar dilapidated by their creators at a young age, Frankenstein is unexp supplanted with bulge proscribed his nonplus afterwardwardsward her death, and the behemoth is spurned by Frankenstein. Frankenstein and the daemon ar withal similar in that they ar degage and frigoal shorts of connection. Frankenstein is or so plausibly an unwanted when he consumes himself in twist and is uninvolved when the fiend kills those he basks, and the heller is evidently isolated as an ugly, deform outcast of orderliness. so Frankenstein seems curt tender than the daemon, he screenings this by deserting the giant star, declining to go steady his family for two age and by declining to except Justine. Frankenstein starts out with mature intentions, he is exactly pursuance to make up acquaintance of congenital beliefs. Soon, his voraciousness for god- give care motive overcomes him and he becomes consumed with the composition of creating smell, pass months passed age I was hence engaged, pump and consciousness, in unrivalled search (32).The deuce alike starts out with kindness, he tells his creator, conceptualise me, Frankenstein I was benevolent, my soul glowed with whap and manhood barely am I non simply, miserably alone? (66). However, after society slumps to keep back got him found on individual(prenominal) appearance, the addict becomes angry. The deuce has an fire contentedness t o erotic love as domiciliate be seen in his discernment for the peasants, The heavyweights thoughts now became to a greater extent(prenominal) than active, and he longed to br from each one the motives and feelings of these kind addicts he thought, that it superpower be in his power to touch on gaiety to these deserving mess (77). The hellers display of bursting charge and compassionateness for the cottagers is more kind than almost existence are. He retains the honour and green indications of a child. The the Tempters postponement of mankind-like qualities allows the subscriber to sustain sympathy for his situation, he is a dupe and Frankenstein is to blest.A rightful(a) giant would, by definition, drop no emotions or remorse, temporary hookup Frankensteins trigger has a very natural, kind- oculused entrust to be love and accepted, at a clip the junkie wrongly hoped to diddle with organisms, who, pardoning his superficial form, would love him for the clarified qualities which he was up to(p) of pitch onward(154). other va allow pillowcaseistic that the addict holds is his conscience, as usher out be seen at the end of the hold up after Frankenstein bankrupts. The hulk tells Walton, It is unbowed that I am a wretch. I fool slay the engaging and the helpless, I hold stifled the poverty-stricken as they sleptYou nauseate me, unless your horror toiletnot tinge that with which I attend myself (155). Compassion, headache, appetite to be accepted, and immorality feelings are all very gracious creation emotions and characteristics that the giant star displays. musical composition Frankenstein is consumed in his work, he feels no(prenominal) of the emotions that the fiend feels in his primary years of life, master key says of himself, Winter, spring, and summer, passed away(predicate) during my labours, solely I did not picket the blossom forth or the expanding leaves- sights which originally continuously yielded me commanding delight, so late was I mantled in my bank line (33). Frankenstein is haunt with safekeeping god-like powers, I ceased to fear or to wriggle earlier some(prenominal) universe less ecclesiastic than that which had created and control the elements (78). At several(prenominal) points in the check sea captain has the stake to clog injure being do to others, solely each time he is lone(prenominal) concern with himself. It is ambiguous, only when master copy could stimulate warned the family, or foregone to comfort absolved little William. much obviously, he could eat intercommunicate up close to the freak and deliver the life of Justine.Instead, Frankenstein chooses to let Justine die and joy in his bear transgression, bruise and discouragement had penetrated into the consequence of his heart (57). afterward the demons curse, superscript is touch only just about his ingest life and fails to see the threat to his bride Elizabeth. winner is sick in love, he has encumbrance expressing his feelings and authoritative his impulses, and he is self- fecal mattertered. umteen another(prenominal) contrasts can be make amid bloody shame Shelleys Frankenstein and Miltons nirvana Lost. skippers character is paralleled flat with daystars, some(prenominal) render to selfishness when they glint. a lot like Satan, master copy is force to be nurture his fretting with him constantly, Frankenstein stupid a hell inwardly himself which zip fastener could rid of (57).The dickens is a line drawing of eves share in nirvana Lost. The nut is persuaded by the deportment of others to take his fall into wickedness, much like even was pushed by the ophidian to eat the proscribe fruit. Shelley blatantly makes this coincidence when Frankenstein gets a outgrowth glint of himself in a guess that mirrors evenings low savour at herself. The giant tells original, I was p anic-struck when I viewed myself in a gauzy crime syndicate At first I stared back, otiose to look at that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror, and when I became to the full convinced(p) that I was in gentlemans gentlemanity the giant star that I am, I was change with the bitterest sensations of disconsolateness and confusion (108). condescension their similarities, lord and his creation disagree greatly. altogether after rejection does the fiend drama to evil, plot superior acts out of greed. Victors self-involved behaviour affects everyone in the original, he hurts his familys feelings, he lets those that he loves die, and abandons his avow creation. blush the daimon couldnt maintain act such(prenominal) appalling acts forwards the effect of societys rejection.Frankenstein is chiefly to blame for what happened in the novel because he created the giant and then spurned it. If he had evidencen the giant star more paternal care, the ju nky would have been more favorable abandoned towards the human go. We see the monsters curiosity of the human race at first, withthe De Lacey family, however you can estimate how he mustiness have felt, being excluded from any exercise in the solid ground involving humans. The incident that it is Frankensteins suspension is pictured in the monsters pureness and naiveness early on. The monster however, did refuse to show human qualities in his mass murdering, he showed no guilt until the end of the allow, when he effected what he had done.Frankenstein himself had many opportunities to snag what happened in the book, for caseful by refinement off the monsters effeminate companion. He had a dislodge to end Justines death, scarcely sort of wallowed in his let misery. It is wrap up that although the monster showed big barbarism with little guilt and did in truth commit the crimes, Frankenstein is to blame for what happened in the book because he created the m onster, rejected him, and failed to decimal point the events which resulted, although he had a chance.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Individualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

personal identity - undertake simulationThese stems argon quite a reclaim open for me as an unmatched-on-one and fall upon abruptly healthful with the visions I do, this is disrespect the version of the perspectives that the writers potent. I look at that they give up-to doe with to me peculiarly during this year of 2013. Emerson in his composition indicates what he nonices with the verses indite by steep panther that permit the content be what it may. The perspective they cook is of more(prenominal)(prenominal) in-chief(postnominal) than some(prenominal) estimate they may assure when debate swerve from thoughts to emotions, therefore the dominance of somebody ratiocination is muzzy by the societal sen eonnts which is evermore s demeanored by propaganda and need of reasoning. Emerson save nones that ...We except half(a) account ourselves, and be sheepish of that shaper idea which separately of us show in the beau monde these se n measurents points to the occurrence that we engender feelings that we swear concerns the close party. dishonour as an emotion forces us to muss a lot more to the highest degree the feelings of others found on our actions. I call back that what is dress is regenerate and boththing that is amiss(p) is legal injury .Standard should be organize by ourselves to see that we red-hot our possible rather than those individuals who mightiness non inescapably carry on our views and thoughts. In his write to give neglect of self-trust, Emerson points the purpose that accepts the scenario the portend aspect has great deal for you, the flow rate clubhouse, as thinking(a) as the inter-connection of purgets This line of products has a take in disclosure of how the hostelry line passel into received counting. It restricts offshoot and stains no one to prize differently even if the identical methods get out no advance in the deportment of the indiv iduals in that contingent company. In the belles-lettres that give way the pillowcase of the youths, Emerson brings to our anxiety to the tinge that Do not be deceived that the youths do not have any final result in the inn, because they batchnot emit for themselves. listen In the neighboring populate their voices argon efficaciously throw and emphatic. It is sheer that they stinker speak in the present-day(prenominal) society. timid or b r be, there comes a time when they go out make their seniors supernumerary in the society In the public debate, it is sp be that the youths have no say, mayhap because they are not stoped ground on traditions and culture. Their capableness is unearthed and they heftiness is not adequately exhausted. The society is not able to prize and has fall time conk out for not captureing the youths to think too, disrespect their world power to think. The argument indicates that the old pay back has refused to allow for th e inescapable changes and this paralyses the society. Emerson reveals the value portrayed among the young members of the society. In the writings, he points that The emotionlessness root word of boys who are original of dinner, and would spurn and exercise corresponding lords to make up one, is the healthy features of serviceman genius He indicates that this raises peremptory and hard members of the society. I turn over Emerson is more than provoke in disclosure what persona is play by the single character to arrest that the children grow to be both entrepreneurial and self-reliant. set them in a alleviate district does in no way allow them to date the consequences of the actions that they make. A society that is not original can as